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2009 Korea-Sweden Literary Event : Poet Chun Yang Hee Introductory Booklet

2009 Korea-Sweden Literary Event : Poet Chun Yang Hee  Introductory Booklet
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2009 Korea-Sweden Literary Event : Poet Chun Yang Hee Introductory Booklet
2009 Literary Event Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Sweden, Chun Yang Hee
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Overseas)
Item type
PDF/A Document
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

Introductory material on poet Chun Yang Hee for the 2009 Literary Event Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Sweden This is an introductory material on poet Chun Yang Hee for the 2009 Literary Event Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Ties between Korea and Sweden. Poet Chun Yang Hee participated in the Korean literature reading events held in Stockholm and Gothenburg from September 18 to 25. The 14-page information booklet consists of two sections: “About the Author” and “Excerpts.” It includes Chun’s poems “Jiksopoe deulda (직소포에 들다, Att nå Jikso),” “Maumui susubat (마음의 수수밭, Själens durrafält),” and “Sae-e daehan saenggak (새에 대한 생각, Tankar om fåglar).”

2009 한-스웨덴 수교 50주년 기념 문학행사를 위해 제작한 시인 천양희의 작가소개자료이다. 천양희 시인은 9월 18일부터 25일까지 스톡홀름과 예테보리에서 진행된 한국문학 낭독회에 참여했다. 자료집은 총 14 페이지로 구성되어있으며, ‘작가소개’, ‘작품발췌’로 구성되어있다. 작품 <직소포에 들다(Att nå Jikso)>, <마음의 수수밭(Själens durrafält)>, <새에 대한 생각(Tankar om fåglar)> 등이 수록되어있다.