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This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


2021 Seoul International Writers’ Festival: Meet the Authors and Directors Ⅱ

2021 Seoul International Writers’ Festival: Meet the Authors and Directors Ⅱ
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2021 Seoul International Writers’ Festival: Meet the Authors and Directors Ⅱ
Seoul International Writers’ Festival, literary festival, writer, Kim Kyung-uk, Kim Ae-ran, Goong Yu Jeong, Cho Minjae
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Korea)
Korean(한국어), English(English)
Item type
MP4 Video
Access Type
온라인 열람
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

These are videos of Meet the Authors and Directors 2 at the 2021 Seoul International Writers’ Festival In celebration of the 10th edition of the Seoul International Writers’ Festival, four short films inspired by Korean literary works were produced. The online and offline screenings were accompanied by special Q&As with the authors and directors. Moderated by Yang Kyung-eon, Meet the Authors and Directors 2 (Oct 10, 2021) invited Kim Kyung-uk, Kim Ae-ran, Goong Yu Jeong, and Cho Minjae.

2021 서울국제작가축제 프로그램인 <작가, 감독과의 만남> 2 영상 파일이다. 서울국제작가축제 10회를 기념해 역대 국내 참가작가의 작품에서 영감을 받아 창작된 단편영화를 제작 지원했다. 제작된 영화를 상영하고 원작자인 작가와 감독이 대담을 나누는 행사다. <작가, 감독과의 만남> 2 행사는 2021년 10월 10일 일요일 오후 2시 동대문디자인플라자 살림관 1층 D-숲에서 양경언 문학평론가의 사회로 김경욱 작가, 김애란 작가, 궁유정 감독, 조민재 감독이 원작과 영화에 대해 이야기를 나눴다.