Original Works

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Printed/Published Work Korean(한국어)

임철우 중단편선: 붉은 방

About the Original Works

임철우 중단편선: 붉은 방
Original Title
임철우 중단편선: 붉은 방
Title Romanization
Imcheoru jungdanpyeonseon: bulgeun bang
English Title(Printed)
Red Room

KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story

Lim Chulwoo
Published Year
Main Characters
Ideological division; Korean society in the 1980s

About the Author

Lim Chulwoo
  • Lim Chulwoo
  • Birth : 1954 ~ -
  • Occupation : Novelist
  • First Name : Chulwoo
  • Family Name : Lim
  • Korean Name : 임철우
  • ISNI : 0000000116234280
  • Works : 36
Descriptions(Languages 2)
  • Korean(한국어)
  • English(English)

1988년 출간된 제12회 이상문학상수상작품집이다. 좌익과 우익의 대립과 갈등을 다룬 임철우의 <붉은방>을 비롯해 공동수상작인 한승원<해변의 길손>과 후보작인 문순태<꿈꾸는 시계>, 최수철의 <혼잣말> 등 모두 8편이 수록되어 있다.

Published in 1988, this is the 12th Yi Sang Literary Award short story collection, which presents the winning and title story “Red Room” by Lim Cheolwoo, as well as the co-winning story, “A Traveler at the Beachside” by Han Seungwon. The collection also introduces six other stories, including “Dreaming Clock” by Mun Suntae, and “Self-Muttering” by Choi Suchol.

Translated Books2

  • Das rote Zimmer
    German(Deutsch) Book Available
    Das rote Zimmer
    Lim Chulwoo et al / Lim Chul-Woo / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story
  • La habitación roja y otros cuentos
    Spanish(Español) Book Available
    La habitación roja y otros cuentos
    Lim Chulwoo et al / Im Chul-Woo / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 20th century > Short Story