E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • Shoko's Smile
    Shoko's Smile
    English(English) Ebook

    Choi Eunyoung / 최은영 / 2021 / -

    A bestselling and award-winning debut collection from one of South Korea's most prominent young writers. In crisp, unembellished prose, Eun-young Choi paints intimate portraits of the lives of young women in South Korea, balancing the personal with the political. In the title story, a fraught friendship between an exchange student and her host sister follows them from adolescence to adulthood. In "A Song from Afar," a young woman grapples with the death of her lover, traveling to Russia to search for information about the deceased. In "Secret," the parents of a teacher killed in the Sewol ferry sinking hide the news of her death from her grandmother. In the tradition of Sally Rooney, Banana Yoshimoto, and Marilynne Robinson—writers from different cultures who all take an unvarnished look at human relationships and the female experience—Choi Eunyoung is a writer to watch. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5810032?cid=37224

  • Shoko's Smile
    Shoko's Smile
    English(English) AudioBook

    Choi Eunyoung / 최은영 / 2021 / -

    A bestselling and award-winning debut collection from one of South Korea's most prominent young writers. In crisp, unembellished prose, Eun-young Choi paints intimate portraits of the lives of young women in South Korea, balancing the personal with the political. In the title story, a fraught friendship between an exchange student and her host sister follows them from adolescence to adulthood. In "A Song from Afar," a young woman grapples with the death of her lover, traveling to Russia to search for information about the deceased. In "Secret," the parents of a teacher killed in the Sewol ferry sinking hide the news of her death from her grandmother. In the tradition of Sally Rooney, Banana Yoshimoto, and Marilynne Robinson—writers from different cultures who all take an unvarnished look at human relationships and the female experience—Choi Eunyoung is a writer to watch. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5808880?cid=37224

  • Безопасный для меня человек
    Безопасный для меня человек
    Russian(Русский) Ebook

    Choi Eunyoung et al / 최은영 / 2021 / -

    В сборнике представлены семь рассказов популярной корейской писательницы Чхве Ынён, лауреата премии молодых писателей Кореи.Эти небольшие и очень жизненные истории, словно случайно услышанная где-то, но давно забытая песня, погрузят читателя в атмосферу воспоминаний и размышлений. «Хорошо, что мы живем в мире с гравитацией и силой трения. Мы можем пойти, остановиться, постоять и снова пойти. И пусть вечно это продолжаться не может, но, наверное, так даже лучше. Так жить лучше», – говорит нам со страниц рассказа Чхве Ынён, предлагая посмотреть на жизнь и проникнуться ее ходом, задуматься над тем, на что мы редко обращаем внимание, – над движением души и переживаниями событий. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/7635476?cid=37224

  • 對我無害之人
    Chinese(汉语) Ebook

    Choi Eunyoung et al / 최은영 / 2020 / -

    你是那個自以為無害,實際上卻是無心和殘忍的人嗎? 你是否曾經因為被理解了,瞬間世界搖搖晃晃,然而,從此透澈。 2019年韓國最受矚目的作家!在習慣用急促短句和感性照片來壓縮、取代感情的社會裡,崔恩榮用細膩的視角,發掘這個時代逐漸被遺忘的情感! 繼出道作《祥子的微笑》後,崔恩榮的第二本小說集仍然用溫柔的眼眸來看待一切,但不同的是,這次的故事裡帶有淒涼的破裂音色──人生最柔軟的時期、純度最高的友情,崔恩榮將那強烈的情感密度完整呈現! Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5895441?cid=37224