SynchronicityEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee JongMin / 이종민 / 2024 / -
You are not who you used to be now. No, the words before and after are no longer needed. Also, you think that the being that other yous are looking for is also ultimately you yourself. And it hits you-that in the end, every story is connected. .From “Poet’s Essay” Debating whether to write a sentence or not, the poet stays in the space-time of that moment and unravels his story. Although the two possibilities cannot be realized at the same time, they coexist in his story. Simultaneity contains the two faces of impossible reality; just like a face may beam a bright smile or shed sad tears but cannot have the two face each other. So, what is the poet writing about? .Choi Jin Seok(Literary Critic) source : https://product.kyobobook.co.kr/detail/S000213399487
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