
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

4 results
  • Anne Enright and Isabella Hammad make the Women’s prize for fiction longlist
    Anne Enright and Isabella Hammad make the Women’s prize for fiction longlist
    English(English) Article

    The Guardian / March 05, 2024

    Anne Enright, Kate Grenville and Isabella Hammad are among the writers longlisted for this year’s Women’s prize for fiction. Debut novelists make up half of the 16-strong longlist. Booker-shortlisted British author Chetna Maroo has made the list for her first novel Western Lane, which explores grief, sisterhood and sport, while American writer Maya Binyam was chosen for Hangman, about a man who returns to his unnamed home nation to find his dying brother.

  • Announcing the 2024 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, Best Published Novel Award Longlist!
    Announcing the 2024 Wilbur Smith Adventure Writing Prize, Best Published Novel Award Longlist!
    English(English) Article

    The Wilbur & Niso Smith Foundation / April 30, 2024

    The Best Published Novel award seeks ‘An Adventure for Everyone’, championing novels that both honour the traditions of the great adventure stories, as well as those that deliver something new.

  • Interview with novelist Lee Mirinae
    Interview with novelist Lee Mirinae
    English(English) Article

    THE DONG-A ILBO / August 12, 2024

    Lee Mirinae (41), a debut author who garnered international attention with her first full-length novel, was recently interviewed at the Dong-A Media Center in Jongno-gu, Seoul, on Wednesday. Her novel, ‘8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster: A Novel,’ tells the story of a woman who transforms herself like a chameleon while navigating the complexities of the Japanese colonial period and the Korean War. The book was originally written in English and has been published in over 10 countries, including the U.K. and Italy. It first made waves overseas, securing a contract in the U.S. with a few hundred million won royalties. The novel was recently translated into Korean and published domestically. “I’m even more nervous now, presenting this book to Korean readers who can understand it without any background explanation,” Lee said.

  • 小説家イ・ミリネ氏、韓国人で初めて米ウィリアム・サローヤン国際賞を受賞
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    Yahoo!ニュース / August 26, 2024

     小説家のイ・ミリネ氏(41)初の長編小説『8 Lives of a Century-Old Trickster(名もなき女の8つの人生)』が米国のウィリアム・サローヤン国際賞を受賞した。米国で最も注目される新進作家に贈られるこの文学賞に韓国人が選ばれたのは初めてだ。 この小説はヒロインが日本による植民地支配時代からの解放と6・25戦争(朝鮮戦争)、分断された韓半島(朝鮮半島)の時空を縦横無尽に行き来しながら展開する物語だ。歴史の荒波の中で少女が大人になっていく過程をミステリー・ジャンルの文体でつづっている。審査員らは「叙情的でありながら記憶を呼び起こす文章で、ゆっくりと作品を吟味したくなる」「強くて弱い人間の本性に関する、美しくて奥深い物語だ」と評した。