Original Works

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Printed/Published Work Korean(한국어)

해님 달님

About the Original Works

해님 달님
Original Title
해님 달님
Title Romanization
Haenim dallim
English Title(Printed)
Dear Sun, Dear Moon

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty

Song Chaechan
Lee Jong-mi
Published Year
Main Characters
A story about a tiger

About the Author

Writer default image
  • Song Chaechan
  • Birth : Unknown ~ Unknown
  • Occupation : Writer
  • First Name : Chaechan
  • Family Name : Song
  • Korean Name : 송재찬
  • ISNI : 0000000114941301
  • Works : 3
Descriptions(Languages 2)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • English(English)

2004년 출간한 송재찬 글, 이종미 그림의 동화다. 작품은 배경과 세부묘사를 생략하고 호랑이를 주인공으로 이야기를 전개하고 있다. 호랑이에게 쫓겨 하늘로 가는 오누이의 비중을 축소하고 오누이를 따라서 하늘로 올라가던 호랑이를 현대적으로 해석하여 경쾌하고 유쾌하게 그렸다.

Published in 2004, this children’s picture book was written by Song Chaechan and illustrated by Lee Jong-mi. In a departure from the original tale, the book omits background details and develops the story with the tiger as its central focus. By moving the focus away from the tiger giving chase to the siblings, and instead providing a modern reinterpretation of the tiger’s ascent into the sky, the work offers a pleasantly adapted tale that appeals to children.

Translated Books1

  • Die Sonne und der Mond
    German(Deutsch) Book Available
    Die Sonne und der Mond
    Song Chaechan et al / Song Jae-chan et al / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty