Open Resources

This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


2007 Korea-Vietnam Literary Event : Author Oh Junghee Introductory Booklet

2007 Korea-Vietnam Literary Event : Author Oh Junghee Introductory Booklet
Data number
Control number
2007 Korea-Vietnam Literary Event : Author Oh Junghee Introductory Booklet
2007 Korea-Vietnam Literary Exchange, Oh Junghee, Chinatown
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Overseas)
Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt)
Item type
PDF/A Document
Access Type
도서관 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is an introductory material on writer Oh Junghee for the 2007 Korea-Vietnam Literary Exchange. On December 4 and 5, Oh read an excerpt from her short story collection Chinatown at the reading events held at Hanoi University of Foreign Studies. She also participated in a conversation between female writers along with the Vietnamese writer Nguyen Ngoc Tu on December 6, and gave a lecture at the Ho Chi Minh City University of Social Sciences and Humanities on December 7.

2007 한·베트남 문학교류행사를 위해 제작한 작가 오정희의 작가소개자료이다. 오정희 작가는 12월 4일과 5일 하노이 외국어대학에서 열린 작품낭독회에서 작품 <중국인 거리>를 낭독했다. 또한 12월 6일에 베트남 작가 응웬옥뜨(Nguyen Ngoc Tu)와 함께하는 여성작가 대담 시간을 가졌다. 12월 7일에는 국립 인문사회대애서 작가 강연회를 진행했다.