7 results
[Three Percent] 2015 Best Translated Book Award Poetry LonglistEnglish(English) Others
Three Percent / April 07, 2015
[BOOKFORUM] Sorrowtoothpaste Mirrorcream by Kim HyesoonEnglish(English) Others
BOOKFORUM / September 29, 2014
[hyperallergic] The Sick World of Kim HyesoonEnglish(English) Others
Hyperallergic / April 13, 2014
[heavyfeatherreview] Kim Hyesoon’s SORROWTOOTHPASTE MIRRORCREAM: a conversational reviewEnglish(English) Others
heavyfeatherreview / November 11, 2014
[The Collagist] Sorrowtoothpaste Mirrorcream By Kim HyesoonEnglish(English) Others
thecollagist / July 05, 2014
"Dear Choly, From Melan", "Saturn’s Sleeping Pill" by Kim HyesoonEnglish(English) Others
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