E-Books & Audiobooks

We provide e-books of Korean literary works published in over 48 languages around the world.

4 results
  • The Picture Bride
    The Picture Bride
    English(English) Ebook

    Lee Geumyi et al / 이금이 / 2022 / -

    Could you marry a man you've never met? Three Korean women in 1918 make a life-changing journey to Hawaii, where they will marry, having seen only photographs of their intended husbands. Different fates await each of these women. Hongju, who dreams of a marriage of 'natural love', meets a man who looks twenty years older than his photograph; Songhwa, who wants to escape from her life of ridicule as the granddaughter of a shaman, meets a lazy drunkard. And then there's Willow, whose 26-year-old groom, Taewan, looks just like his image ... Real life doesn't always resemble a picture, but there's no going back. And while things don't turn out quite as they'd hoped, even for Willow, they do find something that makes their journey worthwhile — each other. Source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/8879456?cid=37224

  • Years and Years
    Years and Years
    English(English) Ebook

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2024 / -

    Three women—the old mother and her two daughters—contemplate their family life and their bottled-up feelings through the novel's placating yet oddly unnerving prose. Every Year is divided into four large chapters; the first unravels from the perspective of Sejin, younger daughter, the second from that of Youngjin, older daughter, the third from the mother's, and the fourth, back to Sejin's. Throughout the course of the novel, a number of themes are developed, including its discussion of interracial marriage, different forms of family, and sexual minorities. Circumstances and history forced the mother to the life of obedience, familial obligations and financial hardship forced Youngjin to give up her dream and support the family, and the reality of her culture forced Sejin to be in the closet. And all the while, these three women, while empathizing with each other, seem entrapped in the cycle of forcing each other to further succumb. source: https://lti.overdrive.com/media/10267489?cid=37224

  • Der Wal
    Der Wal
    German(Deutsch) Ebook

    Cheon Myeong-kwan / 천명관 / 2024 / -

    »Der Wa« erzählt die abenteuerliche Geschichte zweier Frauen: die von Kūmbok, einem ehrgeizigen Mädchen vom Land, das zur erfolgreichen Unternehmerin, Fabrikbesitzerin und Kinobetreiberin avanciert und mit seinem mysteriösen Duft die Männer um den Verstand (und manche von ihnen um ihr Leben) bringt; und die von Kūmboks stummer, trotz ihrer furchteinflößenden Gestalt sanftmütigen Tochter Ch'unhūi, die ungewollt schuld wird an einem verheerenden Brand, der den Untergang einer ganzen Stadt nach sich zieht, dafür jahrelang im Gefängnis sitzt und schließlich an den Ort ihrer Kindheit, eine inzwischen verfallene Ziegelfabrik, zurückkehrt. source : https://lti.overdrive.com/media/10546803?cid=37224

  • 不做告别
    Chinese(简体) Ebook

    Han Kang et al / 한강 / 2024 / -

    编辑推荐 1诺贝尔文学奖热门提名人选、亚洲首位布克国际文学奖得主 韩江《少年来了》后调竭尽全力书写生命续章。 如果说写《少年来了》时,噩梦或死亡深入我的内心经历,那么写这部小说时则是自己从死亡走向生命的经历。我认为这本小说拯救了我。――韩江 2 再次书写国家暴力和大屠杀主题,以济州岛大屠杀为蓝本。 献给我们的感觉、存在和良知。 断气的婴儿、冲散的尸体、倾泻而下的子弹、枕头下的锯子和眼珠里燃烧着火花与烟灰 3韩国前总统文在寅难以释怀之作,大山文学奖 金万重文学奖双奖加冕。 那些看似风和日丽的午后,远处竟下着暴雪;如今稳妥踩着的土地,数十年前曾是血染之处。 内容简介 小说家庆荷自从写了一本描述屠杀的书之后,就开始做噩梦。她曾经计划和摄影师朋友仁善一起拍摄和梦境有关的纪录片,但后来仁善为了照顾母亲而回到济州岛。 冬季的某一天,因意外住院的仁善,请求庆荷立即前往济州的家里照顾她的小鸟。庆荷在暴风雪中历经千辛万苦,终于到达仁善的家,她在那里看到了仁善的家族史,那是七十多年前在济州发生的平民大屠杀:济州岛大屠杀。 仁善的父亲因失去全家人而悲痛欲绝,但还得在监狱里度过十五年;她的母亲则同时失去父母和妹妹,连哥哥也生死未卜,只能和姐姐两个人相依为命。在屠杀之后,仁善的母亲爲了寻找哥哥的行踪,数十年来没有放弃进行平静的抗争...... 在暴雪中孤立的黑暗房屋中、在微弱的蜡烛下、在光与暗之间、在成千上万永恒缓慢下降的雪花中,她们恳切地思念已经不在这里的人。