春川有座“金裕贞文学村”/陶 然Chinese(汉语) Article
大公網 / December 23, 2018
图:韩国著名短篇小说家金裕贞(1908-1937) 说实在的,对於韩国文学,我实在孤陋寡闻,虽然多年前也翻过一本韩国短篇小说选集,但印象不深。居然有一天,在首尔,主人家要带我们去参观春川市的“金裕贞文学村”,金裕贞?好奇心顿起。同去同去,於是便同去。
Reading Korean literature in the era of the Korean novelistEnglish(English) Article
The Korea Times / January 15, 2019
Korea has a rich and fast-growing library of modern literature. The list of writers of novels, short stories, and other works is long. Korean writers have taken a significant place in world literature. Their translators are also making names for themselves. These Korean writers, some contemporary and some from times past but reborn through modern editions and translations, not only represent the best of Korean literature, they are being received and honored globally. Many of these Korean writers are equal to the great writers of other cultures and countries.
Une averseFrench(Français) Article
Issu en 1908 d'une famille aisée d'un petit village de montagne de la Corée du Sud, Kim Yu-Jong, orphelin très tôt, n'aura de cesse, après des études universitaires bâclées, de mener l'existence des plus pauvres. Vagabond, il vivra au milieu de paysans misérables, fréquentera les deulbyong'i, marchandes d'alcool ambulantes et écrira une trentaine de nouvelles avant de mourir de la tuberculose en 1937.
Sometimes You Have to Laugh: The Lighter Side of Korean Fiction | LISTEnglish(English) Article
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Sometimes You Have to Laugh: The Lighter Side of Korean Fiction By Charles Montgomery on Nov 09 2014 04:18:29 Vol.12 Summer 2011 Korean fiction has a reputation as being quite serious and there are also sometimes problems involved in translating humor. Consequently you might guess that there is no lightness in the Korean fiction that has been translated. The good news is that this is simply not true. There is quite a bit of character-based humor in Korean literature. Often, that humor helps readers understand Korean cultural elements in the stories they read. There is a saying in English that, “A spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down,” and it applies to these kinds of stories. Choe Chong-hui’s Chom-nye explores the difficulties of post-war peasants, and features a clever and rapacious shaman who uses the death of a bride to swindle the mourning family out of all the dead women’s goods and the families’ sole remaining chicken. There is also Chon Kwangyong’s brilliant Kapitan Ri, an excellent summary of the first 50 years of the 20th century in Korea, the main character of which is a highly amusing bad guy. When humor is fused into these meaningful stories, Korean literature becomes more easily accessible. There are also some stories that are just plain funny. Three of these great stories are from the KLTI/Jimoondang Publishing series, “The Portable Library of Korean Fiction.” The Camellias, by Kim Yujung, is a “first love” story in which a country bumpkin comes face to face with Jeomsun, a girl from a higher class who loves him. The tone is rough and humorous as Jeomsun is only capable of showing her interest through an aggression that she feels is justified by the boy’s inability to understand that they are actually in love. The young love is complicated by the fact that Jeomsun is the narrator’s social superior, and this causes the narrator to see Jeomsun’s peculiar mix of affection and aggression as a form of class warfare. Of course it is, as Jeomsun pulls stunts that would get a social equal smacked on the head, but Kim plays this for broad comedy and the unnamed narrator’s denseness justifies the lengths that Jeomsun feels she has to go to in order to demonstrate her love. In the end, after various amusing bumps and bruises, love is realized.
The Village that Formed the Backdrop of Twelve Novels: The Literary Village of Kim Yujung | LISTEnglish(English) Article
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The Village that Formed the Backdrop of Twelve Novels: The Literary Village of Kim Yujung By Son Yun-gwon on Nov 10 2014 23:01:50 Vol.2 Winter 2008 Located in a cozy village surrounded by mountains, the Literary Village contains the life and stories of novelist Kim Yujung. It was a place that was once so poor, it was difficult just to get by. Here, the characters in Kim Yujung's story, weary yet full of laughter, come to life. When lakes, fog, dakgalbi (a spicy chicken dish), mime festivals, the pop song “Soyang River Girl,” and the TV mini-series Winter Sonata are mentioned, the city of Chuncheon is the first place that comes to most Koreans’ minds. Chuncheon is also the birthplace of the writer Kim Yujung (1908-1937), who died prematurely of tuberculosis, leaving behind such classic folk works as Spring ∙ Spring and Dongbaekggot (Yellow Ginger Blossom)1 . His essay collection, A Mountain Valley in May, published one year before his death, was a dedication to his hometown.
【國際文學獎巡禮】崔末順/韓國的文學獎與若干爭Chinese(汉语) Article
聯合新聞網 / June 27, 2021
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.