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Literatura Coreana: Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Brazil

Literatura Coreana: Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Brazil
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Literatura Coreana: Celebration of the 60th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Brazil
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Overseas)
Item type
PDF/A Document
Writer shelves | LTI Korea Library
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Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

This is an introductory material on writers produced for literary events held in three major cities in Brazil in celebration of the 60th anniversary of diplomatic relations. At the Writers' Room (Sala dos Autores) of the Rio de Janeiro Biennale, local journalists and book bloggers were invited to attend a discussion on Korean literature with three writers, Kim Ki-taek, Park Min-gyu, and Kang Byoung-yoong. At Livraria da Travessa Leblon, six writers from Korea and Brazil held a conversation on the theme of “Literature, Nationalism and Globalization/Minority Languages & Universal Values.” At the opening ceremony of the 4th Korean Literature Essay Contest held in the building of the Brasilia Writers’ Association, novelist Kang Byoung-yoong held a conversation with the poet Paulo José Cunha about his book Alluminyum oi (Aluminum Cucumber, Topbooks, 2018), as the essay on his book received the grand prize in the contest. Novelist Park Min-gyu attended the Korean Literature Translation Workshop held at the University of Sao Paulo. Undergraduate and graduate students majoring in Korean Studies had time to inquire and discuss the translation process of Park’s fiction Castella with the writer. The introductory material introduces poet Kim Ki-taek, novelist Park Min-gyu, and novelist Kang Byoung-yoong, and also includes essays written by the three writers, 10 poems from Kim Ki-taek's poetry collection Kkeom (껌 Gum), as well as excerpts from Park Min-gyu's short story collection Is That So? I’m a Giraffe and Kang Byoung-yoong's novel Alluminyum oi (알루미늄 오이 Aluminum Cucumber).

수교 60주년을 계기로 브라질의 주요 도시 3곳에서 개최된 문학행사를 위해 제작된 작가소개자료이다. 리우데자네이루 비엔날레 작가들의 방(Sala dos Autores)에서는 현지 언론인과 북블로거들을 초청하여 김기택, 박민규, 강병융 세 작가와 함께 한국문학 간담회를, 트라베사 서점(Livraria da Travessa Leblon)에서는‘문학, 내셔널리즘과 세계화/ 소수어 & 보편적 가치’를 주제로 여섯 명의 양국 문인이 대담을 진행했다. 브라질리아 문인협회관에서는 제 4회 한국문학 독후감대회 개막식행사에 강병융 소설가가 참가하여 파울로 주제 쿠냐(Paulo José Cunha) 시인과 독후감 대상 작품『알루미늄 오이』(Topbooks, 2018) 에 대한 대담을 진행하였다. 상파울루 대학교에서 열린 한국문학 번역실습워크숍에는 박민규 소설가가 참석했다. 현지 한국학 전공과정 학‧석사 학생들은 소설 『카스테라』의 번역과정에 대해 질의하고 작가와 토론하는 시간을 가졌다. 소개책자는 김기택 시인, 박민규 소설가, 강병융 소설가가 순서대로 소개되고, 세 작가의 에세이, 김기택 시집『껌』에 수록된 시 10편, 박민규 소설『그렇습니까? 기린입니다』, 강병융 소설『알루미늄 오이』의 발췌문 등이 수록되어 있다.