Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

2 results
  • Poor Man's wife
    Poor Man's wife
    English(English) Available

    Eun Heekyung et al / 은희경 / 2012 / -

    As the story begins, our husband-narrator has just found his wife’s diary, and it reveals that she is extremely unhappy in her life, and has a fantasy life that includes at least one ‘lover’ and perhaps two. The narrator is at first perplexed by what he reads, but sets about to try to understand it the best he can. The best he can, however, is not very good. One of the amusing things about the story is the self-serving manner in which the husband interprets the diary, perhaps accurately identifying himself as an ‘existing’ lover in the diary, but certainly misinterpreting himself as a ‘dream lover’ who shows up later. Wherever he possibly can he inserts himself into his wife’s narrative and tries very hard to make himself the hero of it, despite what reality (as expressed both in the diary and in his descriptions of daily life reveal). This is paired with his stream of self-justifying excuses for his daily behavior towards his wife, which is basically to come home late, exceedingly drunk, flop into bed, wake up the next morning, go to work, and repeat the pattern endlessly.   Source:

  • 贫妻
    Chinese(简体) Available

    Hyun Jin-geon et al / 현진건 / 2010 / -

    妻子自嫁无名文人之后,渐渐当尽嫁妆来全力资助丈夫专心从事刨作。然,丈夫摆脱“无酬劳的读书和无价值的创作”之处境却遥遥无期。丈夫出于自卑屡怪贤惠的妻子。但是,终于有一天通过嫁给从事期货生意的丈夫后,常被打得鼻青脸肿的妻子姐姐的来访,夫妻二人重新摆正对生活的态度,寻回对生活前景的信心。   Source:贫妻-玄镇健/dp/B00336G0R0