Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Zhuangzi |
장자 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Twilight |
노을 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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The Watermelon Patch at the Top of Daecheong Peak |
대청봉 수박밭 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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The Seashore at Daybreak |
새벽 바닷가 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Garbarge Dump Fire |
쓰레기장 불 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poets Who Never Despair |
절망 않는 시인들 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Nightfall in Indonesia |
인도네시아에 저물다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poem about Water's Experiences |
물의 경험(經驗)의 시 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Heavy Snow in Sajin-ri |
사진리 대설 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Waterfall |
폭포 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Frost Flower Buddha |
성에꽃 눈부처 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Carpenter Bee in a Pumpkin Flower |
호박꽃 속 호박벌 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Sweet Thoughts |
그윽한 회포 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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My Dionysiuses |
나의 디오니소스들 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Letter Sent to Nae-Rin Stream |
내린천을 뛰우는 편지 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Cranes |
두루미 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Leaves in the Wind |
바람 나뭇잎 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Spring |
봄 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Apple Pip |
사과씨 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Human Flower |
사람꽃 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Noise |
소란 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Blind Man |
장님 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Bowing |
절 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Wife and Child |
처자 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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The Place Where a Flower Once Blossomed |
꽃자리 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Flower Not Blooming |
피지 않는 꽃 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Unable to Go to Mt. Wolyu |
월유산을 못 가다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Sinus Evening |
림프강의 저녁 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Sorrow for What is Not |
무비(無悲) |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Song of Sad Source |
슬픈 샘의 노래 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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An Arrow |
화살 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Plane Trees in the Zoo |
동물원 플라타너스 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Celestial Jewel-Writing |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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So Many Stones Floating in the Sky |
하늘에 떠 있는 수 많은 돌 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Fresh Pollock Noodle Soup |
조태 칼국수 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Where Grasshoppers Died |
메뚜기들 죽은 곳 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Mother's Milk |
젖 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Downstream Poem |
하류의 시 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Looking in through a Front Door |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poem on a Line |
선상의 시 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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April |
4월 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Grasshopper's Eyes |
여치의 눈 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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One Frozen Tear |
얼어붙은 울음 하나 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Sleep of White Sand |
흰 모래의 잠 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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My First Light |
나의 최초의 빛 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Run, Tiger! |
달려라, 호랑아 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Pollock, and Only This Poem Was Left |
명태여, 이 시만 남았다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Misiryeong by Night |
밤 미시령 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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On Opening a Vertical Blind |
버티컬 블라인드가 열릴 때 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Insect |
벌레 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Why, the First Ice Has Frozen! |
앗 철얼음 얼다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Twilight Mafnificent as an Aurora |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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The Street That Killed Music |
음악을 죽인 거리 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Gazing |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Small Knife |
작은 칼 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Grass, Grass, Grass |
풀 풀 풀 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Swan's Feet |
고니 발에는 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Speeding Word |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poem of Moths and Dust |
나방과 먼지의 시 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Strolling Eastward |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Women Standing on Balconies |
발코니에 서 있는 여자 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Have You Ever Been to a Spider's Life? |
거미의 생에 가보았는가 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poem of Green Forsythia |
푸른미선나무의 시 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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In that Deep Place, the Secret Department Store |
저 깊은 곳, 비밀 백화점에서 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Memories of Corn Beard Cricket |
옥수수수염귀뚜라미의 기억 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Rose with a Transparent Glass |
투명유리컵의 장미 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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In a Dead Spot |
통화권이탈자역 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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From Below the Lowest Level of You and I |
너와 나의 밑바닥의 밑에서 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Bankruptcy |
파산자 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Silver Transparent Electric Ballpen |
은빛투명전자볼펜 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poem of One Grain of Beijing Sand |
뻬이징의 모래 한 알의 시 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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I Stand on My Head |
물구나무서기하는 나 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Spiderwort's Private Life |
달개비의 사생활 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Before Dawn's Ludicrous Despair |
우스꽝스러운 새벽의 절망 앞에 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Suddenly I Am Passing Through a Dead Body |
어느새 사자를 통과하고 있다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Toward Bogor Botanical Garden |
보고르식물원을 향하여 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Piglet's Summer on the Hill Behind |
뒷산 새끼돼지들의 여름 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Cancer: A Word |
'암'자 화두 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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To a Definitely Not-Queit Poem |
결코 조용하지 않은 시에게 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Roman Morning in K Hotel |
로마 아침 K호텔에서 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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0.1 Millimeter Chain-of-Love |
0.1밀리미터의 러브체인 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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The Toilet in Cheonho Subway Station |
지하 천호역 화장실 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Poet Outside the Frame |
액자 밖의 시인 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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The Time of a Sharp Knife Blade |
시퍼런 칼날의 세월 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Voices Turned into Pottery |
도자기 가 된 목소리 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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On a Branch |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Flower Rising in Tree Rings |
꽃이 올라오는 나이테 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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I Commemorate Devastation |
나의 황폐화를 기념한다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Skyscraper Love Chain |
마천루 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Crazy About Mitochondria |
미토콘드리아에 사무치다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Camel in a Needle's Eye |
바늘구멍 속의 낙타 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Please Grow Old like the Roots of a Tree |
부디 나무뿌리처럼 늙어라 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Could You Step Aside a Little? |
조금 비켜주시지 않겠습니까 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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I Am Not in Erdene Zuu Monastery |
나는 에르덴조 사원에 없다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Looking at the Deep Blue Sky |
시퍼런 하늘을 쳐다본다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Blue Ice Fish |
푸른 물고기의 울음 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Black Death Suddeny Hurled into a Labyrinth |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Jaguar in the City Center One Clear Day |
애채들이 우는 지문의 기억 (이전 제목 <청천의 都心 속 재규어>) |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Grass and Apartments |
풀과 아파트 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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A Counterfeit Banknote |
위조지폐 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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Summer Devours Wife |
여름이 아내를 잡아먹는다 |
Ko Hyeong-ryeol |
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My Momentary Toy |
나의 순간 장난감 |