E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • Beasts of a Little Land
    Beasts of a Little Land
    English(English) Ebook

    Juhea Kim / Juhea Kim / 2021 / -

    In 1917, deep in the snowy mountains of occupied Korea, an impoverished local hunter on the brink of starvation saves a young Japanese officer from an attacking tiger. In an instant, their fates are connected—and from this encounter unfolds a saga that spans half a century. In the aftermath, a young girl named Jade is sold by her family to Miss Silver's courtesan school, an act of desperation that will cement her place in the lowest social status. When she befriends an orphan boy named JungHo, who scrapes together a living begging on the streets of Seoul, they form a deep friendship. As they come of age, JungHo is swept up in the revolutionary fight for independence, and Jade becomes a sought-after performer with a new romantic prospect of noble birth. Soon Jade must decide whether she will risk everything for the one who would do the same for her. From the perfumed chambers of a courtesan school in Pyongyang to the glamorous cafes of a modernizing Seoul and the boreal forests of Manchuria, where battles rage, Juhea Kim's unforgettable characters forge their own destinies as they wager their nation's. Immersive and elegant, Beasts of a Little Land unveils a world where friends become enemies, enemies become saviors, heroes are persecuted, and beasts take many shapes. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6103345?cid=37224

  • Beasts of a Little Land
    Beasts of a Little Land
    English(English) AudioBook

    Juhea Kim / Juhea Kim / 2021 / -

    In 1917, deep in the snowy mountains of occupied Korea, an impoverished local hunter on the brink of starvation saves a young Japanese officer from an attacking tiger. In an instant, their fates are connected—and from this encounter unfolds a saga that spans half a century. In the aftermath, a young girl named Jade is sold by her family to Miss Silver's courtesan school, an act of desperation that will cement her place in the lowest social status. When she befriends an orphan boy named JungHo, who scrapes together a living begging on the streets of Seoul, they form a deep friendship. As they come of age, JungHo is swept up in the revolutionary fight for independence, and Jade becomes a sought-after performer with a new romantic prospect of noble birth. Soon Jade must decide whether she will risk everything for the one who would do the same for her. From the perfumed chambers of a courtesan school in Pyongyang to the glamorous cafes of a modernizing Seoul and the boreal forests of Manchuria, where battles rage, Juhea Kim's unforgettable characters forge their own destinies as they wager their nation's. Immersive and elegant, Beasts of a Little Land unveils a world where friends become enemies, enemies become saviors, heroes are persecuted, and beasts take many shapes. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6674069?cid=37224

  • Beasts of a Little Land
    Beasts of a Little Land
    English(English) Ebook

    Juhea Kim / Juhea Kim / 2021 / -

    It is 1917, and Korea is under Japanese occupation. With the threat of famine looming, ten-year-old Jade is sold by her desperate family to Miss Silver's courtesan school in the bustling city of Pyongyang. As the Japanese army tears through the country, she is forced to flee to the southern city of Seoul. Soon, her path crosses with that of an orphan named JungHo, a chance encounter that will lead to a life-changing friendship. But when JungHo is pulled into the revolutionary fight for independence, Jade must decide between following her own ambitions and risking everything for the one she loves. Sweeping through five decades of Korean history, Juhea Kim's sparkling debut is an intricately woven tale of love stretched to breaking point, and two people who refuse to let go. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6312423

  • Звери малой земли
    Звери малой земли
    Russian(Русский) Ebook

    Juhea Kim et al / Juhea Kim / 2024 / -

    Куртизанки, тигры и патриоты: почему стоит прочитать роман «Звери малой земли»?«Роман "Звери малой земли" погружает читателя в культуру и историю Кореи, открывая путь в мир, где "малый" не всегда означает "слабый", а сила – в любви». – Мария Осетрова, востоковед, научный редактор произведения.1917 год. Корея – японская колония. Крестьянская семья в отчаянном положении продает в школу куртизанок десятилетнюю дочь по имени Яшма. Ее единственным близким другом становится мальчик-сирота Чонхо, попрошайка с улиц Сеула. Повзрослев, Чонхо окажется вовлечен в революционную борьбу за независимость страны, а Яшма станет востребованной артисткой. Куда только не заносит судьба персонажей Чухе Ким: от фешенебельных кафе Сеула до заснеженных лесов Маньчжурии, а где-то между страниц затаился тигр.«"Звери малой земли" – произведение для тех, кто не боится изучения неоднозначных страниц истории и готов лично разобраться в хитросплетениях времени». – Анна Семида, японист, научный редактор произведения «Это необычайно человечный и очень нежный роман о жестокости жизни, произведение о том, как судьба совершенно неожиданно сводит людей друг с другом, и о том, как подобные встречи, даже самые мимолетные, влияют на наш дальнейший путь». – Кирилл Батыгин, переводчик Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/10522277?cid=37224