ShineEnglish(English) Available
Jessica Jung et al / 제시카 정 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Crazy Rich Asians meets Gossip Girl by way of Jenny Han in this knock-out debut about a Korean American teen who is thrust into the competitive, technicolor world of K-pop, from Jessica Jung, K-pop legend and former lead singer of one of the most influential K-pop girl groups of all time, Girls Generation. From internationally renowned K-pop legend Jessica Jung comes a fresh YA novel that peels back the curtain on the intense world of K-pop from the perspective of a Korean American girl, like Jessica, who is scouted off the street and thrust into an unknown world of competition, strict training and wild fame. What would you give for a chance to live your dreams? For eighteen-year-old Korean American Rachel Kim, the answer is almost everything. Six years ago, she was recruited by DB Entertainment - one of Seoul's largest K-pop labels, known for churning out some of the world's most popular stars. The rules are simple: Train 24/7. Be perfect. Don't date. Easy right? Not so much. As the dark scandals of an industry bent on controlling and commodifying beautiful girls begin to bubble up, Rachel wonders if she's strong enough to be a winner, or if she'll end up crushed ... Especially when she begins to develop feelings for K-pop star and DB golden boy Jason Lee. It's not just that he's charming, sexy and ridiculously talented. He's also the first person who really understands how badly she wants her star to rise. Get ready as Jessica Jung, K-pop legend and former lead singer of Korea's most famous girl group, Girls Generation, takes us inside the luxe, hyper-colour world of K-pop, where the stakes are high, but for one girl, the cost of success - and love - might be even higher. It's time for the world to see: this is what it takes to SHINE. Source : https://www.bookdepository.com/Shine-Jessica-Jung/9781405297387
ShineChinese(繁體) Available
Jessica Jung et al / 제시카 정 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
家人、愛情、友情、信任、生活 要犧牲多少珍愛的事物,才能打開夢想的大門? 鎂光燈底下的爾虞我詐、 練習生之間的你爭我奪、 大型娛樂公司的權力與陰謀…… 真相,永遠隱藏在舞台之下。 「音樂總是在那裡。 它讓我覺得有人理解我,好像這世界上還是有我的容身之處, 在那裡,人們看見的我就是我。」 美籍韓裔的瑞秋為了成為韓國流行歌手,從11歲時便全家離開紐約回到韓國。 雖然她幸運成為韓國最大型娛樂公司DB娛樂的練習生, 但母親對瑞秋學業的嚴格要求、與其他練習生之間的競爭、鏡頭恐懼症……都讓瑞秋的練習生生活更加困難。 而最殘酷的是,即便瑞秋歌舞表現得有多麼好,但在實力並非一切的韓國娛樂界裡,沒有關係又沒有手段的瑞秋更是如釜中之魚,緊迫得想要在所謂「偶像黃金年齡」裡趕著出道。 因緣際會之下,瑞秋與DB娛樂最當紅的男偶像李傑森相遇, 兩人也深受對方吸引,但身在極為複雜的娛樂圈中, 傑森與瑞秋卻被捲入公司為了賣名刻意捏造的醜聞之中。 知道一切真相後的瑞秋即使心碎,還是振作起來決意堅持夢想,狠狠將所有人一軍。 就算她以為一切都失去希望之際,卻得到了以九人女子團體出道的機會—— Source : https://www.books.com.tw/products/0010870756?loc=P_0003_030
ShineIndonesian(Bahasa Indonesia) Available
Jessica Jung et al / 제시카 정 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
Apa yang bersedia kaupertaruhkan demi mewujudkan impianmu? Bagi Rachel Kim, remaja Korea-Amerika yang berusia tujuh belas tahun, jawabannya adalah: hampir segalanya. Enam tahun lalu ia direkrut oleh DB Entertainment—salah satu perusahaan musik K-pop terbesar di Seoul. Aturan menjadi trainee DB Entertainment cukup sederhana: latihan 24 jam sehari dan 7 hari seminggu, tampil sempurna, dilarang berkencan. Mudah, bukan? Tidak juga. Ketika skandal-skandal mulai bermunculan dalam industri yang berusaha keras mempertahankan citra kesempurnaan tersebut, apakah Rachel cukup kuat untuk menjadi pemenang? Atau apakah ia akan berakhir dalam keadaan hancur? JESSICA JUNG, bintang K-pop dan mantan vokalis utama dalam girl group paling terkenal di Korea, Girls Generation, mengajak kita masuk ke dunia K-pop yang penuh warna dan intrik, di mana harga yang harus dibayar untuk kesuksesan—dan cinta—sangat tinggi. Kini saatnya bagi dunia untuk mengetahui apa yang harus dilalui seorang gadis untuk mencapai impiannya sebagai bintang K-pop yang BERSINAR Source : https://www.grobmart.com/shine-by-jessica-jung-9786020645667
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