
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

10 results
  • De olho nos fãs de k-pop, editoras apostam em safra de livros asiáticos no Brasil
    Portuguese(Português) Article

    Folha PE / June 04, 2021

    Em meio ao sucesso do k-pop e ao crescimento de movimentos contra a xenofobia, editoras brasileiras preparam para 2021 e 2022 uma safra de livros de autores e personagens de origem asiática. A reportagem levantou 26 títulos, a maioria juvenil, com tramas que vão desde histórias sobre bastidores do k-pop —gênero musical sul-coreano que faz sucesso com grupos de meninas e boy bands como o BTS— até narrativas sobre preconceito contra asiáticos. É o caso de “This Place is Still Beautiful”, da estreante chinesa Xixi Tian, que ainda não foi lançado nem nos Estados Unidos, onde a autora vive, mas já foi comprado pela Rocco, que se interessou pelo livro ao vê-lo ser disputado num leilão.

  • Jessica Jung’s “Shine” Sequel “Bright”: Read an Exclusive First Chapter
    English(English) Article

    Teen Vogue / December 15, 2021

    If you're like me, you've been eagerly awaiting the sequel to K-pop icon Jessica Jung's gripping YA novel Shine. Some excellent news: Shine sequel, Bright, is on the horizon, and we have an excerpt and cover reveal to tide you over until that happy day. In Shine — which came out in the fall of 2020 — we followed Korean American K-pop star in training Rachel Kim as she worked hard to debut in DB Entertainment's brand new girl group. Bright picks up in her actual career as a singer and performer for Girls Forever, now the no. 1 K-pop group in the world. And while her life may seem like it's all fancy parties, travel, and glamorous fame, Rachel is still missing something: love.

  • 11 Rekomendasi Novel Bagus dari Penulis Korea Selatan
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Article

    Fimela.com / December 15, 2021

    Fimela.com, Jakarta Suka baca novel? Punya hobi menikmati karya fiksi untuk mengisi waktu luang? Ada banyak novel bagus yang bisa dibaca untuk menghadirkan pengalaman membaca yang tak terlupakan. Kali ini, Fimela punya rekomendasi novel bagus yang bisa jadi referensi barumu.

  • Jessica Snsd Book Controversy: Everything You Need To Know!
    English(English) Article

    Landscape Insight / May 17, 2022

    After leaving Girls’ Generation in 2014, Jessica recently announced the release of a novel she wrote about her time there. The release of Jessica’s new novel, “Shine,” sparked internet rumors that she was using it to “expose” the Korean pop group Girls’ Generation. News that the novel would be published in 11 countries, including Korea, Brazil, and Indonesia, made headlines. In addition, the novel has already been adapted into a film.

  • Jessica影射被少时成员霸凌 新书疑公开退团内幕
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    星洲日报 / May 12, 2022


  • Review Novel Shine, Mengulik Kerasnya Kehidupan Idola K-Pop
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Book Review

    Kompas Cyber Media / June 06, 2022

    Bagi kamu para penggemar musik K-Pop, mungkin sudah tidak asing lagi saat mendengar nama Jessica Jung. Ya, ia adalah mantan anggota dari sebuah girl group legendaris bernama SNSD atau biasa disebut juga dengan Girls’ Generation yang masih cukup populer hingga saat ini.

  • Rekomendasi Buku yang Ditulis Artis Korea, Public Figure yang Karyanya Mendunia!
    Indonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Article

    Review Buku Gramedia / May 17, 2022

    Sudah menjadi rahasia umum jika seorang public figure memiliki beberapa bidang profesi sekaligus. Kadang title tersebut juga mengharuskan mereka untuk menekuni atau belajar tentang bidang-bidang yang sebenarnya tidak mereka minati, mulai dari menjadi seorang pembawa acara, model, pemain film, penyanyi, bahkan sampai penari.

  • ‘Bright’: Knetz wonders if Jessica has shadowed Girls’ generation for promoting her brand
    Finnish(Suomi) Article

    Latest Page News / June 06, 2022

    K-Pop Twitter clashes as Jessica’s fans claim she’s only sharing what she experienced when she was in the girl group After fans hailed Jessica Jung for restarting her idol career in the C-pop industry, she caused a stir with the release of the novels ‘Shine’ and ‘Bright’. She was a popular Korean-American idol who debuted with Girls’ Generation before leaving the K-pop group. There were rumors that Jessica was kicked out by SM Entertainment and blacklisted so she wouldn’t be welcome in the K-pop industry.

  • Jessica 成為小說作家推出《Shine》、《Bright》:揭露鎂光燈下的另一面、道出韓國藝人辛酸史!
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    LINE TODAY / July 21, 2022

    身兼歌手、演員、時尚設計師的前少女時代成員 Jessica,在 2020 到 2021 年間以作家身份發行兩本小說 《Bright》、《Shine》,兩本小說的故事內容圍繞在韓國愛豆出道前的練習生血淚史、出道後的爾虞我詐,小說內的 9 人團體 Girls Forever、故事中的美籍韓裔女孩主角 Rachel,在閱讀時都讓人不禁覺得這不正是 Jessica 的人生故事嗎?正因如此,在小說發行後引起不小的爭議,一起來看看 Jessica 在兩本小說內道出什麼不為人知的秘密吧!