Writers ABC List

We provide information on Korean writers: biographical and bibliographic data, overseas literary events and international media coverage.


Choi Seung Gak(최성각)

Choi Seung Gak

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Choi Seung Gak
Family Name
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Choi Seung Gak
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • Chinese(汉语)

Born in 1955 in Gangeung, Choi Sung Kak is a Korean novelist. He studied literature at both the undergraduate and graduate levels at Chung-Ang University, before winning the 1976 Kang Won Ilbo New Writer’s Contest and the 1986 Dong-A Ilbo New Writer’s Contest. In response to the Sanggye Incineration Plant crisis, Choi joined the environmental movement, and founded the environmental group ‘Grass Flower World.’ He has since created such new concepts as “samboilbae” (three steps and one bow) and “saengmyeongpyeonghwa” (life peace) as a way of expressing repentance and gratitude to non-human beings like birds, stones, and earthworms. He has received the Kyobo Environmental Culture Award and Yosan Literary Award. Choi’s published works include Sleeping Fire, A Taxi Driver, Buyongsan, Run, Streams, Fly, Birds, Birds Being Chased, Desire and Catastrophe, Gentle Breeze, and Trees in the Sky.

소설가. 1955년 강릉에서 태어났다. 중앙대 문예창작학과와 동예술대학원에서 문학을 공부했다. 1976년 강원일보, 1986년 동아일보 신춘문예로 등단했다. 상계소각장 문제로 환경운동에 뛰어든 이래 환경단체 ‘풀꽃세상’을 창립했다. 이후 새나 돌멩이 지렁이 등 비인간에게 참회와 감사의 표현을 하는 방식으로 환경운동을 하면서 ‘삼보일배’, ‘생명평화’ 등의 개념을 창안하였다. 교보환경문화상, 요산문학상 등을 수상했다. 지은 책으로는 『잠자는 불』, 『택시 드라이버』, 『부용산』, 『달려라 냇물아』, 『날아라 새들아』, 『쫓기는 새』, 『욕망과 파국』, 『산들바람 산들 분다』, 『나무가 있던 하늘』 등이 있다. 

崔性珏(1955-),韩国小说家、环境运动家。在作品入选新春文艺后,相继发表了《睡眠中的火》(《잠자는 불》)、《出租车司机》(《택시 드라이버》)、《芙蓉山》(《부용산》)等小说。身为环境运动家,作家近来还创作了不少涉及环境问题的随笔。其作品试图从人对人的支配中寻找环境危机和生态问题的根本原因,将人对人的支配、压迫、剥削与环境污染问题联系起来,并就此作了记录。

小说集《被赶走的鸟》(《쫓기는 새》,2013)、随笔《欲望与失败》(《욕망과 파국》,2021)

Translated Books1

