
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

4 results
  • Vers une famille nouvelle
    French(Français) Article

    keulmadang / June 12, 2009

    A la différence de la plupart des sociétés, les Coréens sont liés à la famille dans une mesure qui dépasse l’ordinaire. Une crise de conscience a poussé les Coréens, en tant que victimes de la colonisation et de la guerre, à rechercher surtout la tranquillité, la sécurité et le bonheur pour leurs familles. Néanmoins, à partir des années ’90, le modèle familial existant se confronte à la crise. C’est la génération des jeunes écrivains du 21e siècle qui capte et documente les signaux de ce changement.  

  • Seoul book club to host three rising Korean authors
    English(English) Article

    The Korea Herald / September 09, 2015

    The Seoul Book and Culture Club will be hosting a book reading and question-and-answer session with three rising stars of Asian literature.  Organized together with ASIA Publishers, the event will see Cheon Myeong-kwan reading from his story “Homecoming,” Hwang Jung-eun reading from “Kong’s Garden” and Yun I-hyeong reading from “Danny.” All three stories were included in ASIA Publishers’ K-Literature series.  The three authors will then discuss their works and answer questions.

  • Confronting Danger Through Apocalyptic Literature: Kim Insuk, Park Min-gyu, Yun I-Hyeong, and Pyun Hye-Young | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Confronting Danger Through Apocalyptic Literature: Kim Insuk, Park Min-gyu, Yun I-Hyeong, and Pyun Hye-Young   By Jung Yeo-ul on Nov 01 2014 00:52:06 Vol.13 Autumn 2011 The Realities of a Risk Society Korean writers have been producing an increasing number of works that deal with the end of civilization or disasters of apocalyptic scale. In particular, authors who have emerged after the new millennia—Park Min-gyu, Yun I-Hyeong, Pyun Hye-Young, Cho Hahyeong, and Yun Ko-eun—have delivered straightforward depictions of the horrors of a post-apocalyptic dystopia instead of extracting messages of hope or salvation from the rubble. One common denominator of post-2000 works that depict catastrophes is their intensification of the tragic notion that reality is itself a catastrophic phenomenon. Apocalyptic literature in a society of danger stems from a radically critical view of reality. Recent works that depict virtual disasters reveal an allegorical imagination of the here and now. Through the horrendous disasters of societies yet to come, writers direct our attention to the everyday disasters of contemporary society. These works also re-investigate the question of “What is reality?” Novels that depict virtual disasters have strong characteristics of sci-fi or fantasy literature, and are also particularly experimental. Contemporary apocalyptic literature gives us visions of the future as grotesque and grim as the ones we meet in Brave New World or 1984. 

  • 諶淑婷/被輕視的心靈,被利用的身體──預示女性未來恐怖處境的小說《兩封合格通知書》
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    博客來OKAPI- / August 06, 2021

    人的一生,有多少左右命運的時刻?大考揭榜、職場獲選、締結婚姻、懷孕生子、意外疾病……?韓國作家尹異形(윤이형)挑選了其中之二,做為《兩封合格通知書》的主軸,她沒有給主角姓名,只讓她以第一人稱自述,在十多歲的花樣年紀一口氣收到兩封「合格通知信」,一封是引領人生未來之路的大學入學通知,另一封是妊娠檢查報告,通知她可以準備生育了。 本書建構了一個虛擬的未來世界:凡年滿17歲的女學生,都要進行妊娠相關檢查,因為全世界只有10%的女人能製造健康卵子,因此能夠「成為母親」等於可以阻止人類滅亡,具備這份如同上天賜予的能力,也會獲得相對的好運。生下孩子後,國家會送上附家具的新家、汽車、一大筆祝賀禮金,以及免費的保母與家事幫傭。