Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

3 results
  • Allegory of survival
    Allegory of survival
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kang Baek Lee et al / 이강백 / 2007 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

    In the civil and government upheaval of the 1960s and 1970s in Korea, Kang-baek Lee began his distinguished playwriting career. He is perhaps best known as the premier writer of social commentary in the form of allegories in an effort to circumvent extremely strict censorship laws which were heavily enforced until 1989. However, Lee is not just an allegorist. He weaves Confucianism values throughout his works: affection between fathers and sons; justice; relationships between husbands and wives; deference to the elders; and trust. Through over forty works, Kang-baek Lee has played and continues to play a formidable role in South Korean theatre, but Western appreciation for his works has been limited to Europe. This present anthology introduces to an English-reading audience a playwright whose dedication to the truth could not be squashed by government censorship and whose imagination paved the path for many younger playwrights now at the forefront of South Korean theatre. This book provides insights into Kang-baek Lee as a person and the magnitude of his impact on Korean culture.

    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kang Baek Lee et al / 이강백 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

  • Chaos et ordre dans un musée, Bijou et femme (TOME II)
    Chaos et ordre dans un musée, Bijou et femme (TOME II)

    Kang Baek Lee et al / 이강백 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Complete Collection > Library > Complete Collection (individual)

    LEE Kang-Baek est l'un des dramaturges coréens les plus célèbres de son pays. Les cinq pièces réunies ici en deux tomes font partie des premières que LEE Kang-Baek a écrites dans les années soixante-dix. Les thèmes chers à l'auteur y apparaissent déjà : un intérêt tout particulier pour la situation politique et sociale ainsi que la recherche de la vérité derrière l'apparence. Ayant vécu sous un régime autoritaire - rappelons que la censure a existé jusqu'au début des années 90 _ il a choisi dès le début le genre allégorique, le plus apte selon lui, à exprimer la dure réalité. source: