Writers ABC List

We provide information on Korean writers: biographical and bibliographic data, overseas literary events and international media coverage.


Park Ido(박이도)

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Park Ido
Family Name
First Name
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Preferred Name
Pen Name
Син Генг Рим, Park, Ido
Representative Works
  • Descriptions
  • Works
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • Chinese(汉语)

Park I-do (1938-) is a South Korean poet. He debuted in 1959 when he won two literary contests hosted by newspapers: one hosted by Jayu sinmun for his poem “Eumseong” (음성 Voice) and one hosted by Hanguk ilbo for his poem “Hwangjewa na” (황제와 나 The Emperor and I). Through his works, Lee explores existential meaning as he reflects on life, existence, and the relationship between oneself and objects. He won the Korea Literary Award (대한민국문학상), the Pyeonun Literary Award (편운문학상), the Christian Culture Award Grand Prize (기독교문화대상), and the Moon Deoksu Literary Award (문덕수문학상).

* Poetry collection Bulkkonnori (불꽃놀이 Fireworks) (1994)

* Poetry collection Eoneu insaeng (어느 인생 A Life) (2010)

박이도(1938~)는 한국의 시인이다. 1959년 <자유신문>에 <음성>이, 1962년 [한국일보] 신춘문예에<황제와 나>가 당선되어 작품 활동을 시작했다. 작가는 존재와 삶에 대한 사유와 탐구, 나와 사물과의 관계 성찰 속에서 나의 존재론적 의미를 시로 보여 주고 있다. 대한민국문학상, 편운문학상, 기독교문화대상, 문덕수문학상 등을 수상했다. 

朴利道(1938-),韩国诗人。1959年诗作《声音》(《음성》)入选《自由新闻》,1962年诗作《皇帝和我》(《황제와 나》)入选《韩国日报》新春文艺,从此正式投身创作活动。其作品在思考和探讨存在与生活、我与事物的关系中展现了“我”的存在论意义。曾获大韩民国文学奖、片云文学奖、基督教文化大奖、文德守文学奖等奖项。 诗集《放烟花》(《불꽃놀이》,1994)、《某段人生》(《어느 인생》,2010)

  • 시집<불꽃놀이>(1994), <어느 인생>(2010)

Original Works1

  • DLKL
    Russian(Русский) Printed/Published Work
    외국문학지 2010.03

    Oegungmunhakchi 2010.03

    Jeong Ho-seung et al / 정호승 et al / -

Translated Books2