E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

11 results
  • Pachinko
    English(English) Ebook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2017 / -

    A New York Times Top Ten Book of the Year and National Book Award finalist, Pachinko is an "extraordinary epic" of four generations of a poor Korean immigrant family as they fight to control their destiny in 20th-century Japan (San Francisco Chronicle). NEW YORK TIMES NOTABLE BOOK OF 2017 * A USA TODAY TOP TEN OF 2017 * JULY PICK FOR THE PBS NEWSHOUR-NEW YORK TIMES BOOK CLUB NOW READ THIS * FINALIST FOR THE 2018DAYTON LITERARY PEACE PRIZE* WINNER OF THE MEDICI BOOK CLUB PRIZE Roxane Gay's Favorite Book of 2017, Washington Post NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER * #1 BOSTON GLOBE BESTSELLER * USA TODAY BESTSELLER * WALL STREET JOURNAL BESTSELLER * WASHINGTON POST BESTSELLER "There could only be a few winners, and a lot of losers. And yet we played on, because we had hope that we might be the lucky ones." In the early 1900s, teenaged Sunja, the adored daughter of a crippled fisherman, falls for a wealthy stranger at the seashore near her home in Korea. He promises her the world, but when she discovers she is pregnant—and that her lover is married—she refuses to be bought. Instead, she accepts an offer of marriage from a gentle, sickly minister passing through on his way to Japan. But her decision to abandon her home, and to reject her son's powerful father, sets off a dramatic saga that will echo down through the generations. Richly told and profoundly moving, Pachinko is a story of love, sacrifice, ambition, and loyalty. From bustling street markets to the halls of Japan's finest universities to the pachinko parlors of the criminal underworld, Lee's complex and passionate characters—strong, stubborn women, devoted sisters and sons, fathers shaken by moral crisis—survive and thrive against the indifferent arc of history. *Includes reading group guide* Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/B92D0B34-D678-4F54-A411-5C3875385DE1

  • Free Food for Millionaires
    Free Food for Millionaires
    English(English) Ebook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > English and American literatures

    In this One Book, One New York 2019 nominee from the author of National Book Award Finalist Pachinko, the Korean-American daughter of first-generation immigrants strives to join Manhattan's inner circle. Meet Casey Han: a strong-willed, Queens-bred daughter of Korean immigrants immersed in a glamorous Manhattan lifestyle she can't afford. Casey is eager to make it on her own, away from the judgements of her parents' tight-knit community, but she soon finds that her Princeton economics degree isn't enough to rid her of ever-growing credit card debt and a toxic boyfriend. When a chance encounter with an old friend lands her a new opportunity, she's determined to carve a space for herself in a glittering world of privilege, power, and wealth-but at what cost? Set in a city where millionaires scramble for the free lunches the poor are too proud to accept, this sharp-eyed epic of love, greed, and ambition is a compelling portrait of intergenerational strife, immigrant struggle, and social and economic mobility. Addictively readable, Min Jin Lee's bestselling debut Free Food for Millionaires exposes the intricate layers of a community clinging to its old ways in a city packed with haves and have-nots. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/097AFFDC-1B2F-4D75-B66F-25500AE27A41

  • Ein einfaches Leben
    Ein einfaches Leben
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2018 / -

    Sunja und ihre Söhne leben als koreanische Einwanderer in Japan wie Menschen zweiter Klasse. Während Sunja versucht, sich abzufinden, fordern Noa und Mozasu ihr Schicksal heraus. Der eine schafft es an die besten Universitäten des Landes, den anderen zieht es in die Spielhallen der kriminellen Unterwelt der Yakuza. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/F22F515C-D932-49E1-9DEB-281417C8F142

  • Free Food for Millionaires
    Free Food for Millionaires
    English(English) AudioBook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > English and American literatures

    In this One Book, One New York 2019 nominee from the author of National Book Award Finalist Pachinko, the Korean-American daughter of first-generation immigrants strives to join Manhattan's inner circle. Meet Casey Han: a strong-willed, Queens-bred daughter of Korean immigrants immersed in a glamorous Manhattan lifestyle she can't afford. Casey is eager to make it on her own, away from the judgements of her parents' tight-knit community, but she soon finds that her Princeton economics degree isn't enough to rid her of ever-growing credit card debt and a toxic boyfriend. When a chance encounter with an old friend lands her a new opportunity, she's determined to carve a space for herself in a glittering world of privilege, power, and wealth-but at what cost? Set in a city where millionaires scramble for the free lunches the poor are too proud to accept, this sharp-eyed epic of love, greed, and ambition is a compelling portrait of intergenerational strife, immigrant struggle, and social and economic mobility. Addictively readable, Min Jin Lee's bestselling debut Free Food for Millionaires exposes the intricate layers of a community clinging to its old ways in a city packed with haves and have-nots. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/B7A2AFA8-3CF7-44B0-919B-FF14724B05DE

  • Pachinko
    English(English) AudioBook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2018 / -

    Yeongdo, Korea - 1911. In a small fishing village on the banks of the East Sea, a club-footed, cleft-lipped man marries a fifteen-year-old girl. The couple have one child: their beloved daughter Sunja. When Sunja falls pregnant by a married yakuza, the family face ruin. But then, Isak, a Christian minister, offers her a chance of salvation: a new life in Japan as his wife. Following a man she barely knows to a hostile country in which she has no friends, no home, and whose language she cannot speak, Sunja's salvation is just the beginning of her story. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5563734?cid=37224

  • Free Food for Millionaires
    Free Food for Millionaires
    English(English) AudioBook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > English and American literatures

    Casey Han's years at Princeton have given her a refined diction, an enviable golf handicap, a popular white boyfriend and a degree in economics. But no job, and a number of bad habits. As Casey, the daughter of working-class Korean immigrants, navigates an uneven course of small triumphs and spectacular failures, a clash of values, ideals and ambitions plays out against the colourful backdrop of New York society. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/5263844?cid=37224

  • Ein einfaches Leben
    Ein einfaches Leben
    German(Deutsch) AudioBook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2018 / -

    Ein Epos über Liebe, Opfer, Ambition und Loyalität, umwerfend erzählt und zutiefst ergreifend Anfang des 20. Jahrhunderts erliegt die jugendliche Sunja, geliebte Tochter eines koreanischen Fischers, dem Charme eines reichen Fremden. Er verspricht ihr die Welt, aber sie lässt sich nicht kaufen; als sie schwanger wird, erfährt sie, dass er verheiratet ist. Wenn das Herz bricht, muss der Kopf die Entscheidungen treffen, und so weist sie den Vater ihres Sohnes zurück und nimmt das Heiratsangebot eines sanften, kränklichen Pfarrers an, der auf dem Weg nach Japan ist. Sunja weiß nicht, dass sie mit dieser Entscheidung eine dramatische Geschichte lostritt, die Folgen hat für alle weiteren Generationen ... Gelesen von Gabriele Blum. (Laufzeit ca. 17h 14) Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/1BD1E1D1-A712-4EE1-9A8F-03A79EB17158

  • Pachinko
    English(English) Ebook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2017 / -

    * The million-copy bestseller* * National Book Award finalist * * One of the New York Times's 10 Best Books of 2017 * * Selected for Emma Watson's Our Shared Shelf book club * 'This is a captivating book ... Min Jin Lee's novel takes us through four generations and each character's search for identity and success. It's a powerful story about resilience and compassion' BARACK OBAMA. Yeongdo, Korea 1911. In a small fishing village on the banks of the East Sea, a club-footed, cleft-lipped man marries a fifteen-year-old girl. The couple have one child, their beloved daughter Sunja. When Sunja falls pregnant by a married yakuza, the family face ruin. But then Isak, a Christian minister, offers her a chance of salvation: a new life in Japan as his wife. Following a man she barely knows to a hostile country in which she has no friends, no home, and whose language she cannot speak, Sunja's salvation is just the beginning of her story. Through eight decades and four generations, Pachinko is an epic tale of family, identity, love, death and survival. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/2813819

  • Pacsinkó
    Hungarian(Magyar) Ebook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2021 / -

    "Nyertesbõl csak kevés akadt, vesztesbõl viszont annál több. Mi mégis tovább játszottunk, mert reméltük, hogy egyszer ránk mosolyog a szerencse!" A történelem ritkán kegyes. Min Jin Lee mesterien megírt regényeposzában egy szegény, de öntudatos bevándorló család négy nemzedéke küzd azért, hogy számûzve hazájukból, amit sohase ismertek, saját sorsuk uraivá válhassanak. Koreában az 1900-as évek elején a tizenéves Sunját, egy félig nyomorék halászember imádott lányát otthonuktól nem messze, a tengerparton elcsábítja egy gazdag idegen. A férfi elhalmozná mindennel, de amikor a lány ráébred, hogy teherbe esett - és hogy a szerelme nõs -, nem hajlandó eladni magát. Inkább elfogadja egy szelíd, betegségekkel küzdõ lelkész házassági ajánlatát, aki úton Japánba száll meg náluk. Ám döntésével, hogy elhagyja otthonát, és visszautasítja születendõ fia nagy hatalmú apját, Sunja izgalmakkal teli családtörténetet indít el, ami a rákövetkezõ nemzedékekre is kihat. A Pacsinkó egy lebilincselõen megírt, drámai erejû történet szerelemrõl, áldozatkészségrõl, becsvágyról és hûségrõl. Erõs és makacs asszonyok, odaadó nõvérek és fiúk, erkölcsi válságban gyötrõdõ apák - õk Lee bonyolult és szenvedélyes szereplõi, akik hol nyüzsgõ utcai piacokon, hol japán elitegyetemek elõadótermeiben, hol alvilági pacsinkó szalonokban bukkannak fel. Ám van bennük valami közös: mind túlélõk, akik kiharcolják a maguk jussát a történelem részvétlen folyamában. Min Jin Lee New York-i jogászként kezdi a pályáját, ám már ekkor díjakat nyer szépirodalmi és ismeretterjesztõ munkáival. Néhány év elteltével már csak az írásnak él, alkotásait pedig egyre nagyobb érdeklõdés övezi. Elsõ regénye, a Free Food for Millionaires 2007-ben arat nagy sikereket. Neves magazinokban, folyóiratokban publikál, Amerika leghíresebb egyetemein tart elõadásokat írásról, politikáról, filmrõl és irodalomról. 2007 és 2011 között Tokióban él, itt kutatja késõbbi elsöprõ sikerû regénye, a Pacsinkó anyagát. Ez utóbbit a New York Times 2017-ben a tíz legjobb könyv közé választja, és bekerül a National Book Award (Nemzeti Könyvdíj) döntõjébe. Több mint 75 bestsellerlistán szerepel, 25 nyelvre fordítják le. 2018-ban Min Jin Leet is beválasztja az Adweek Creative magazin a "10... Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/6007784

  • Free Food For Millionaires
    Free Food For Millionaires
    English(English) Ebook

    Lee Min Jin et al / 이민진 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > English and American literatures

    The brilliant debut novel from the New York Times-bestselling author of Pachinko. 'Ambitious, accomplished, engrossing ... As easy to devour as a nineteenth-century romance' New York Times. Casey Han's years at Princeton have given her a refined diction, an enviable golf handicap, a popular white boyfriend and a degree in economics. But no job, and a number of bad habits. The elder daughter of working-class Korean immigrants, Casey inhabits a New York a world away from that of her parents. As Casey navigates an uneven course of small triumphs and spectacular failures, a clash of values and ambitions plays out against the colourful backdrop of New York society, its many shades and divides. 'Explores the most funadmental crisis of immigrants' children: how to bridge a generation gap so wide it is measured in oceans' Observer. 'A remarkable writer' The Times. Source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/3993884?cid=37224