Open Resources

This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.


Culture Day – A Meeting with Writer

Culture Day – A Meeting with Writer
Data number
Control number
Culture Day – A Meeting with Writer
Event > Literary Event > International Literary Event (Korea)
Descriptions - 2 Languages
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

“Culture Day – A Meeting with Writer” is an event organized as part of the “Culture Day” initiative by the Presidential Committee for Cultural Enrichment and the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism. It was launched to strengthen the promotion of the Literature Institute of Korea in Korea and to expand opportunities for general Korean readers to learn about Korean literature. For each event, one writer was invited to give a lecture and answer questions from general readers and local residents who are interested in Korean literature.

‘문화가 있는 날-작가와의 만남 행사’는 문화융성 위원회와 문화체육관광부에서 시행중인 ‘문화가 있는 날’ 정책의 일환으로, 한국문학번역원의 국내 홍보 강화를 위해 시작된 행사이다. 일반 독자가 한국문학을 접하는 기회를 확대하려는 목적으로 기획되었다. 한국문학에 관심 있는 일반 독자 및 지역주민을 대상으로 작가 1인을 초청하여 발제와 질의응답을 진행했다.