The guestEnglish(English) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Based on actual events, The Guest is a profound portrait of a divided people haunted by a painful past, and a generation's search for reconciliation. During the Korean War, Hwanghae Province in North Korea was the setting of a gruesome fifty-two day massacre. In an act of collective amnesia the atrocities were attributed to American military, but in truth they resulted from malicious battling between Christian and Communist Koreans. Forty years later, Ryu Yosop, a minister living in America returns to his home village, where his older brother once played a notorious role in the bloodshed. Besieged by vivid memories and visited by the troubled spirits of the deceased, Yosop must face the survivors of the tragedy and lay his brother's soul to rest. Faulkner-like in its intense interweaving narratives, The Guest is a daring and ambitious novel from a major figure in world literature. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/CD61ACDA-985C-4A77-89A9-A526AB8C1B3A
Princess BariEnglish(English) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong et al / 황석영 / 2015 / -
In a drab North Korean city, a seventh daughter is born to a couple longing for a son. Abandoned hours after her birth, she is eventually rescued by her grandmother. The old woman names the child Bari, after a legend telling of a forsaken princess who undertakes a quest for an elixir that will bring peace to the souls of the dead. As a young woman, frail, brave Bari escapes North Korea and takes refuge in China before embarking on a journey across the ocean in the hold of a cargo ship, seeking a better life. She lands in London, where she finds work as a masseuse. Paid to soothe her clients' aching bodies, she discovers that she can ease their more subtle agonies as well, having inherited her beloved grandmother's uncanny ability to read the pain and fears of others. Bari makes her home amongst other immigrants living clandestinely. She finds love in unlikely places, but also suffers a series of misfortunes that push her to the limits of sanity. Yet she has come too far to give in to despair - Princess Bari is a captivating novel that leavens the grey reality of cities and slums with the splendour of fable. Hwang Sok-yong has transfigured an age-old legend and made it vividly relevant to our own times. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/7DCD67C6-3130-4DF7-ACA2-2B07D4A0EEE5
El huésped [Kindle Edition]Spanish(Español) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Fue publicado en Corea en el 2001, siendo un bestseller en su país de origen. En El huésped—como llaman a la viruela en la tradición coreana—, el autor compara dos ideologías occidentales: catolicismo y marxismo, con una plaga mortal, causa de muchos conflictos. Por primera vez en muchos años, el misionero Liu Yosop, que vive en Brooklyn, Nueva york, está a punto de regresar a su patria, Corea del Norte. Días antes de su partida su hermano Liu Yohan muere en su departamento de Nueva Jersey, y empieza a sufrir alucinaciones y pesadillas. Cuando sube al avión hacia Pyong-yang con un pedazo de hueso rescatado de los restos de su hermano incinerado, el fantasma de éste aparece, entra en su cuerpo y los dos se dirigen a su pueblo natal. Allá Yosop recuerda los 45 días terribles de 1950 en que los civiles de Sincheon fueron violentamente masacrados por el ala derecha cristiana, de la que su propio hermano formaba parte. Es una jornada hacia la redención espiritual y liberación de los sufrimientos del mundo. Source: http://www.literaturacoreana.com/profile/ElHuesped Purchase Kindle Edition >> http://www.amazon.es/El-Huésped-Sok--Yong-Hwang-ebook/dp/B00AZ1PY46/ref=sr_1_2?s=digital-text&ie=UTF8&qid=1423813760&sr=1-2&keywords=El huésped
The Old GardenEnglish(English) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Political prisoner Hyun Woo is freed after eighteen years to find no trace of the world he knew. The friends with whom he shared utopianist dreams are gone. His Seoul is unrecognizably transformed and aggressively modernized. Yoon Hee, the woman he loved, died three years ago. A broken man, he drifts toward a small house in Kalmoe, where he and Yoon Hee once stole a few fleeting months of happiness while fleeing the authorities. In the company of her diaries, he relives and reviews his life, trying to find meaning in the revolutionary struggle that consumed their youth—a youth of great energy and optimism, victim to implacable history. Hyun Woo weighs the worth of his own life, spent in prison, and that of the strong-willed artist Yoon Hee, whose involvement in rebel groups took her to Berlin and the fall of the wall. With great poignancy, Hwang Sok-yong grapples with the immortal questions—the endurance of love, the price of a commitment to causes—while depicting a generation that sacrificed youth, liberty, and often life, for the dream of a better tomorrow. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/C794EA46-452D-478C-AC89-D814EBEF0363
The Shadow of ArmsEnglish(English) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > 1945-1999
A novel of the black markets of the South Vietnamese city of Da Nang during the Vietnam War, based on the author’s experiences as a self-described South Korean mercenary on the side of the South Vietnamese, this is a Vietnam War novel like no other, truly one that sees the war from all sides. Scenes of battle are breathtakingly well told. The plot is thick with intrigue and complex subplots. But ultimately The Shadow of Arms is a novel of the human condition rather than of the exploits and losses of one side or the other in war. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/F40CF116-6B1E-4903-9C11-7FBC9794A0E5
Die LotosblüteGerman(Deutsch) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Denkt man an ein märchenhaftes Schicksal, so kommt man nicht sofort auf Kurtisanen und Frauenhandel, doch es ist tatsächlich ein alter koreanischer Mythos, der diesem Meisterwerk zugrunde liegt. Darin entführt Hwang Sok-Yong den Leser in das Asien des 19. Jahrhunderts, in eine Welt des Opiumhandels und der Prostitution: Von der Stiefmutter verkauft, findet sich die 15 Jahre alte Shim Chong plötzlich als Zweitfrau eines alten Chinesen wieder. Lenhwa, Lotosblüte, heißt sie jetzt, und alles ist so furchtbar anders, als sie es gewohnt ist. Viel zu essen hatte sie nie, und Betteln war ihr täglich Brot, denn sie diente ihrem blinden Vater als Augenpaar, doch der Alltag in dem fremden Haushalt kommt ihr erst recht vor wie ein böser Traum. Als ihr Ehemann stirbt, wird ihr schmerzlich bewusst, dass dies für sie nur die erste Station einer Odyssee ist, die sie, als Handelsware missbraucht, von den Ufern des Gelben Flusses über Shanghai, Taiwan und Singapur bis in das Land der Geishas führen soll. Nach unzähligen sinnlichen wie schmerzvollen Erfahrungen entdeckt Shim Chong eines Tages die Macht ihres Körpers und nimmt ihr Leben in die eigenen Hände. Selten ist es einem asiatischen Autor gelungen, das historische Ostasien in all seinen bunten Facetten einzufangen. Hier taucht man ein in diese fremde Welt und nimmt Anteil am Schicksal Lenhwas: ein Roman mit enormer Tiefe, ungemein fesselnd und mit schwindelerregender Leichtigkeit erzählt. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/32CC099B-6121-4CDE-8F07-C67924090391
Prințesa BariRomanian(Română) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2016 / -
Legenda coreeană a prințesei Bari istorisește cum cea de-a șaptea fiică a unui rege este abandonată de părinți, dornici să aibă și un fiu. Când însă regele și regina se îmbolnăvesc, ghicitorii le spun ca există o singură cale de salvare: fiica lor părăsită trebuie să caute apa vieții la marginea lumii și să le-o aducă. Pornind de la această legendă, Hwang Sok-yong țese în romanul său o poveste despre viața grea din Coreea de Nord a anilor '90. Eroina – cea de-a șaptea fată – primește de la bunica ei, o femeie-șaman, numele Bari. Bunica o pregătește pe micuța Bari pentru calea lungă pe care o va străbate, învățând-o cu ajutorul poveștilor că nimic nu e inutil, că răbdarea reprezintă cheia supraviețuirii. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/3A6D5FC8-D17D-4906-AA7E-A483719A3FB7
Znajomy światPolish(Polski) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2019 / -
„To bez wątpienia najsilniejszy głos współczesnej Azji". Kenzaburō Ōe, laureat Literackiej Nagrody Nobla„Potężna refleksja nad kapitalizmem w wykonaniu jednego z najznakomitszych koreańskich pisarzy. Hwang wzywa nas do spojrzenia w przeszłość i namysłu nad tym, jakim kosztem dokonała się ewolucja społeczeństwa". The GuardianGdy ojciec czternastoletniego Wytrzeszcza zostaje wywieziony do „obozu reedukacji", chłopak wraz z matką dołączają do tysięcy miejskich wyrzutków żyjących na Wyspie Kwiatów – ogromnym wysypisku śmieci na obrzeżach Seulu. „Społeczne odpady", jak nazywa się mieszkańców tego miejsca, utrzymują się z tego, co uda im się znaleźć wśród resztek produkowanych przez konsumpcyjne społeczeństwo wielkiego miasta. Kiedy pewnej nocy między górami śmieci Wytrzeszcz zauważa tajemnicze światełka, wszystko wskazuje na to, że jego los się odmieni – ale czy na zawsze? Ta tętniąca życiem, urzekająca opowieść to nie tylko obraz społeczeństwa u progu zawrotnych zmian ekonomicznychi społecznych, lecz także niezwykle aktualne przypomnienie, że powinniśmy zastanowić się dwa razy, zanim coś wyrzucimy. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/FEC34300-E30C-4420-98FF-7164D94CCA4A
At DuskEnglish(English) Ebook
Hwang Sok-yong / 황석영 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
In the evening of his life, a wealthy man begins to wonder if he might have missed the point. Park Minwoo is a success story. Born into poverty in a miserable neighbourhood of Seoul, he has ridden the wave of development in his country. Now the director of a large architectural firm, his hard work and ambition have brought him triumph and satisfaction. But that all begins to change when he receives a message from a childhood friend he once loved. As memories return unbidden, he recalls a world he thought he had left behind — a world he now realises that he has helped to destroy. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/B804E71A-74D3-4415-B54C-DAB81AD7E849
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