Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

156 results
  • The Plotters
    The Plotters
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea

    KIM UN-SU / 김언수 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A thriller like you’ve never read one before, from the hottest new voice in Korean fiction ‘Kill Bill meets Murakami’ D. B. John, author of Star of the North ‘A work of literary genius’ Karen Dionne, internationally bestselling author of Home ‘A truly incredible and unique thriller’ Khurrum Rahman, author of East of Hounslow ‘I loved it!’ M. W. Craven, author of The Puppet Show ‘You’ll be laughing out loud every five minutes’ You-jeong Jeong, author of The Good Son ‘A mash-up of Tarantino and Camus set in contemporary Seoul’ Louisa Luna, author of Two Girls Down ‘An incredible cast of characters’ Le monde ‘Smart but lightning fast’ Brian Evenson, author of Last Days Plotters are just pawns like us. A request comes in and they draw up the plans. There’s someone above them who tells them what to do. And above that person is another plotter telling them what to do. You think that if you go up there with a knife and stab the person at the very top, that’ll fix everything. But no-one’s there. It’s just an empty chair. Reseng was raised by cantankerous Old Raccoon in the Library of Dogs. To anyone asking, it’s just an ordinary library. To anyone in the know, it’s a hub for Seoul’s organised crime, and a place where contract killings are plotted and planned. So it’s no surprise that Reseng has grown up to become one of the best hitmen in Seoul. He takes orders from the plotters, carries out his grim duties, and comforts himself afterwards with copious quantities of beer and his two cats, Desk and Lampshade. But after he takes pity on a target and lets her die how she chooses, he finds his every move is being watched. Is he finally about to fall victim to his own game? And why does that new female librarian at the library act so strangely? Is he looking for his enemies in all the wrong places? Could he be at the centre of a plot bigger than anything he’s ever known?   Source :

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    PYUN HYE YOUNG et al / 편혜영 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Distingué pour ses talents de tueur de rats, T-K est envoyé par son entreprise dans un pays appelé C, ravagé par une épidémie. C'est le début d'un cauchemar : mis en quarantaine, accusé du meurtre de sa femme, il n'aura d'autre issue que dans la fuite avant qu'il ne s'évanouisse dans les égouts de la ville pour disputer leur nourriture aux rats qu'il est chargé d'éliminer. Roman de la disparition, de l'absurdité de l'existence : dans cette ville, il fera l'apprentissage du découragement et de la solitude, avec toujours l'impression de marcher sur une mince couche de glace près de se fissurer à tout moment. C'est le roman d'un homme qui a tout perdu y compris son nom et sa mémoire, un homme victime du présent et confronté aux fantômes de son passé, un homme qui pourrait bien ne pas être tout à fait celui qu'il prétend être.   Source:    

  • 朝我的心脏开枪
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Jeong You Jeong et al / 정유정 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    《朝我的心脏开枪:逃避现实的精神病人》是一部让人感动的幽默故事,讲述了两名青年男子企图飞越疯人院的“奋斗历程”。这部作品告诉处于人生最热烈的20多岁的人们不要躲藏也不要逃避,光明正大地敞开胸膛面对世界这个枪口。 这是一部致给当代这些热血青春的献词,书中用隐喻了我们虽然不断挑战存,但却仍然不变的日常生活,同时,书中也对人生做出了真挚的提问。 这部作品素材面广泛,结构紧凑,时时透出黑色幽默,给人留下了深刻的印象。平实不内敛的语言反而使人能够通过活跃的行动描写感受到人物的心理。   source:朝我的心脏开枪-逃避现实的精神病人-郑柚井/dp/B004GZFNNO

  • 景福宮の秘密コード
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century


  • 风之画员
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    一个是女扮男妆的绝世美女,一个是遗世独立的旷代逸才。一个是身世凄凉的落寞君王,三个与时代风潮格格不入的人尘世邂逅,惺惺相惜,爱慕有加,上演了惊天动地的画苑故事。韩国历史悬疑小说的巅峰之作,出版以来畅销百万册,读者惊呼:“李正明为韩国小说挽回了自尊!” 父亲无辜遭到杀害,自幼被人收养,苦难也无法遮蔽润福的天才光芒,然而她的才华却不为当世所容,只有亦师亦友的弘道懂得欣赏和爱护。他们受国王之托追查十年前的连锁杀人事件,随着调查的深入,国王和润福的身世之谜也渐渐浮出水面,纵然两位天才在世人的嫉妒目光里比翼齐飞,萌生出感人至深的灵魂之爱,怎奈前尘注定今生,他们的爱终究还是有因无果,留给历史无尽的感慨。   Source:

  • 树大根深
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    1443年秋,朝鲜王宫景福宫后花园的“洌上真源”井中发现了集贤殿学士的尸体,线索只有谜语般的图画和纹身。案件尚未森明,第二、第三、第四起杀人事件又接连发生。夜夜不辍的连锁杀人、出没于网王寝殿的幢幢魅影、受诅咒的书籍之谜…… 缜密的伏笔、丰富的知识、始料不及的逆转、仿佛走出典籍的生动人物、令人震惊的历史事件、充满现实意义的情节推进,为韩国历史悬疑小说开辟了新天地。该书出版以来,深受韩国读者:薄爱,一直名列畅销书前茅。   Source:历史悬疑小说•树大根深-李正明/dp/B004S5BZOI

  • 13号橱柜
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    本书是韩国文学界五大权威奖项之一——文学村小说奖(第12届)的获奖作品。一个在无聊的研究所混吃等死的年轻男人,无意中发现一个橱柜,里面装满了带有奇异征兆的人(“城市异兆族”)的档案:手指上长出一棵银杏树的大叔;为了接近自己深爱的女人而努力变身为猫的壮汉;认为自己是外星人从而不断向“故乡行星”发射讯号的无线通信爱好者……这些小故事看似光怪陆离,其实都影射了现实社会中都市人的生存状态,即在科学体系带来的所谓理性和秩序的统治下,人类永远无法摆脱的孤独、焦虑、绝望和宿命感。     Source:

  • 風之畫師
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    十年前,圖畫署兩大畫師離奇驟逝,一位是金弘道的恩師姜守桓,一位是金的知己徐征,兩案的調查當時都被草草了結。 十年後,大畫師金弘道與天才徒弟申潤福奉王命尋找十年前一幅秘繪的「思悼世子畫」,結果發現姜守桓與徐征各留下了一幅神秘的無臉肖像,而徐征的稚齡獨女更從此下落不明。從而牽引出隱藏了十年的離奇謀殺案,以及兩人亦師亦友、亦情人亦對手的微妙感情。     Source :

  • 設計者
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kim Un-su et al / 김언수 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    ある日突然、人が死ぬ。自然死でも病死でもなく、暗殺によって。事件性のない死として処理されるよう、設計者が綿密に計画を練り、暗殺者が実行するのだ。32年前、修道院のゴミ箱に捨てられた赤ん坊は、暗殺組織に引き取られ、やがて一流の暗殺者となる。人を殺し、殺され続けた果てに、彼が見たものとは…。さまざまな矛盾を孕むことでしか生きられない人間存在の哀しみを描いた、韓国エンターテインメント小説の最高傑作。   Source :設計者-新しい韓国の文学〈06〉-単行本/pd/100000009001856287/

  • The Investigation
    The Investigation
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social

    Jung-Myung Lee's extraordinary THE INVESTIGATION, translated by Chi-Young Kim, is set in a period of Korean history that isn't widely known in the West. In 1944, with the region still under Japanese rule, Korean inmates of Fukuoka prison are not allowed to use their own language. A young guard is ordered to find the killer of another guard and stumbles on a sinister conspiracy - and the work of a Korean poet who writes clandestine verses of rare beauty. Inspired by the work of Yun Dong-ju, the dissident Korean writer who died in Fukuoka in 1945, this is a heart-wrenching novel with many unexpected twists. (Sunday Times)   In Jung-Myung Lee's The Investigation, the equally merciless Japanese occupation of Korea drives a Second World War mystery set in Fukuoka prison. A forbidden passion for poetry binds the three protagonists: the jailed Korean bard Yun Dong-ju, whose life inspired the novel; the outwardly tough guard Sugiyama, and Yuichi, the bookish Japanese narrator. Lee's story celebrates the power of poetry, of books and of reading, to lend us a "sixth sense" that can heal and transform even in the harshest times. In this hellish jail, poetry both subverts and redeems, and "Only the purest language could testify about the most brutal era". Now, Britain's penal authorities become the "executioners of literature" as they ban the gift of books. So this Korean bestseller deserves to fly across our own prison walls. (Independent)   Source: