Writers ABC List

We provide information on Korean writers: biographical and bibliographic data, overseas literary events and international media coverage.


Eun Mee Hee(은미희)

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Eun Mee Hee
Family Name
First Name
Mee Hee
Middle Name
Preferred Name
Eun Mee Hee
Pen Name
Eun Mihee, Eun Mee Hee, 殷美姬
Representative Works
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  • Works
  • English(English)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • Chinese(简体)

Eun Mi-hee (1960-) is a South Korean novelist. Her career started when she won two literary contests: one in 1996 hosted by the daily Jeonnam ilbo for her short story “Nueneun gochi sogeseo museun kkumeul kkuneunga” (누에는 고치 속에서 무슨 꿈을 꾸는가 What Does a Silkworm Dream in its Cocoon) and one in 1999 hosted by the daily Munhwa ilbo for her short story “Dasi naneun sae” (다시 나는 새 Bird Flying Again). Cho’s works attempt to reflect the voices of women who have been hurt and scarred throughout history such as female poets of the Joseon era and Japanese military comfort women.

* Novel Nabiya, Nabiya (나비야, 나비야 Hey Butterfly, Hey Butterfly) (2009)

* Novel Heukchima Sadako (흑치마 사다코 Black-skirted Sadako) (2011)

* Novel Nabi, nalda (나비, 날다 Butterfly Flies) (2021)

은미희(1960~)는 한국의 소설가다. 1996년 단편 <누에는 고치 속에서 무슨 꿈을 꾸는가>로 《전남일보》 신춘문예에, 1999년 단편 <다시 나는 새>로 《문화일보》 신춘문예에 당선되면서 작품활동을 시작했다. 작가는 조선시대의 여성시인, 위안부 여성들의 삶 등 역서 속에서 훼손당하고 상처입은 여성들의 목소리를 작품으로 풀어내고 있다. 

殷美姬(1960-),韩国小说家。1996年短篇作品《蚕在茧中梦想什么》(《누에는 고치 속에서 무슨 꿈을 꾸는가》)入选《全南日报》新春文艺,1999年短篇作品《重新翱翔的鸟儿》(《다시 나는 새》)入选《文化日报》新春文艺,从此开始创作活动。其作品多为朝鲜时代女诗人、慰安妇等遭受历史创伤的女性群体代言。 长篇小说《蝴蝶啊, 蝴蝶啊》(《나비야, 나비야》,2009)、《穿黑裙的贞子》(《흑치마 사다코》,2011)、《蝴蝶翩翩》(《나비, 날다》,2021)

  • 장편<나비야, 나비야>(2009), <흑치마 사다코>(2011), <나비, 날다>(2021)

Translated Books1