
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

6 results
  • Korejski roman
    Korejski roman
    Serbian(српски) Article

    Danas / December 21, 2017

    Delo "Zvuk groma", koji potpisuje Kim Đu Jong, prvi je roman koji je preveden direktno s korejskog na srpski jezik. 

  • Espoir et fatalité, un fragile équilibre
    Espoir et fatalité, un fragile équilibre
    French(Français) Article

    keulmadang / June 12, 2013

    Premier ouvrage traduit en français de Kim Chuyong, auteur né en 1939 dans la province du Gyeongsang du nord en Corée, Le bruit du tonnerre apporte une vision nouvelle de la littérature « d’après-guerre ». Durant la période qui suivit la guerre de Corée (1950-53) – thème incontournable dans la littérature coréenne des années 70-80 ayant suscité et suscitant encore de nos jours les passions les plus vives – les œuvres traitant ce sujet ont abondé.   Dans Le bruit du tonnerre, Kim Chuyong réussit un véritable tour de force en prenant le parti d’articuler son roman non pas autour de l’Histoire et ses héros mais autour de l’histoire d’une femme malmenée par le destin. Alors que la production littéraire est majoritairement tournée sur le récit d’un passé douloureux en interrogeant une communauté de destins, publié en 1986, ce roman est contemporain des mouvements sociaux et des transformations profondes que connaît la Corée à cette période-là. Avec Le bruit du tonnerre, l’auteur propose une manière différente d’aborder cet épisode de l’Histoire où engagement et patriotisme étaient les maitres mots, et semble annoncer la tendance qui se profile à la fin des années 80 dans le monde de la littérature coréenne, à savoir le l’intérêt grandissant pour l’individu.

  • Asiens Dichter und Denker
    Asiens Dichter und Denker
    German(Deutsch) Article

    Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung / October 30, 2002

    Koreanische Schriftsteller im Frankfurter Literaturhaus / Fußballspielen können sie, das weiß mittlerweile die ganze Welt. Aber daß die Koreaner schon 1234, also 200 Jahre vor Gutenberg, bewegliche Lettern erfunden haben, ist zumindest hierzulande weitgehend unbekannt.

  • A New Horizon for the Korean Coming-of-Age Novel: Anchovy by Kim Joo-Young | LIST
    A New Horizon for the Korean Coming-of-Age Novel: Anchovy by Kim Joo-Young | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    A New Horizon for the Korean Coming-of-Age Novel: Anchovy by Kim Joo-Young Author's Profile By Quan Helv on Nov 09 2014 02:07:45 Vol.10 Winter 2010   鳀鱼 (Anchovy) Kim Joo-Young Quan Helv China Jilin University Press 2010 I teach at a university in China, with a degree in Korean Literature. It follows, naturally, that I should take part in promoting Korean literature in China. I am truly grateful for the opportunity I have been given to do so through the translation grant program of the Korean Literature Translation Institute. While studying literature in Korea, I encountered many authors indirectly through their work. As I was merely a student at the time, direct encounters with authors in most cases seemed only a remote possibility. Upon returning to China, I came across a chance to participate in a Chinese-Korean writers’ conference hosted by Paradise Culture Foundation, as a translator and simultaneous interpreter. Thus, I was fortunate enough to meet Korean writers I had admired as a student, and to meet Director Kim Joo-Young of Paradise Culture Foundation, himself a novelist, who gives continued support to the Chinese-Korean writers’ conference. At the suggestion of Nam Yeongjeon, the former director of Changbaishan—a major Korean literary journal in China—the Chinese translation of Anchovy, a novel by Kim Joo-Young, was set in motion, with myself as the translator.

  • History & Memory: What History Has Forgotten, Novels Have Remembered | LIST
    History & Memory: What History Has Forgotten, Novels Have Remembered | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    History & Memory: What History Has Forgotten, Novels Have Remembered   By Cho Yeon-jung on Nov 09 2014 07:32:53 Special Edition 2011 What happens at the meeting of history and the novel? In the sense that both depend on memory and imagination to varying degrees, they tell the same story: a fiction. Memory and imagination play an important role as subjects and tools in historiography and writing novels. In formal historiography, fragments of memories are gathered together to become a collective memory. Putting together personal, fleeting memories to create a plausible story requires the judgment of a historian, but also imagination and ideology. Novels rely more on personal rather than collective memory. In this sense, perhaps the origins of fiction are forgotten stories; stories that have faded from the collective memory have a chance to be retold as personal remembrances, thanks to novels. Regardless of whether novels contain collective or personal memories, the moment these are recorded on paper, they become a fiction that can no longer be recreated by recollection alone. Novel writing is such a task. Therefore novels try to recreate the things that history—even time—has forgotten, by trying to recall these memories through the act of writing. It is an impossible and repetitive task. At a fundamental level, novels strive not to forget such things as personal, fleeting, and sensory memories. The key point is that history has forgotten the memories known as novels, while novels recollect what history has relegated to oblivion.

  • Telling the Lives of the Poor: Novelist Kim Joo-Young | LIST
    Telling the Lives of the Poor: Novelist Kim Joo-Young | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Telling the Lives of the Poor: Novelist Kim Joo-Young Author's Profile By Uh Soo-woong on Oct 19 2014 12:41:46 Vol.13 Autumn 2011 This May I went to the KLTI U.S. Forum held at UCLA with the writer Kim Joo-Young. The theme of the forum was “Looking to Prosperity from Within the Ruins: Korea in Korean Literature,” and Kim spoke with warmth and candor about his eventful past. If one had to sum up Kim’s work in one word, through its journey from ruins to prosperity, that word would be poverty. He comes from Jinbo-myeon, Cheongsong-gun, North Gyeongsang province. While few Koreans who remember the Japanese annexation and the Korean War could say that they did not suffer from poverty, Kim’s impoverished childhood growing up with a single mother sets his experience apart from many others.       Back in Seoul I met the author again at a café in Gahoe-dong one summer day, with the rain that had kept the city hostage for weeks still pouring outside. In order to ease into the lush garden of Kim’s work, which focused on poverty and the mother figure throughout his life, I first asked about his eccentric sleeping habits..