체공녀 강주룡
- Original Title
- 체공녀 강주룡
- Title Romanization
- Chegongnyeo gangjuryong
- Title Sub
- 제23회 한겨레문학상 수상작
- English Title(Printed)
- Kang Juryong, the Girl in the Air
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Park Seoryeon
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2018
- Publisher
- 한겨레출판
- 9791160401745
- Main Characters
- Kang Juryong, Choi Jeonbin, Jeong Dalheon
- Subject/Theme
- 1930s Joseon; female workers; high-altitude protests; union activities; strikes
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Kang Juryong leads a peripatetic life with her impoverished parents, moving around from Ganggye to Gando and Seoriwon. She hopes to study and become a ‘modern girl’, but reality prevents her from realizing those dreams. At her parents’ suggestion, she gets married, but when her husband suddenly dies, her parents plan for her to marry again, this time to the owner of their house. Instead, Juryong leaves them, heading for Pyongyang. There, while working at a rubber factory, she joins the red trade union and accuses the factory owners of exploiting the workers.
Translated Books1
Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available滞空女 屋根の上のモダンガール
Related Resources1
English(English) Video & Audio[Audiobook] Your Mom’s the Better Player