
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

8 results
  • 熠熠星光背后的文化精神
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    SHANGHAI ZUOJIAWANG / August 25, 2015

    “语言决定人类,而众所周知中文起源甚早,被韩国、日本等亚洲地区运用,所以从宽泛的角度来说中日韩三个东方国家共属于一个文字圈,这就意味着我们共同拥有了一种精神,共同拥有了某个时代、某段历史。在这次活动的主题叫“在东方”,我认为这更多的强调的是中国所引领的东方文化潮流,是汉语、汉文所引发的潮流。”   Source: http://www.shzuojia.com/plus/view.php?aid=1205

  • 【活动报道】熠熠星光背后的文化精神
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    sina / August 25, 2015

    8月23日晚上由上海市新闻出版局、上海市出版协会、上海市作家协会、上海图书馆、东方早报联合主办的2015年上海书展暨书香上海之夏名家新作系列讲座之“熠熠星光背后的文化精神”在上海图书馆举行。本次讲座邀请到的嘉宾有韩国著名作家成硕济,国内著名作家小白到场,由著名翻译家徐翠娥担任现场翻译。二人围绕着中韩近年来的文学发展方向和主要特点,与冒雨而来的读者分享自己的想法。   Source: http://blog.sina.cn/dpool/blog/s/blog_88e8dae40102voee.html?vt=4

  • A qui mieux mieux
    French(Français) Article

    keulmadang / October 18, 2013

    Depuis l’enfance, Song Sok-ze s’abreuve de romans des quatre coins de la planète pour satisfaire son imagination. Avec A Qui Mieux Mieux, il parvient à créer un univers hilarant, plein de réflexions sur la société coréenne d’aujourd’hui. Le lieu? La falaise rouge et son fleuve. L’endroit où se déroule la célèbre bataille navale entre les trois royaumes chinois en 208 après JC.   Elle inspire nombre d’artistes au fil des siècles (dont un des cinq P’ansoris les plus célèbres : Le Dit de la Falaise Rouge). Dans un village fait d’anciens décors utilisés pour le tournage d’un drama historique, habitent illégalement une poignée d’hommes et de femmes. Ils y passent une vie secrète et paisible jusqu’à l’arrivée de gangsters citadins prêts à chambouler leur quotidien. L’Œuvre de Song sok-ze regorge d’humour. Le langage familier de l’œuvre en est un des premiers exemples. L’écriture est simple et le vocabulaire utilisé par les personnages déborde de références à la culture coréenne underground. Les nombreuses onomatopées rythment l’action et lui donnent une note comique même dans les pires situations. Cet humour prend une teinte ironique, parfois même noire quand l’auteur décrit la cruauté humaine et plonge le lecteur entre rires et larmes à plusieurs reprises.

  • 중국대학생들과 한국작가들의 뜻깊은 만남의 자리
    Korean(한국어) Article

    길림신문 / November 03, 2014

    11월 2일, 2014중국대학생 한국문학작품독후감대회시상식이 길림대학 외국어학원에서 있었다. 한국문학번역원에서 주관하고 길림대학 외국어학원 조선어학부 주최로 펼쳐진 이번 시상식에는 작가, 평론가, 번역가, 교수, 대학생 등 100여명이 참가했다. 한국문학을 해외에 널리 알리고저 한국문학번역원에서 2006년부터 해마다 전세계적으로《해외독자 대상 한국문학독후감대회》를 진행해왔으며 중국 북방지역 대학에서 개최하기는 이번이 처음이다. 이번 시상식은 한국 성석제작가의 《도망자 이치도》를 읽고 독후감을 제출한 대학생중 우수작을 선발, 7월 응모시작후 주최측은 전국13개 대학, 단과대학 한국어학부로부터 총 168편의 독후감을 접수받게 되였다.

  • Meeting, rencontres littéraires, commencent à Saint-Nazaire
    French(Français) Article

    Ouest-France / November 19, 2015

    Pour leur treizième édition, les rencontres littéraires internationales rendent hommage à deux littératures, venues de Séoul et de Port-au-Prince. Les rencontres Meeting, organisées par la Maison des écrivains étrangers et traducteurs, débutent ce jeudi soir avec une table ronde sur la littérature haïtienne contemporaine, à 18 h 30 à la médiathèque Etienne-Caux.   Source: http://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/saint-nazaire-44600/meeting-rencontres-litteraires-commencent-saint-nazaire-3852504  

  • Free Spirit Wandering the Roads: Novelist Song Sokze | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Free Spirit Wandering the Roads: Novelist Song Sokze   on Oct 19 2014 12:12:19 Vol.13 Autumn 2011 Having started his career out as a poet, novelist Song Sokze continues to reinvent language in the novel form.   On an afternoon in mid-July during a break in the monsoon rains, author Song Sokze appeared at our prearranged meeting spot near Hongik University wearing heavily-faded jeans and a simple T-shirt. Down to the laptop rucksack on his back, he blended naturally into the neighborhood, which is a popular haunt for the young. Born in 1960, he is already in his 50s, but his choice of apparel was fresh and his eyes still possessed a boyish curiosity. There wasn’t even a hint of “older generation” staleness about him. He began his literary career 25 years ago in 1986, debuting as a poet, and beginning in 1994 he began writing fiction, becoming one of Korea's most respected novelists. The author of more than 10 short story collections and novels, he continues to be loved by readers and respected by critics. He has also won several of Korea's most prestigious literary prizes, attesting to his outstanding achievements in literature. He could secretly revel in his literary authority, but authority itself is far removed from the author's tastes. Song Sokze is young and free. More accurately, I should say his work is young and free.

  • Korean Society and Novels Since 1987 | LIST
    English(English) Article

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    Korean Society and Novels Since 1987   By Lee Kwang-ho on Nov 01 2014 00:30:31 Vol.12 Summer 2011 Freed from the constraints of history, the new generation of Korean writers is foraging a new path in a direction dramatically different from their predecessors.     The June revolution of 1987 marked the end of long military rule in Korea. Korea began to strive towards democracy and diversify culturally. Socialism had failed and the dominance of capitalism around the globe became undeniable. Under such circumstances, literature paradoxically attacked philosophies that saw literature as a vehicle of social change. Literature began to lose its focus after decades of raging against an autocratic government. As the idea of a market economy expanded to include culture and information products, lifestyles also underwent changes. These changes turned the Korean cultural market into a self-regulating entity that pioneered its own market. In this process, literature was subsumed into the cultural market. A literature of political imagination, which dominated the previous era, was relatively weakened, diminishing literature’s political and educational responsibility that had been the hallmark of Korean contemporary literature. In a world where there was nothing left to expose or be enraged about, literature had to re-examine its place in the world. The realm of a personal life thus far veiled behind group ideology emerged in the unfamiliar environment of an information-based society and routines of capitalism. New themes of personal worlds and the problems of living a cultural life emerged in the 1990s. Colorful themes such as a re-examination of the inner world, feminism and sexuality, exploring life in the city, relationships to popular culture, the digital environment, and cyberspace appeared for the first time. This signifies more than just an expansion of themes and topics but a diversification of literary awareness. A revolt broke out against literature’s responsibility to be an objective depiction of reality.

    Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Article

    elle.vn / November 14, 2021

    W.G.Sebald, nhà văn Đức nổi tiếng chuyên viết về ký ức, chiêm nghiệm rằng “ký ức nằm ngủ trong chúng ta hằng tháng, hằng năm trời, lặng lẽ sinh sôi, cho đến khi thức dậy bởi một chuyện vặt nào đó”. Nằm trong cùng một mạch suy tưởng về vai trò của hồi ức, Song Sok Ze, cây bút xuất sắc của văn học Hàn Quốc đương đại, tập trung miêu tả những điều nhỏ nhặt được những ký ức ngủ quên chợt gợi lên trong tập truyện ngắn Con người hỡi ôi.