Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

3 results
  • The boy who escaped paradise
    The boy who escaped paradise
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    An astonishing story of the mysteries, truths, and deceptions that follow the odyssey of Ahn Gil­mo, a young math savant, as he escapes from the most isolated country in the world and searches for the only family he has left An unidentified body is discovered in New York City, with numbers and symbols are written in blood near the corpse. Gil­mo, a North Korean national who interprets the world through numbers, formulas, and mathematical theories, is arrested on the spot. Angela, a CIA operative, is assigned to gain his trust and access his unique thought-process. The enigmatic Gil­mo used to have a quiet life back in Pyongyang. But when his father, a preeminent doctor is discovered to be a secret Christian, he is subsequently incarcerated along with Gilmo, in a political prison overseen by a harsh, cruel warden. There, Gilmo meets the spirited Yeong-ae, who becomes his only friend. When Yeong-­ae manages to escape, Gil­mo flees to track her down. He uses his peculiar gifts to navigate betrayal and the criminal underworld of east Asia―a world wholly alien to everything he's ever known.   source:

  • 天國少年
    Chinese(繁體) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2021 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    <內容簡介> 《樹大根深》、《風之畫師》作者 李正明 又一鉅著 漂泊世界的脫北難民∕數學天才∕自閉症少年∕一級國際罪犯 在驚奇的數學奧德賽之旅中尋找愛 在不可理解的人生裡尋找解答 美麗的事物讓我感到幸福,因為在美麗的事物中藏有數字。 數字看似是一個個單獨存在的東西,但其實所有關係都是繫在一起的,數學的世界裡沒有偶然。 世界廣闊,人們像夜空中的星星一樣多,但沒有一個人是孤獨的,我們所有人都像看不見的蜘蛛網一樣相互連接。 暗夜的殺人命案,以鮮血留下謎樣的死亡記號, 行使緘默權的嫌疑犯…… 二○○九年二月二十八日凌晨在紐約一處住宅,發生一起謎樣的殺人命案。死者的臉部疑似有以酒 精類的藥品消毒過的痕跡,屍體旁邊則用鮮血書寫了複雜且不明的數字和圖形記號, 1 11 21 1211 111221 312211?? 我是個騙子 現場逮捕的嫌疑犯,在CIA探員的審問下,持續行使緘默權拒絕陳述。調查進行中,發現該名嫌犯縱橫世界各地,是個涉及毒品交易,曾加入犯罪組織,涉嫌詐欺、詐賭、槍擊案件、非法入境、殺人等十多起案件,被國際刑警組織發出紅色通緝令的一級國際罪犯。 一直行使緘默權的嫌犯,與負責看護他的護理師一同解開數學題,藉由數學進行溝通、心靈交流。他開始一點一滴地向護理師透露祕密裡關於自己與謎樣的死亡記號的線索,一個漂泊世界的難民、自閉症患者、數學天才,同時也是頭號罪犯的人生…… 分開的事物終將會再度相遇…… 我知道死亡,因為它是我朋友。 Source :

  • Cennetten Kaçan Çocuk
    Cennetten Kaçan Çocuk
    Turkish(Türkçe) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2022 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Pyongyang’da yaşayan genç matematik dehası Gilmo’nun sakin hayatı, doktor babasının gizli bir Hıristiyan olduğunun öğrenilmesiyle altüst olur. Babasıyla birlikte acımasızlığın hüküm sürdüğü bir çalışma kampına gönderilen Gilmo burada neşeli Yonge’yle tanışır. Yonge çalışma kampından kaçmayı başardığında, Gilmo da onu bulmak için kaçar. Dünyayı sayılar, formüller ve matematiksel teorilerle yorumlayan Gilmo, yeteneklerini Doğu Asya’nın yeraltı dünyasında gezinmek için kullanır. Ünlü yazar Jung Myung Lee Cennetten Kaçan Çocuk’ta okuyucuyu iyi ile kötü, gerçek ile yalan, esaret ile özgürlük arasındaki çizgiyi sorgulamaya davet ediyor… Source :