
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

11 results
  • نظرة على الأدب الكوري
    نظرة على الأدب الكوري
    Arabic(اللغة العربية) Article

    أخبار الأدب / November 24, 2020

  • First ever English translation of South Korean “comfort women” novel—Local couple teams up with UW Press
    First ever English translation of South Korean “comfort women” novel—Local couple teams up with UW Press
    English(English) Article

    Northwest Asian Weekly / October 29, 2020

    For over 40 years, Bruce and Ju-Chan Fulton have been bringing vital works of Korean language fiction and nonfiction to the English-speaking world. Professional translators since 1979, the married couple has made it their life’s mission to share Korean stories, history, and culture with non-Korean speaking readers. Their latest effort, One Left, or Han Myong, by Kim Soom, is the first novel from South Korea that deals solely with the subject of “comfort women,” or wianbu.

  • 終わることのない日本軍慰安婦の痛み『ひとり』を刊行
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    LaborNet Japan / August 28, 2018

    三一書房 小番です。 『ひとり』(キム・スム著/岡裕美訳)を刊行します。 韓国で現代文学賞、大山文学賞、李箱文学賞を受賞した作家、キム・スムの長編小説です

  • ひとり
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    31 Shobo / July 04, 2019

    韓国で現代文学賞、大山文学賞、李箱文学賞を受賞した作家、キム・スムの長編小説。 歴史の名のもとに破壊され、打ちのめされた、終わることのない日本軍慰安婦の痛み。 その最後の「ひとり」から小説は始まる…… 慰安婦は被害当事者にとってはもちろん、韓国女性の歴史においても最も痛ましく理不尽な、そして恥辱のトラウマだろう。 プリーモ・レーヴィは「トラウマに対する記憶はそれ自体がトラウマ」だと述べた。 1991年8月14日、金學順ハルモニの公の場での証言を皮切りに、被害者の方々の証言は現在まで続いている。 その証言がなければ、私はこの小説を書けなかっただろう。…… (著者のことばより)

  • 母亲的形象与新世纪韩国文学
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    搜狐新闻 / May 23, 2019


  • “One Left” is a landmark Korean novel about one former Comfort Woman who is now in her 90s and determined to share her story
    “One Left” is a landmark Korean novel about one former Comfort Woman who is now in her 90s and determined to share her story
    English(English) Article

    iexaminer / March 23, 2021

    Throughout the course of her life, the protagonist of Kim Soom’s One Left has been known by many names. In the novel, however, she is simply “she” or “the woman,” an unremarkable, single, 93-year old woman, waiting away her final days. On television one day, she hears that the “last one” is dying — the last known woman to have been kidnapped and forced into sexual slavery for the Japanese army during the Pacific War. The last so-called comfort woman. Anxiously, she scans her memory, reciting the names of those who she knew during her own time at a Manchurian comfort station. Like a chant, she has recited these names for 70 years, lest she forget even one of these women.

  • 特集翻訳小説 最新翻訳小説地図
    特集翻訳小説 最新翻訳小説地図
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    群像 / May 07, 2020

    創作 小林エリカ「脱皮」 リービ英雄「文字の高原」 不妊治療に励む理科教師。死を待つ老人。何かを手放したい少女たち。災厄のなかで、生への希望が試される。時代の危機にこたえる、新たな小説が誕生した。小林エリカの創作「脱皮」。 チベットの高原にある寺院にたどり着いた「かれ」は、奇妙な体験をする。言語と言語、大陸と大陸、国と国、そして人と人の狭間から生まれる、文学の現在地。リービ英雄の創作「文字の高原」。 新連載 福嶋亮大「ハロー、ユーラシア」 諏訪部浩一「薄れゆく境界線――現代アメリカ小説探訪」 世界の秩序が変わりつつあるいま、「ユーラシア」の存在がふたたび浮上している。来たるべき世界を幻視する、批評の冒険。福嶋亮大の「ハロー、ユーラシア」。グローバル化で「アメリカ」自体の輪郭がぼやけていくなか、近代の産物たる「小説」はどう時代に応接してきたのか――「アメリカ」の新しい「見取り図」。諏訪部浩一の「薄れゆく境界線――現代アメリカ小説探訪」。

  • 『Lの運動靴』=キム・スム著、中野宣子・訳
    Japanese(日本語) Article

    毎日新聞 / July 02, 2022


  • You Can Check in Any Time You Want, But You Can Never Leave: The First Korean “Comfort Woman” Novel, Kim Soom’s One Left
    You Can Check in Any Time You Want, But You Can Never Leave: The First Korean “Comfort Woman” Novel, Kim Soom’s One Left
    English(English) Article

    BLARB – BLOG / April 11, 2021

    When a 92-year-old woman by the name of Lee died at last year, all of South Korea took notice. Her passing reduced to eighteen the official count of surviving Korean “comfort women,” who as girls were kept in sexual servitude to the Japanese military during the Second World War. Six months later, University of Washington press published an English translation of a Korean novel that imagines the future, inevitable and surely not far off, when that number falls to one. But an official count is just that, as Kim Soom reminds us with the character of One Left‘s 93-year-old protagonist P’unggil, a former comfort woman who never registered herself as such with the government. The death of the second-to-last member of the acknowledged group plunges her into an extended recollection of her own experience, which constitutes this “first Korean novel devoted exclusively to the subject of the comfort women.”

  • 2021 Openbook好書獎 遴抉出40本書單今揭曉!
    2021 Openbook好書獎 遴抉出40本書單今揭曉!
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    聯合新聞網 / December 01, 2021

    華文出版年度盛事2021 Openbook好書獎於12月1日揭曉,今年共有206部作品入圍決選,並依照慣例,從中遴選出「年度中文創作」、「年度翻譯書」、「年度童書/青少年圖書」、「年度生活書」4大獎項,計40本精彩好書。