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Yoo Hyunjong(유현종)

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Yoo Hyunjong
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Pen Name
JEONG YU-HYUN, Yoo Hyunjong, Yu Hyunjong
Representative Works
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  • Korean(한국어)

“This Insignificant Stone” (Tteut isseulsu eomneun idolmaengi, 1961) is moving tale of wordless communication two Korean soldiers on the opposite sides of the demilitarized zone achieve through the medium of a curiously shaped stone. The work describes how an utterly ordinary and worthless object becomes endowed with great significance as it occasions contact between two people who must remain enemies. For this simple tale which nonetheless implies indirect criticism of the tragic reality of Korean division, Yoo Hyeonjong received the New Writer’s Prize awarded by the journal Freedom Literature (Jayu munhak) in 1961, the year he graduated from the Creative Writing Department of Sorabol College of Arts.[5]

Yoo Hyeonjong’s later works, however, move toward greater theatricality and evince panoramic scope. “Giant” (Geoin), for example, features a protagonist who possesses almost super-human strength and will, and this type of larger-than-life hero makes nearly ubiquitous appearance in Yoo’s historical novels. He tackled a wide range of characters and events in these lengthy sagas. Wildfire (Deul bul, 1975) deals with rebels of the Donghak Movement toward the end of Joseon Dynasty; Yeongaesomun (1978) depicts the heroic feats of Yeongaesomun, the famed general from the Goguryeo Kingdom; the checkered lives of itinerant acting troupe is the subject of Namsadang. In addition, he has written accounts of historical figures such as Goryeo monk and geomancer Myocheong, Silla period sea merchant Jang Bogo, mid-Joseon bandit Lim Kkeok-jeong, and late-Joseon painter Jang Seung-eop. Yoo Hyeonjong’s penchant for high drama has led him to become a capable playwright as well: he has written plays Tale of an Yangban (Yangbanjeon) and A Puppeteer for Our Times (Urideurui gwangdaewon). Yoo Hyeonjong received Contemporary Literature Prize in 1969 and Korean Creative Writing Prize in 1976.[6]


Yoo Hyunjong (born 1939) is a South Korean novelist.


Yoo was born in Jeonju, North Jeolla Province. Growing up without a father, Yu took up boxing to supplement the family income. After the Korean War, the family moved, coincidentally, into the house of the writer Chae Man-Sik, who had just passed away of tuberculosis. Chae's wife gave Yoo some of Chae's books, which inspired Yoo to give up boxing and become a writer. Yoo went on to study creative writing at Sorabol Arts College and made his literary debut in 1961 when his short story "Tteut isseulsu eomneun idolmaengi" (뜻 있을 수 없는 이 돌멩이 This Insignificant Stone) won the Jayu Munhak New Writer's Award. 

Known for his historical fiction, Yoo is the author of some twenty-odd novels including Deulbul (들불 Wildfire), Yeongaesomun (연개소문 Yeon Gaesomun), Yongui hyeongjedeul (용의 형제들 Dragon Bretheren), multiple novellas, and  a collection of short stories, Geutorok oraen manggak (그토록 오랜 망각 Oblivion So Long), of which "Dedeu rain" (데드 라인 Deadline), "Bimujangjidae" (비무장지대 Demilitarized zone), and "Geoin" (거인 Giant) are perhaps best known. Yu has taught Korean literature at Woosuk University and Chung-Ang University. He is the recipient of the Hyundae Literary Award, the Hankook Ilbo Literary Award, and the Hahn Moo-Sook Literary Award.


A doyen of Korean historical fiction, in a prolific career spanning 60 years Yoo has penned numerous works beloved by generations of readers. Yoo's debut story, "Tteut isseulsu eomneun idolmaengi," is moving tale of wordless communication two Korean soldiers on the opposite sides of the demilitarized zone achieve through the medium of a curiously shaped stone. The work describes how an utterly ordinary and worthless object becomes endowed with great significance as it occasions contact between two people who must remain enemies. 

Yoo's later works, however, move toward greater theatricality and evince panoramic scope. "Geoin," for example, features a protagonist who possesses almost superhuman strength and will. This type of larger-than-life hero makes nearly ubiquitous appearance in Yoo's historical novels, in which he tackles a wide range of characters and events. Deulbul deals with rebels of the Donghak movement toward the end of Joseon Dynasty; Kim Dae-jung later revealed that he had enjoyed reading it in prison, which immediately turned it into a bestseller. Yeongaesomun depicts the heroic feats of the eponymous general from Goguryeo that rose to power with a bloody coup, whose parallels with then-president Park Chung-hee caused much anxiety at the Dong-a Ilbo, where it was serialized; Park, however, turned out to be a fan.

Yoo has also written novels on historical figures such as Goryeo-era monk and geomancer Myocheong, Silla period sea merchant Jang Bogo, mid-Joseon bandit Im Kkeokjeong, late-Joseon painter Jang Seung-eop, and the saga of Yi Seong-gye, founder of the Joseon dynasty, aided by his right-hand man, the general Kim In-chan. Yu Hyon-jong's penchant for high drama has led him to become a capable playwright as well, as evinced in such works as Yangbanjeon (양반전 Tale of a Nobleman) and Urideurui gwangdaewon (우리들의 광대원 Our Troupe).

Cette pierre insignifiante (Tteud isseulsu eomneun i dolmaeng-i, 1961) est un récit relatant l'histoire de deux soldats coréens situés des deux côtés de la zone démilitarisée. L'ouvrage décrit comment un objet tout à fait ordinaire et sans valeur peut acquérir une grande importance en tant que seul vecteur de communication entre deux personnes qui doivent coûte que coûte afficher leur relation ennemie. Il s'agit là d'une histoire simple mais qui fournit néanmoins une critique indirecte de la réalité tragique de la partition de la Corée. Yu Hyeon-jong a reçu le Prix du Nouvel Écrivain décerné par la revue Jayu Munhak en 1961 pour ce récit ; la même année il sort diplômé du département de création littéraire à l'institut des arts Sorabol1.

Ses récits ultérieurs ont fait place à une plus grande théâtralité en traitant des thèmes plus divers. Le géant (Geo-in), par exemple, met en scène un protagoniste qui possède une force presque surhumaine et une volonté à toute épreuve, ce type de « super-héros » fait souvent son apparition dans les romans historiques de Yu, qui a ainsi abordé un large éventail de personnages et d'événements durant ses longues sagas historiques. Feux dans les champs (Deulbul, 1975) traite des rebelles du mouvement Donghak vers la fin de la dynastie Joseon. Yeon Gaesomun (1978) décrit les exploits héroïques de Yeon Gaesomun, le célèbre général du Royaume Goguryeo en Corée. L'auteur a aussi écrit des biographies personnalisées et romancées de personnages historiques tels que le moine Myocheong de la dynastie Goryeo, le marin Jang Bogo du royaume Shilla, le bandit Im Kkeok-jeong de la dynastie Choseon, et aussi le peintre Jang Seung-eop de la dynastie Joseon. Le penchant de Yu Hyeon-jong pour les grands drames de l'histoire coréenne l'a amené à développer des compétences de dramaturge. Il a ainsi écrit des pièces de théâtre, notamment Histoire d'un mandarin (Yangbanjeon) et Une marionnettiste pour notre temps (Urideurui gwangdae). Il a reçu le Prix de littérature contemporaine (Hyundae Munhak) en 1969 et le Prix de l'Écriture créative de Hankook Ilbo en 19761.


1939年 2月25日 、全羅北道 全州 に生まれる。 短編『뜻 있을 수 없는 이 돌멩이(意思のないこの小石)』が『자유문학(自由文学)』第3回新人賞小説部門に選ばれ、登壇。
現実意識と超人的意思を追求する傾向が作品『거인(巨人)』、『섬진강(蟾津江)』などに現れている。初期の代表作『뜻 있을 수 없는 이 돌멩이(意思のないこの小石)』は、休戦線軍事分界線に勤務する国軍上等兵が鉄条網向こうの人民軍哨兵にタバコの火を貸すことから始まるが、一つの小石に委託して国土分断の不条理を告発している作品である。このため、劉の作品は不条理な現実に対する批判と対決意思を具現したものと評価されている。
1968年に発表した長編、『불만의 도시(不満の都市)』もやはり、密輸財閥を巡る社会悪の通俗的な状況を描いている。この他に、1974年に『양반전(ヤンバン傳)』、『우리들의 광대원』などの喜劇を発表した。


유현종(1939~)은 대한민국의 소설가다.  


유현종은 1939년 전라북도 전주에서 태어났다. 이리 공업고등학교를 거쳐 1960년 서라벌예술대학 문예창작과를 졸업하였다. 1961년 《자유문학》에 〈뜻 있을 수 없는 돌멩이〉가 신인상에 당선되어 등단한 이후 한국방송작가협회 상임이사, 한국문인협회 이사, 국제펜클럽 한국본부 이사, 한국문학가협회 부이사장, 문학동우회 부회장 등을 지냈다. 또한 우석대학교 겸임교수 (사)매월당문학사상연구회 부회장 등으로 활동하였고, 1999년부터 2002년까지 중앙대학교 국문학과 교수로 일했다. 

작품 세계 

유현종은 부조리한 현실에 주목하고 이를 비판하고 대결하는 경향의 작품을 썼다. 특히 그의 작품은 현실에 대한 인식을 분단 상황, 휴전선, 남북의 군대 등을 매개로 표현했으며, 역사에 대한 관심으로 동학농민전쟁과 조선 건국의 역사 등을 다룬 다수의 장편역사소설을 출간했다. 그는 작품에서 현실 비판과 초인적 의지를 지향했는데, 단편 〈거인〉(1966), 〈섬진강〉(1971) 등이 이러한 경향을 잘 보여준다. 한편 작가의 기 대표작이라고 할 수 있는 단편 〈뜻있을 수 없는 이 돌멩이〉(1961)는 군사분계선에 근무하는 국군 상등병이 철조망 너머 인민군 초병에게 담뱃불을 빌려주면서 시작하는 이야기로, 한 개의 조그만 돌멩이를 매개로 분단된 국토와 그로인한 한국사회의 부조리를 고발하고 있는 작품이다. 

장편소설 《불만의 도시》(1968)는 안정된 일자리를 구하지 못해 어려움을 겪던 젊은이가 우연히 재벌 회장과 알게 되고 성공하는 이야기다. 꿈을 포기하고 현실 세계의 질서를 따르는 인물의 내면을 섬세하게 그린 작품이다. 

장편소설 《들불》(1975)은 1972년 《현대문학》에 연재 되었던 장편소설로 '동학농민전쟁'을 작품의 배경으로 삼았다. 

장편소설 《용의 형제들》(2012)은 부패한 고려를 무너뜨리고 조선을 개국한 영웅 이성계와 그의 동료들을 전면에 내세운 작품이다. 작가는 이성계를 도와 조선을 건국한 김인찬 장군의 파란만장한 삶을 정교하고 치밀하게 그려 조선 건국 당시의 긴박한 상황과 지도자가 가져야 할 덕목을 강조하여 현대의 한국 상황을 환기시켰다. 

주요 작품 

1) 소설집     

《그토록 오랜 망각》, 원음각, 1966.

2) 장편소설

《불만의 도시》, 문예출판사, 1968.

《들불》, 열린세상, 1975(개정판, 행림출판, 2005).

《연개소문》, 임창출판사, 1985.

《묘청》, 행림출판, 1987.

《임꺽정》, 행림출판, 1987.

《대조영》, 태성, 1989.

《풍운》, 아침나라, 2000.

《난세부》, 세경, 2006.

《용의 형제들》, 김영사, 2012. 

수상 내역 

1969년 현대문학상

1976년 한국일보문학상

2004년 한무숙문학상

Original Works2

Translated Books3