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Literature Transcending the 1980s: Novelist Park Sangwoo | LIST

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Literature Transcending the 1980s: Novelist Park Sangwoo | LIST
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Pak sangwoo

About the Author

Pak sangwoo
  • Park sangwoo
  • Birth : 1958 ~ -
  • Occupation : Novelist
  • First Name : sangwoo
  • Family Name : Pak
  • Korean Name : 박상우
  • ISNI : 000000011758117X
  • Works : 2
Descriptions - 1 Languages
  • English(English)

Literature Transcending the 1980s: Novelist Park Sangwoo   By Kwon Seong-woo on Nov 10 2014 00:31:11 Special Edition 2011 Investigating how the 1980s affected the literature of the novelist Park Sangwoo is synonymous with delving into the political basis of his writing. Many critics have noted that Park is an author who has manifested the signs and novelties of the 1990s, which are quite different from the preceding decade. But upon a closer look, one can see that his literary themes are derived from his “double consciousness” of the 1980s. Park Sangwoo made his literary debut when he won a literary contest at the age of 30 in 1988, which means he was in his 20s during the 1980s. The two major historical events during that decade, the Gwangju Rebellion of May 1980 and the June Democratic Movement of 1987, were part of his experience. Perhaps the memories and scars from that time period turned him into a novelist. As I recall, I met him for the first time along with a number of other writers in Hyehwa-dong on the day of the final snowfall of the year, back in 1989. Since then, we’ve become literary buddies, discussing and debating literature and our times; I also wrote the critique for his first novel The Snow Falling on Chagall’s Village, which was published in 1991. Twenty years have passed since then. In my critique that I wrote for his book, I had mentioned how the ethos of the 80s clashes with the trends of the 90s in his work.

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