불가능한 동화
Bulganeunghan donghwa
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkHan Yujoo / 한유주 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
This is a novel by Han Yujoo, serialized in the quarterly magazine Munhakgwa sahoe (Literature and Society) from 2011 to the spring of 2012 and published in the book form in 2013. With the author’s delicate language, the novel illuminates the daily life of the protagonist who is exposed to violence but does not show pain. The protagonist, who lives quietly with scars amidst people's indifference, suffers from a situation where even her school cannot provide her a refuge.
순례자의 노래
Sullyejaui norae
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkOH JUNGHEE et al / 오정희 et al / 1983 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
왼쪽의 오른쪽, 오른쪽의 왼쪽
Oenjjogui oreunjjok, oreunjjogui oenjjok
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkHan Yujoo / 한유주 / - / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
This is a short story from Han Yujoo's short story collection Yeondaegi (The Chronicle), published in 2019. The author composes a story by structuring sentences through repetition, enumeration, negation, and inversion. This is the author’s efforts to not to delude herself into thinking that she understands everything that happens in our lives. In addition, she seeks to find the unique significance of each of the countless individuals in her work, and her intention is reflected in the sentences and structures of the story.
한국문학 특집호
Hangung munhang teukjipo
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkCheon Myeong-kwan et al / 천명관 et al / - / -
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkHan Yujoo / 한유주 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century
2009년 출간된 한유주의 소설집에 수록된 단편소설이다. 작가는 글쓰기의 행위를 그대로 재현하거나 소설가가 소설을 쓰는 것을 현전하는 것에 관해 다루고 있다.
English(English) Printed/Published WorkKim Hyesoon et al / 김혜순 et al / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical
한국 단편소설 선집
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkLee Hyoseok et al / 이효석 et al / - / -
멜랑콜리 해피엔딩
mellangkolli haepiending
Korean(한국어) Printed/Published WorkKang hwa gil et al / 강화길 et al / 2019 / -
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