A Ghost, a Thief, and LoveEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Han Jisan et al / 한지산 / 2024 / -
A Ghost, a Thief, and Love divides a single word into thirds. That word never once appears in the poetry collection. I brought in a ghost, a thief, and love to explain it. Describing these three words became a form of evasion. I concluded the poetry collection without ever conclusively saying what I meant. This collection adheres to life. The poems are linked to characters, settings, and events, but the poems don't merge with them. They accompany each other, but don't meet; they are conscious of each other, but don't invite the other. Like how people continue to gaze at the sky, look at the forest, and cry where no one's there - absence can be a way of proving presence. source : https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=355733534
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