Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

193 results
  • What is Darkening
    What is Darkening
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Ra Heeduk / 나희덕 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    "What Is Darkening," the fourth collection of poems by poet Ra Hee-duk (b.1966), has now been translated and published in English. The book talks about her concept of life and her faith. The book includes the poems "What Is Darkening," "Near the Peach Tree," "A Month for an Ax," "Raindrop," and "Obsessed with a Spider." The poem "What is Darkening," lending its title to the book, starts with "When 5:44 becomes 5:45/ as I lie in the room," explaining what it means to be "darkening." For the poet, the passage of time means "darkening." As time takes warmth away from the world, a poplar falls in the distance and its bark begins to dry. It is the moment of death. Then, all memory stops at 5:45. In the end, the poet rubs her broken ribs alone and recalls her own past.   Source:

  • Echoing Song
    Echoing Song
    English(English) Available

    Lee Hyang-ji et al / 이향지 et al / 2005 / -

    Echoing Song presents the work of 20 contemporary Korean women poets active from the 1970s to the present. Each poet is represented with 10 to 15 poems reflecting the range of their poetic development. This anthology demonstrates the originality and variety of modern Korean women’s poetry.

  • Unspoken Voices
    Unspoken Voices
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Choi Chung-Hui et al / 최정희 et al / 2002 / -

    The stories in this collection are written by twelve Korean women writers whose experience, insight, and writing skill make them truly representative of Korean fiction at its best. "The Rooster" is a comical revelation of an old man who accepts the truth that Man and Nature revolve around the same immutable natural law. In "The Fragment," refugees who flee to Pusan during the Korean War suffer the unspeakable squalor and despair when jammed in a warehouse. "The Young Elm Tree" tells the story of a high school girl who falls in love with the son of her mother's new husband. What all these twelve writers share in common is a keen eye that penetrates into the lives of Korean women from the early part of the 20th century to the present. THE AUTHORS Authors included fall into two groups-those born during the Japanese occupation of Korea (1910-1945) and those born after 1945. All the eight authors in the first group experienced the Second World War in childhood and the Korean War as adults. They saw pain, hardship, and death, but they observed courage, resilience, humor, and love even in the most dire times. The four younger writers are active creators of works that have won top literary awards. Their fresh new look at life, their bold experimental style, and their refreshing voices are a reflection of their generation. THE TRANSLATOR Dr. Jin-Young Choi is Professor of English at Chung-Ang University in Seoul. She has translated two novels, numerous short stories and tales. Her Saturday columns in The Korea Herald were collected into one volume form One Woman's Way. All of her translated short stories were published in Korean Literature Today.

  • Scale & stairs
    Scale & stairs
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Ra Heeduk et al / 나희덕 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Follow along as little bunny Jimmy and his brothers learn their lesson in this picture book. They learn to work together, clean up their room, and organize their toys. Once they finish, they finally have room for more fun and understand how important it is to keep their room clean.

  • Wild Apple
    Wild Apple
    Spanish(Español) Available

    Ra Heeduk et al / 나희덕 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Wild Apple takes the reader to cultural and intellectual experiences: Native American burial mounds, cremations at the Ganges River, the Paris morgue of the 19th century, the movie Being John Malkovich, and the pointillism of Georges Seurat. Ra also brings Korean culture to the American audience, from the female clam divers to Buddhist temples.   Source:

  • 菜食主義者
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Han Kang et al / 한강 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    可もなく不可もない暮らしをしていた専業主婦が、ある日突然肉を食べなくなる。いまの世の中、ベジタリアンはそれほど珍しくないが、彼女の場合、なんらかの主張や、誰かの影響があってそうなったわけではない。自分が見た、気味の悪い夢を理由にするだけ。最初は肉を食べないというだけだったが、夫との関係もどんどんコミュニケーション不全に落ち込んでいく。  もともとは食べることが好きだった妻が日曜日に作ってくれていた肉料理を、夫は回想する。そのおいしそうなこと! 楽しみを奪われ、欲求不満に陥った夫は、妻の実家に連絡する。家族の集まりが計画されるが、その際に決定的な悲劇が起こる……。  肉を食べない女性を囲む、三人の身近な人物の視点から語られているが、それぞれの思惑と、女性への距離感がくっきりと表れていて、実に巧みである。手の届かない世界に閉じこもってしまったかに見える女性に、芸術家として激しく惹(ひ)かれていく義兄の話も興味深いが、困惑し、疲弊しつつ妹に寄り添おうとする姉の愛情にも心を打たれずにはいられない。 Source:

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    KIM Ae-ran et al / 김애란 et al / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection & Library (more than 2 writers)

    Les huit nouvellistes réunies dans ce recueil posent un regard parfois dur, souvent troublant, sur la société coréenne contemporaine. Histoires de couples, d’amour, de famille, s’enchaînent et décrivent une société en pleine mutation. Si l’héritage confucéen est présent, l’impérieux besoin de liberté des individus bouleverse les codes et les rôles préétablis. Qu’elles soient célibataires fringantes, femmes mariées esseulées, battues ou battantes, les héroïnes de Cocktail Sugar prennent vigoureusement une parole qui leur est souvent refusée. Aux prises avec un soudain besoin de révolte, elles s’étonnent de la place que la société leur réserve. Et leurs maris, amants et fils sont tout autant démunis face à un individualisme qui les interroge. Cocktail Sugar, la nouvelle qui donne son titre au recueil, est l’emblème de ce drôle de mal-être. Les personnages croient éprouver leur liberté dans une jolie valse de relations extraconjugales, pour se retrouver à leur tour trompés et emplis de détresse... Souvent critiques, ces nouvelles ne tombent jamais dans le cynisme : elles sont au contraire un fabuleux témoignage féminin sur une société en plein bouleversement, des dernières années de la dictature à nos jours.

  • The Growth of a Shadow
    The Growth of a Shadow
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Moon Taejun et al / 문태준 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    A collection of 71 poems by Korean author Taejoon Moon, these selected works bring a deeper meaning to the ordinary aspects of everyday life through Moon’s keen observations of his surroundings combined with his use of rich details. Inviting a different level of understanding, these observations—from a woman struggling with cancer to a flower dying in a pot to a herd of black goats—demonstrate Moon’s profound engagement with the world around him and encourages the same in his readers. Not only displaying an appreciation of the beauty and simplicity of everyday life, this collection also illustrates contemporary Korean literature and society with minimally elegant style.   Source:

    Spanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Yeonghye es una mujer aparentemente normal, joven, sin mayores virtudes o defectos. Una noche, sin ninguna actitud previa que hiciera suponer un cambio en su carácter, su marido la encuentra en la cocina tirando a la basura toda la carne almacenada en el congelador. Cuando él la increpa por lo que está haciendo, ella le dice que ha tenido un sueño y que abandonará la ingesta de carnes. Su determinación es absolutamente radical e irrevocable, pero el marido y la familia no están preparados para esta decisión ni para la transformación que comienza a gestarse en Yeonghye a partir de ese momento. La vegetariana, es una novela con un fuerte componente psicológico, que cuestiona los límites culturales de la cordura, la violencia y el valor del cuerpo como un bien privado y último refugio. Source: Vegetariana/

  • 素食主义者
    Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Han Kang et al / 한강 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    The dream of Yinghui is full of slaughter and blood. One day, she cannot stand the smell of meat anymore, then becomes a vegetarian, however, this is only the start of her paranoia. Her brother-in-law, as a film maker, hits the rock bottom of creation. When he hears from his wife that on his sister-in-laws butt still remains Mongolian spots, the long-lost inspiration hits him suddenly. He plans to paint on the naked woman and make it a video. With his inspiration comes his secret and mad desire for his sister-in-law. Finally, he abandons all the bottom lines in realistic society for his artistic world.   Source :