The Nine Cloud Dream – In Praise of Love that Overcomes HateEnglish(English)
2019-03-29 / II00000138
For the purpose of generating a discourse on Korean literature and introducing Korean writers and works to general readers and experts overseas, KLN publishes essays on classical Korean literature by experts from Korea and abroad. This essay discusses The Nine Cloud Dream.
KLN(Korean Literature Now) Vol.46English(English)
2019-12-05 / II00000146
KLN is published and distributed for the purpose of generating a discourse on Korean literature and introducing Korean writers and works to general readers and experts overseas. The theme of KLN Vol. 46 is Cats and Dogs in Korean Literature. The representation of animals in literature has a long and varied history—within the classical theme of the human-nature relationship. There are stories about wild animals or tamed animals loyal to humans. In several literary works, dogs and cats appear as independent characters or partners. This issue examines portrayals of dogs and cats in contemporary Korean literature.
Pushing for Poetry, AgainEnglish(English)
2020-06-12 / II00000204
For the purpose of generating a discourse on Korean literature and introducing Korean writers and works to general readers and experts overseas, KLN publishes essays on classical Korean literature by experts from Korea and abroad. This essay discusses Kim Siseup and hansi (poetry in Sino-Korean or Literary Chinese).
KLN Vol.55 REVIEWS: Is the Life We’re Living a Dream?English(English)
2022-03-03 / II00001111
This is a review of the Greek translation of The Nine Cloud Dream, published in KLN Vol. 55. Greek journalist Elissavet Kyritsis focuses on the fantastical descriptions in the Greek translation of Kim Man-jung’s The Nine Cloud Dream and approaches the work with the theme of “Is the life we’re living a dream?”
Related Resources
This is a collection of data on various Korean literature events, exhibitions and education programs hosted by LTI Korea around the world.