Writers ABC List

We provide information on Korean writers: biographical and bibliographic data, overseas literary events and international media coverage.


Kim Mella(김멜라)

Kim Mella

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Kim Mella
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Kim Mella
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)

Born in Seoul in 1983, Kim Mella is more at ease with written language than spoken words. After studying creative writing at university, she debuted as a writer in 2014 by winning the Jaeum & Moeum New Writer’s Award. For the next few years, she juggled writing and temporary jobs, until she published her first short story collection At Least Twice in 2020. Kim is the author of the short story collection Untitled, and the Korean-English bilingual novel The Rooftop Garden. Her stories have been published in the anthologies Overt Cat and Please Give Me Your Elbow. In 2021, she won the Munhakdongne Young Writers' Award and the Moonji Literature Award with the short story “Withering Leaves.” In addition, the short story “Jeonyeoknol” earned her the 2022 Munhakdongne Young Writers’ Award. 

1983년 서울에서 태어나 말보다 글이 편한 사람으로 살고 있다. 대학에서 문예창작을 전공했고 2014년 자음과모음 신인문학상을 수상하며 작품 활동을 시작했다. 글쓰기와 비정규직 일을 병행하다 2020년 첫 소설집 『적어도 두 번』을 펴냈다. 소설집 『제목 미정』, 한영대역 소설 『옥상정원』을 출간했으며 『공공연한 고양이』, 『팔꿈치를 주세요』 등의 앤솔러지에 참여했다. 2021년 「나뭇잎이 마르고」로 젊은작가상, 문지문학상을 수상했고 2022년 「저녁놀」로 젊은작가상을 받았다. 

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