Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

37 results
  • Human Acts
    Human Acts
    English(English) E-Book Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Gwangju, South Korea, 1980. In the wake of a viciously suppressed student uprising, a boy searches for his friend's corpse, a consciousness searches for its abandoned body, and a brutalised country searches for a voice. In a sequence of interconnected chapters the victims and the bereaved encounter censorship, denial, forgiveness and the echoing agony of the original trauma.Human Acts is a universal book, utterly modern and profoundly timeless. Already a controversial bestseller and award-winning book in Korea, it confirms Han Kang as a writer of immense importance.   Source:

  • Celui qui revient
    Celui qui revient
    French(Français) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Mai 1980 : une junte militaire a pris le pouvoir en Corée du sud quelques mois plus tôt. Après une spectaculaire manifestation d'opposants à Séoul, la ville de Gwangju se mobilise à son tour. Face à la répression, elle se soulève, portée par le mouvement étudiant et syndical pour la démocratie. La répression menée par l'armée est féroce : les civils, la foule, la jeunesse deviennent des cibles. Dans la ville ensanglantée, un jeune garçon erre à la recherche de ses camarades. Dans une maison d'édition, une jeune femme travaille sur un texte censuré. Dans le présent, des rescapés se souviennent. Et toutes ces âmes tourmentées demandent à trouver la paix. Sur une trame historique encore douloureuse, dans Le style pur et éthéré empreint de bouddhisme qui lui est propre, la romancière Han Kang se positionne face la résurgence d'une certaine idéologie autoritaire et rend hommage aux martyrs de la démocratie coréenne.

  • Mensenwerk
    Dutch(Nederlands) Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Zuid-Korea, 1980. In de zuidelijke stad Gwangju vindt in de nasleep van de moord op de militaire dictator Park Chung Hee een studentenopstand plaats, die gevolgd wordt door brute represailles en een afkondiging van de krijgswet. Terwijl de veertienjarige Dong-ho tussen het almaar groter wordende aantal lichamen op zoek gaat naar zijn vriend Jeong-Dae, raakt hij verstrikt in omstandigheden die hij niet onder controle heeft en die uitmonden in een confrontatie met het leger.   Source:

  • 少年が来る
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea

    Han Kang et al / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century


  • Human Acts
    Human Acts
    English(English) Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    From the internationally bestselling author of THE VEGETARIAN, a “rare and astonishing” (The Observer) portrait of political unrest and the universal struggle for justice In the midst of a violent student uprising in South Korea, a young boy named Dong-ho is shockingly killed.   The story of this tragic episode unfolds in a sequence of interconnected chapters as the victims and the bereaved encounter suppression, denial, and the echoing agony of the massacre. From Dong-ho’s best friend who meets his own fateful end; to an editor struggling against censorship; to a prisoner and a factory worker, each suffering from traumatic memories; and to Dong-ho's own grief-stricken mother; and through their collective heartbreak and acts of hope is the tale of a brutalized people in search of a voice.   An award-winning, controversial bestseller, HUMAN ACTS is a timeless, pointillist portrait of an historic event with reverberations still being felt today, by turns tracing the harsh reality of oppression and the resounding, extraordinary poetry of humanity.   Source:

  • Human Acts
    Human Acts

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    From the internationally bestselling author of THE VEGETARIAN, a “rare and astonishing” (The Observer) portrait of political unrest and the universal struggle for justice In the midst of a violent student uprising in South Korea, a young boy named Dong-ho is shockingly killed. The story of this tragic episode unfolds in a sequence of interconnected chapters as the victims and the bereaved encounter suppression, denial, and the echoing agony of the massacre. From Dong-ho’s best friend who meets his own fateful end; to an editor struggling against censorship; to a prisoner and a factory worker, each suffering from traumatic memories; and to Dong-ho's own grief-stricken mother; and through their collective heartbreak and acts of hope is the tale of a brutalized people in search of a voice. An award-winning, controversial bestseller, HUMAN ACTS is a timeless, pointillist portrait of an historic event with reverberations still being felt today, by turns tracing the harsh reality of oppression and the resounding, extraordinary poetry of humanity. Source:

  • Levande och döda
    Levande och döda
    Swedish(Svenska) E-Book Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

  • Menschenwerk
    German(Deutsch) Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    "Ich kämpfe, jeden Tag. Ich kämpfe gegen die Schande, überlebt zu haben und immer noch am Leben zu sein. Ich kämpfe gegen die Tatsache, dass ich ein Mensch bin. Und Sie, ebenso ein Mensch wie ich, welche Antworten können Sie mir geben?" Ein Junge ist gestorben, und die Hinterbliebenen müssen weiterleben. Doch was ist ihnen ihr Leben noch wert? Han Kang beschreibt in ihrem neuen Roman, wie dehnbar die Grenzen menschlicher Leidensfähigkeit sind. Ein höchst mutiges Buch und ein brennender Aufruf gegen jede Art von Gewalt. Source:

  • Atti umani
    Atti umani
    Italian(Italiano) Funded by LTI Korea

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Una palestra comunale, decine di cadaveri che saturano l’aria di un «orribile tanfo putrido». Siamo a Gwangju, in Corea del Sud, nel maggio 1980: dopo il colpo di Stato di Chun Doo-hwan, in tutto il paese vige la legge marziale. Quando i militari hanno aperto il fuoco su un corteo di protesta è iniziata l’insurrezione, seguita da brutali rappresaglie; "Atti umani" è il coro polifonico dei vivi e dei morti di una carneficina mai veramente narrata in Occidente. Conosciamo il quindicenne Dong-ho, alla ricerca di un amico scomparso; Eun-sook, la redattrice che ha assaggiato il «rullo inchiostratore» della censura e i «sette schiaffi» di un interrogatorio; l’anonimo prigioniero che ha avuto la sfortuna di sopravvivere; la giovane operaia calpestata a sangue da un poliziotto in borghese. Dopo il massacro, ancora anni di carcere, sevizie, delazioni, dinieghi; al volgere del millennio stentate aperture, parziali ammissioni, tardive commemorazioni. Han Kang, con il terso, spietato lirismo della sua scrittura, scruta tante vite dilaniate, racconta oggi l’indicibile, le laceranti dissonanze di un passato che si voleva cancellato.   Source:

    Portuguese(Português) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Han Kang / 한강 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Em 1980, por toda a Coreia do Sul, os estudantes revoltaram-se contra o fecho de universidades e a falta de liberdade de expressão. Porém, na região de Gwangju, a repressão foi tão violenta que a população acabou por se juntar ao protesto, dando origem a um dos piores massacres na história do país. Os mortos e desaparecidos ainda estão, de resto, por contabilizar. Como lidar com a morte de alguém quando o seu corpo não aparece? Esta é a história de Dong-ho, um rapaz que não resistiu a seguir o melhor amigo até à manifestação, mas, quando ouviu os tiros, largou-lhe a mão, procurando-o agora entre os cadáveres de uma morgue improvisada. E é também a história dos que cruzaram o caminho de Dong-ho antes e depois dessa noite infame – os que caíram por terra desarmados e os que foram levados para a prisão e torturados; os que sobreviveram ao terror mas nunca mais conseguiram falar do assunto e os que, tantos anos passados, sabem, tal como Han Kang, que a história pode repetir-se a qualquer momento e que é preciso lembrar os atos brutais de que os humanos são capazes. Este é um romance universal e moderno sobre a batalha que os fracos travam contra os fortes na luta pela justiça.   Source: