
We provide news about Korean writers and works from all around the world.

4 results
  • “Sweet Potato: collected short stories” by Kim Tongin
    “Sweet Potato: collected short stories” by Kim Tongin
    English(English) Article

    Asian Review of Books / September 30, 2017

    As contemporary Korean literature receives increasing acclaim in English-language circles—Han Kang’s The Vegetarian won the 2016 Man Booker International Prize—it is perhaps inevitable that efforts are being made to introduce older Korean classics to the English language mainstream. One of of these is Sweet Potato, a newly-translated volume of short stories by Kim Tongin (or Kim Dong-in) written mostly in the Japanese colonial period between the Wars.“Kim Tongin’s literary achievements had important literary historical significance, leading to the establishment of modern Korean fiction and its rapid popularization,” writes Youngmin Kwon in the introduction. Kim’s place in Korean literary history is perhaps a matter for scholars; not being one, I can only come to this collection more or less as a general reader would.

  • Review: Sweet Potato, Korean short story collection, is a gritty introduction to a little known period of East Asian history
    Review: Sweet Potato, Korean short story collection, is a gritty introduction to a little known period of East Asian history
    English(English) Article

    South China Morning Post / October 09, 2017

    As contemporary Korean literature receives increasing acclaim in English-language circles – Han Kang’s The Vegetarian won the 2016 Man Booker International Prize – it is perhaps inevitable that efforts are being made to introduce older Korean classics to the English language mainstream. One of these is Sweet Potato, a newly translated volume of short stories by Kim Tongin (or Kim Dong-in) written mostly in the Japanese colonial period between the wars.

  • Reliving the Korean Film Renaissance (1950s-1960s) | LIST
    Reliving the Korean Film Renaissance (1950s-1960s) | LIST
    English(English) Article

    list_Books from Korea / -

    Reliving the Korean Film Renaissance (1950s-1960s)   By Chung Chong-hwa on Oct 28 2014 02:25:12 Vol.6 Winter 2009 After the liberation from Japanese rule in 1945, the outbreak of the Korean War in 1950, and the declaration of a cease-fire in 1953, Korean society began its reconstruction phase in earnest. Amidst the wave of Western modernism—best represented by American culture—audiences became enamored with the glamorous American life shown in Hollywood genre films. Poet and literary critic Lim Wha once stated that cinema in the Joseon era first began by “cooperating with different neighboring cultures.” In fact, throughout its history, Korean cinema has constantly negotiated and merged with different art forms. It probably goes without saying that Korean cinema has always maintained a close relationship with literature. Traditional classic novels that are familiar to native Koreans, popular novels including newspaper serials, and literary fiction, which guaranteed the artistic level of the film, were always in constant demand from the film industry.

  • 【國際文學獎巡禮】崔末順/韓國的文學獎與若干爭
    Chinese(汉语) Article

    聯合新聞網 / June 27, 2021
