Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

7 results
    Russian(Русский) Available

    Song Chanho et al / 송찬호 / 2012 / -

    В данном сборнике представлены стихи известного корейского поэта-сюрреалиста Сон Чхан Хо. В своих стихах поэт обращается к теме гармонического взаимоотношения природы и человека. Он пытается найти ответ на вопрос: "Возможна ли гармония между...   Source :

  • The Night of the Cat's Return
    The Night of the Cat's Return
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Song Chanho / 송찬호 / 2015 / -

    The Poems of Chanho Song subvert anthropocentric views of the world, rendering the textures of daily life through the eyes of the inhabitants of the land of pygmies. Butterflies, cats, and flowers speak in their own voices, presenting readers with a new perspective on their lives—and on nature. But the fairy tale-like world painted by Song is not the innocent one of a child unacquainted with the harsher realities of experience. Rather, it is what awaits explorers of the fallen language. Song invokes the state of regained innocence celebrated by William Blake, inviting us to engage in a dialogue with what the ancient Chinese called the ten thousand things; his poems demonstrate how to live harmoniously with nature.   source:

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    English(English) Available

    David R. McCann et al / 데이비드 매캔 et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

    "Azalea is about Korean literature and literary culture, and therefore about writing, publishing, translating, and reading. The writing has already happened, the translation too, but now for the reading! We have looked at original works, wondering who might best translate a gem. Or we have discovered a strong translation and asked, 'Can we publish it?' And how might artwork of various kinds, or perhaps photographs of Korea contemporaneous with the literary works, be added to the mix? The occasional hortatory note, such as my own in this issue about the 1953 short story 'Cranes' by Hwang Sunwon, may add another edge, perhaps, to the reader's framing and reframing of the piece." --from the Editor's Note Contributors: Heinz Insu Fenkl, Ha Seong-nan, Mickey Hong, Huh Su-gyung, Hwang In-sook, Hwang Jiwoo, Hwang Sunwon, Kim Aeran, Kim Chiha, Kim Hyesoon, Kim Jung-Hyuk, Kim Seung-Hui, Kim Young-ha, Ko Un, Lee Changdong, Lee Hye-kyung, Lee Moon-jae, Lee Si-Young, Chonggi Mah, David R. McCann, Orhan Pamuk, Park Min-gyu, Robert Pinsky, Song Ch'an-ho, Ronald Suleski, Sung Suk-je,Yoon Sung-Hee,Yun Dae Nyeong, Dafna Zur.

  • 作家

    Choi Suchol et al / 최수철 et al / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • PO

    Mah Chonggi et al / 마종기 et al / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • 赤い豚たち
    Japanese(日本語) Available

    Song Chanho et al / 송찬호 / 2021 / -

    宋燦鎬 : 1959年、忠清北道報恩郡生まれ。慶北大学独文科卒業。1987年、“我らの時代の文学”に詩「便秘」などを発表して文壇デビュー。2000年、第19回金洙暎文学賞と東西文学賞、2008年、第8回未堂文学賞、2009年、第17回大山文学賞、2010年、第3回李箱詩文学賞、2017年、第3回ディカ詩作品賞、2019年、第7回詩と思想文学賞と第17回エジ文学賞を受賞した (Source:宋燦鎬_000000000861343/item_詩集-赤い豚たち_11617421)

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    KU SANG et al / 구상 et al / 2005 / -