Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

50 results
  • Bad Friends
    Bad Friends
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Ancco / 앙꼬 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Romance

    A STORY OF THE ENDURING QUALITY OF FEMALE FRIENDSHIP AMID A GRITTY LANDSCAPE OF ABUSE   Pearl is bad. She smokes, drinks, runs away from home, and has no qualms making her parents worry. Her mother and sister beg her to be a better student, sister, daughter; her beleaguered father expresses his concerns with his fists. Bad Friends is set in the 1990s in a South Korea torn between tradition and Western modernity and haunted by an air of generalized gloom. Cycles of abuse abound as the characters enact violence within their power structures: parents beat children, teachers beat students, older students beat younger students. But at each moment the duress verges on bleakness, Ancco pulls back with soft moments of friendship between Pearl and her best friend, Jeong-ae. What unfolds is a story of female friendship, a Ferrante-esque connection formed through youthful excess, malaise, and struggle that stays with the young women into adulthood.   Served by a dry and precise line, Bad Friends viscerally captures the adolescent years of two young women who want and know they deserve something different, but, ultimately, are unable to follow through. In a culture where young women are at a systemic disadvantage, Ancco creates a testimonial to female friendship as a powerful tool for survival. Pearl forgets her worst adolescent memories, but she cannot ever shake the memory of her friendship with Jeong-ae during her most tumultuous years.   Bad Friends is translated from Korean by Janet Hong, an award-winning writer and translator based in Vancouver, Canada. Her translations include Han Yujoo’s The Impossible Fairy Tale (Graywolf Press, 2017) and Ha Seong-nan’s The Woman Next Door (forthcoming from Open Letter Books in 2019). She is currently long listed for the 2018 PEN Translation Prize.   Source URL :  

  • Ragazze cattive
    Ragazze cattive
    Italian(Italiano) Available

    Ancco / 앙꼬 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Romance

    Portavoce del disagio giovanile, Ancco è un riferimento per un'intera generazione in Corea. "Ragazze cattive", premio rivelazione ad Angoulème 2017, è il ritratto lucido e brutale di un'adolescenza negli anni Novanta. Due giovani ragazze, complici nel dolore, cercano la libertà e il divertimento prima di precipitare nel mondo degli adulti. Una storia di abusi, aspra e delicata, in un paese nel pieno di una crisi economica e morale dove la violenza è la normalità. Un bianco e nero secco e profondo che ci avvolge nel cuore della notte    Source :

  • Grass
    English(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2019 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    "With an array of visual techniques, from rough smudges to detailed strokes, some fluid and others startling, Keum Suk Gendry-Kim's Grass challenges readers to think critically about their own responsibility as they absorb former "comfort woman" Lee Ok-sun's story. What is our role as readers in relation to this story? How should we approach inevitable gaps in memory and failures of our own knowledge and imagination? What are the ethics in (re)telling their narratives? These questions, manifested through the aforementioned deft craftsmanship and the portrayal of the artist interviewing Lee, serve to ultimately prove one of the most powerful qualities of art and literature: to act as a portal through which we test and expand our empathy."―Emily Yoon, A Cruelty Special to Our Species, Ordinary Misfortunes "A small girl on a large, empty page. Alone in a cruel uncaring world. A world at war. Grass is heartbreaking and beautiful. Recurring images of nature, at once delicate and strong, help you to breathe while you choke up from the brutality. Repetition of sky, trees, birds, grass, youth, hunger, old age, and friendship. War must end. Then tears and strength and heroism. Loss but also hope."―Miriam Katin, Letting Go, We Are On Our Own "Difficult, moving... Gendry-Kim tells Ok-sun’s powerful story with grace, artfulness, and humility; it deserves witness."―Publishers Weekly   Source:

  • Le Malerbe
    Le Malerbe
    Italian(Italiano) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2019 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    La fumettista coreana Keum Suk Gendry-Kim ha lavorato anni a questo racconto, basato sulla testimonianza diretta di una sopravvissuta, sul dramma delle comfort women, donne che durante la guerra di conquista che il Giappone mosse contro Corea e Cina nei primi anni Quaranta del Ventesimo secolo venivano vendute, rapite o costrette con l’inganno a lavorare come prostitute, violentate quotidianamente dai soldati. Questo libro è profondamente doloroso e rivanga un passato che spesso si è cercato di dimenticare o negare, ma che è importante conoscere e ricordare. Molto più che una biografia, Le malerbe è un racconto intimo e sentito, in cui anche la voce della narratrice è riconoscibile e importante, e si intreccia ai racconti, a volte comprensibilmente frammentari, di una donna che sente di non aver avuto un solo istante felice da quando è uscita dal ventre della madre, come dice lei stessa.Una lettura necessaria, che vi farà bene.   source :

  • Jun
    French(Français) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2020 / -

    N'abordez pas la lecture de ce livre en imaginant découvrir la fabuleuse histoire d'un handicapé, musicien de génie, qui a pu surmonter toutes les difficultés auxquelles il était confronté grâce à l'amour inconditionnel de sa famille. Jun et sa famille, comme beaucoup de familles, luttent depuis de nombreuses années contre les préjugés et la discrimination qui règnent au sein de notre société.   Source :

  • Tráva
    Czech(Český Jazyk) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim et al / 김금숙 / 2021 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    Působivý komiksový román přinášející svědectví o skutečném příběhu mladé dívky, sexuálně zotročené během 2. světové války. Source :

  • Grama
    Portuguese(Português) Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2020 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    Grama é uma poderosa graphic novel antiguerra que narra a história real da sul-coreana Ok-sun Lee, vendida pela própria família na infância e forçada à escravidão sexual pelo Exército Imperial Japonês. Ela é uma das várias mulheres que foram capturadas para servir aos soldados nas chamadas “casas de conforto”, espalhadas pela China e por territórios ocupados pelo Japão durante a Segunda Guerra Sino-Japonesa e a Segunda Guerra Mundial, em um dos episódios mais vergonhosos do passado da humanidade. Ok-sun Lee, hoje com mais de 90 anos, se tornou uma importante ativista pela indenização das “mulheres de conforto”, e é por meio de seus relatos à autora Keum Suk Gendry-Kim que acompanhamos sua triste história de vida. Lançada na Coreia do Sul em 2017, a obra já ganhou publicações em outros seis idiomas e tem colecionado prêmios e elogios da crítica no mundo todo. Venceu o Prêmio Especial Bulles d’Humanité, do tradicional diário francês L’Humanité; entrou para as listas de melhores histórias em quadrinhos de 2019 dos jornais The New York Times e The Guardian; venceu os prêmios The Cartoonist Studio Prize, Big Other Book Award e VLA Graphic Novel Diversity Award; e agora, em 2020, está indicada em três categorias do célebre Prêmio Eisner, como Melhor escritor/artista, Melhor trabalho baseado em fatos e Melhor edição americana de material asiático. O grande êxito de Grama está em trazer à tona a questão desse gravíssimo crime de guerra em uma narrativa leve e chocante ao mesmo tempo, sempre com ênfase na força e determinação de sua protagonista para superar adversidades e manter-se viva. A edição da editora Pipoca & Nanquim, traduzida diretamente do coreano, tem 492 páginas em papel offset 90g, capa dura macia ao toque e com verniz localizado, lombada redonda e fitilho de tecido.   Source :

  • Moms
    English(English) E-Book Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Yeong-shin Ma / 마영신 / 2020 / -

    Lee Soyeon, Myeong-ok, and Yeonjeong are all mothers in their mid-fifties. And they’ve had it. They can no longer bear the dead weight of their partners or the endless grind of menial jobs where their bosses control everything, down to how much water they can drink. Although Lee Soyeon divorced her husband years ago after his gambling drove their family into bankruptcy, she finds herself in another tired and dishonest decade-long relationship with Jongseok, a slimy waiter at a nightclub. Meanwhile, Myeong-ok is having an illicit affair with a younger man, and Yeonjeong, whose husband suffers from erectile dysfunction, has her eye on an acquaintance from the gym. Bored with conventional romantic dalliances, these women embrace outrageous sexual adventures and mishaps, ending up in nightclubs, motels, and even the occasional back-alley brawl. With this boisterous and darkly funny manhwa, Yeong-shin Ma defies the norms of the traditional Korean family narrative, offering instead the refreshingly honest and unfiltered story of a group of middle-aged moms who yearn for something more than what the mediocre men in their lives can provide. Despite their less-than-desirable jobs, salaries, husbands, and boyfriends, these women brazenly bulldoze their way through life with the sexual vulnerability and lust typically attributed to twenty-somethings.   Source :

  • Nineteen
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Ancco / 앙꼬 / 2020 / KDC구분 > Social science

    At nineteen, the idea that you have your whole life ahead of you with endless possibilities can leave you terrifyingly stiff. Throwing mobility to the wind, you dull yourself with booze. The grown-ups around you are stunted by their own failures so they act out―with alcohol, too, sometimes with violence. What was once the hope of youth quickly spirals into powerlessness and malaise as the days trickle by. Ancco expertly renders the moment of suspension between the desire to grow up and the fear that accompanies it. Autobiography blends with fiction in these coming-of-age stories about people reckoning with their place in their community and women coming to terms with other women. A boy living with HIV tries to decide how he’s going to tell his parents―or whether he should tell them at all. A mother puts pressure on her daughter to pass her exams, and the stress drives them both to drink, fueling a toxic relationship with a lot of care just below the ugly surface. Another girl keeps getting bruises, but who’s inflicting the damage―herself or a loved one? And dogs―seemingly the only ones capable of unconditional love―offer some reprieve. In Nineteen, Ancco delivers a cutting panorama of contemporary Korean society that’s much darker than one might expect, while also brimming with life and the vitality of youth.   Source :

  • Trawa
    Polish(Polski) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Keum Suk Gendry-Kim / 김금숙 / 2021 / KDC구분 > Social science > Sociology and social problems

    Ta prawdziwa historia koreańskiej „pocieszycielki” pokazuje, w jaki sposób okrucieństwo wojny niszczy życie kobiet. „Trawa” to głośna antywojenna powieść graficzna, przedstawiająca historię życia koreańskiej dziewczyny, Lee Ok-sun, która została zmuszona do świadczenia usług seksualnych w japońskiej armii cesarskiej podczas drugiej wojny światowej – spornego rozdziału w historii Azji XX wieku. Począwszy od dzieciństwa Ok-seon, „Trawa” pokazuje rozpoczęcie II wojny światowej z perspektywy bezbronnego dziecka, szczegółowo opisując, jak jednostka doświadczyła japońskiej okupacji i pokazując powszechne cierpienie, jakie spowodowała ona dla zwykłych Koreańczyków. Kim Geum-suk podkreśla siłę bohaterki w pokonywaniu wielu form przeciwności. „Trawa” namalowana została czarnym tuszem, przedstawia szczegółowo i pięknie krajobrazy Korei, a do namalowania pełnych mroku wspomnień Ok-seon autorka użyła ciężkiego pędzla. Source :