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This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Seoul International Writers’ Festival

Seoul International Writers’ Festival
Data number
Control number
Seoul International Writers’ Festival
International Literary Event
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Korea)
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

Launched in 2006, the Seoul International Writers’ Festival (SIWF) is a global literary festival aimed at expanding opportunities to enjoy literature and providing a platform for international exchange in Seoul. Between 2006 and 2019, a total of 217 writers from 54 countries were invited to take part. By focusing on the multilateral impact created by writers and readers as well as life and literature, the SIWF aspires to develop into a festival of international renown and scale.

서울국제작가축제는 국내 독자들의 문학 향유 기회를 확대하고, 한국문학과 세계문학이 서울울 무대로 쌍방향 교류하는 토대를 만들고자 지난 2006년부터 개최해 온 글로벌 문학 축제로, 2019년까지 총 54개국 217명의 국내외 작가를 초청했다. 문학을 매개로 하여 세계와 언어, 삶과 문학, 작가와 독자가 이루는 다층적인 힘에 주목하여 국제적 규모와 위상을 갖춘 축제로 발돋움 하고자 한다.