Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

21 results
  • At Least We Can Apologize
    At Least We Can Apologize
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2013 / -

    This story focuses on an agency whose only purpose is to offer apologies--for a fee--on behalf of its clients. This seemingly insignificant service leads us into an examination of sin, guilt, and the often irrational demands of society. A kaleidoscope of minor nuisances and major grievances, this novel heralds a new comic voice in Korean letters.   Source :

  • No One Writes Back
    No One Writes Back
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Jang Eun-jin / 장은진 / 2013 / -

    Communication—or the lack thereof—is the subject of this sly update of the picaresque. Communication—or the lack thereof—is the subject of this sly update of the picaresque. No One Writes Back is the story of a young man who leaves home with only his blind dog, an MP3 player, and a book, traveling aimlessly for three years, from motel to motel, meeting people on the road. Rather than learn the names of his fellow travelers—or invent nicknames for them—he assigns them numbers. There’s 239, for example, who once dreamed of being a poet, but who now only reads her poems to a friend in a coma; there’s 109, who rides trains endlessly because of a broken heart; and 32, who’s already decided to commit suicide. The narrator writes letters to these men and women in the hope that he can console them in their various miseries, as well as keep a record of his own experiences: “A letter is like a journal entry for me, except that it gets sent to other people.” No one writes back, of course, but that doesn’t mean that there isn’t some hope that one of them will, someday . . .   Source :

  • So Far, and Yet So Near
    So Far, and Yet So Near
    English(English) Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Asia Publishers presents some of the very best modern Korean literature to readers worldwide through its new Korean literature series . We are proud and happy to offer it in the most authoritative translation by renowned translators of Korean literature. We hope that this series helps to build solid bridges between citizens of the world and Koreans through a rich in-depth understanding of Korea. After I saw that entry, I began to vaguely wonder if maybe Uncle hadn't abandoned the Pride in front of our house. That maybe, he was returning it. At that time, Grandmother was definitely living with us so maybe, just maybe... But that thought sometimes brought with it slightly more frightening thoughts and it wasn't just me, but Grandmother who thought them too. Whenever Grandmother saw the Pride she'd ask me, "Hey, hey. The car isn't dead, right?" And whenever Grandmother asked me this I'd tell her that the real problem was that it was still running too well. "Hey, hey. Make sure you take good care of it, okay? Make sure you keep it well fed until your uncle gets back." As she said this, she'd hand me a crumpled 10,000 won bill. I took the money from her and asked, "What about me? You'll give the car allowance but not your own grandson?"Grandmother never replied.   Source:

  • Kwon Sun-chan and Nice People
    Kwon Sun-chan and Nice People

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

  • Măcar ne pricepem la scuze
    Măcar ne pricepem la scuze
    Romanian(Română) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2017 / -

    Măcar ne pricepem la scuze (2009) spune povestea prieteniei legate între doi băieți într‑un loc improbabil: un ospiciu de nebuni. Trecerea bruscă de la universul închis și violent al ospiciului la lumea liberă le dă celor doi ideea unei afaceri bazate pe singurul lucru la care se pricep: să‑și asume vinile celorlalți și să se scuze în numele lor. Se ajunge astfel la o serie de situații grotești și absurde relatate de unul dintre ei, cu modul lui unic de a vedea lumea.     Source:

  • 誰にでも親切な教会のお兄さんカン・ミノ
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2020 / -

    ネット古書店でエゴサをしていたら、サイン入り自作が売りに出されていることに気づいた作家「イ・ギホ」。しかも他の作家の本より格安、酷評のコメント付きだった。悶々として眠れぬ彼は、出品者に直接会おうとはるばるでかけるのだが…。(「チェ・ミジンはどこへ」)。「あるべき正しい姿」と「現実の自分」のはざまで揺れ、引き裂かれるふつうの人々を、ユーモアと限りない愛情とともに描く傑作物語集。   Source:

  • 舎弟たちの世界史
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    「聞いてくれたまえ。これは、全斗煥将軍が国を統べていた時代の話だ」 ノワール映画の我らが主人公[独裁者]と、その兄に怯える〈舎弟たち〉——。 時代の狂気のなかで破壊されたタクシー運転手ナ・ボンマンの人生を、軽妙洒脱、ユーモラスな文体で、悲喜劇的に描ききった話題作。 1980年に全斗煥が大統領に就任すると、大々的なアカ狩りが開始され、でっち上げによる逮捕も数多く発生した。 そんな時代のなか、身に覚えのない国家保安法がらみの事件に巻き込まれたタクシー運転手ナ・ボンマンは、政治犯に仕立て上げられてしまい、小さな夢も人生もめちゃくちゃになっていく。 軍事政権下における「国家と個人」「罪と罰」という重たいテーマを扱いつつも、スピード感ある絶妙な語り口、人生に対する鋭い洞察、魅力的なキャラクター設定で、不条理な時代に翻弄される平凡な一市民の人生を描いた悲喜劇的な秀作。 韓国でロングセラー。 渾身の本格長篇、待望の邦訳! 〈イ・ギホの小説は、大いに笑わせてくれるが、そのぶん心を痛めさせられる。喜劇さえもがすでに悲劇の一部なのだ。読みやすく一気に読み進められるが、読後にはなかなか本を閉じることができない、深い傷を負った人間の哀しいジョークのような小説だ。〉——申亨澈(「解説」より)   Source :舎弟たちの世界史-韓国文学セレクション-イ・ギホ/dp/4787720236

  • 韓国の小説家たちI
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Axt editorial department et al / 악스트 편집부 et al / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    いま話題の韓国人作家が語る、「文学をすること」の喜びと苦しみについて―作家が作家に聞く、ロングインタビュー集。 Source :韓国の小説家たちI-クオンインタビューシリーズ-イ-ギホ/dp/491021402X

  • 韓国の小説家たちII
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Axt editorial department et al / 악스트 편집부 et al / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    韓国小説のつむぎ手たちによる 濃密な文学談義と彼らの素朴な日常の話。 作家が作家に聞く、ロングインタビュー集第2弾。 作家本人の声を通して知るもっと深い韓国文学の魅力――。 Source :韓国の小説家たちII-クオンインタビューシリーズ-2-キム・グミ/dp/4910214038

  • 群像2020年6月号
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Han Kang et al / 한강 et al / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    創作] 「脱皮」小林エリカ/「 文字の高原」リービ英雄 [新連載]「ハロー、ユーラシア」福嶋亮大 [特集 翻訳小説] ・アンケート「最新翻訳小説地図」 阿部公彦/磯上竜也/伊東順子/今福龍太/上野千鶴子/大空ゆうひ/大竹昭子/大塚真佑子/大森望/岡真理/小川公代/小川哲/小川洋子/小国貴司/長田杏奈/長田育恵/小山田浩子/温又柔/鎌田裕樹/岸本佐知子/北田博充/木原善彦/木村朗子/久野量一/くぼたのぞみ/倉本さおり/栗原康/小島秀夫/小林エリカ/小山太一/斎藤真理子/酒寄進一/佐藤究/柴崎友香/下平尾直/瀧井朝世/武田将明/堂場瞬一/都甲幸治/豊﨑由美/鳥澤光/中島京子/中野善夫/名久井直子/西加奈子/根本宗子/野崎歓/野谷文昭/乗代雄介/橋本陽介/東山彰良/日野原慶/平松洋子/ひらりさ/深緑野分/藤井太洋/藤野可織/古川耕/古屋美登里/前田隆紀/松家仁之/松岡千恵/松田青子/松永美穂/三浦直之/水野衛子/宮下遼/山崎まどか/陸秋槎/若菜晃子 ・小論 「文芸ピープル ――英語圏で読まれる現代日本文学」辛島デイヴィッド/「ウルフをめぐる静かな『ささやき』」鴻巣友季子/「あらゆる行為が翻訳になる時」関口涼子/「自分ごととしての動く世界文学」中村和恵/「この人は何語で話しているのですか?――小説内翻訳論序説」沼野充義 ・新連載 「薄れゆく境界線――現代アメリカ小説探訪」諏訪部浩一 [小特集 多和田葉子] ・インタビュー 「離れていても、孤独ではない人間たちの闘争」 聞き手・構成:小澤英実 ・評論 「多和田葉子の『星座小説』――『星に仄めかされて』をめぐって」岩川ありさ ・保存版 「多和田葉子全作品解題」谷口幸代 [批評] 「歴史と実験」長﨑健吾 「ギー兄さんとは誰か――大江健三郎と柳田国男」尾崎真理子 [論点] 【緊急寄稿】「コロナ・ショックドクトリンに抗するために」斎藤幸平 「津波映像と『アナ雪』――視覚文化における「音声化」の諸問題」長谷正人 「「複雑さ」と「私たち」」望月優大 [短期集中ルポ] 「ガザ・西岸地区・アンマン4『国境なき医師団』を見に行く」いとうせいこう [連続対談] 「近代日本150年を読み解く 昭和前期篇」富岡幸一郎×佐藤優 [連載完結] 「チームオベリベリ」乃南アサ 連載・随筆・書評 長野まゆみ/保坂和志/堀江敏幸/ブレイディみかこ/藤原辰史/武田砂鉄/星野概念/石井ゆかり/鷲田清一/皆川博子/大澤聡/三浦哲哉/穂村弘/三浦雅士/川名潤/杉原邦生/遠野遥/平民金子/田尻久子/陣野俊史/水原涼/小川公代/清水良典/山城むつみ URL: