바람이 분다, 가라
- Original Title
- 바람이 분다, 가라
- Title Romanization
- Barami bunda, gara
- Title Sub
- 한강 장편소설
- English Title (Printed)
- -
- Classification
KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century
- Author
- Han Kang
- Co-Author
- -
- Published Year
- 2010
- Publisher
- 문학과지성사
- 9788932020006
- Main Characters
- Lee Jeong-hui
- Subject/Theme
- The boundary between life and death, understanding of others, reconstructed memories
One day, a promising painter suddenly dies in a car accident, and the people around him set out to find out the truth about his mysterious death. Meanwhile, Jeong-hui learns about the hidden truths and maniacal desires of the people surrounding the deceased artist.
Translated Books1
French(Français) BookPARS, LE VENT SE LÈVE
Related Resources12 See More
German(Deutsch) Exhibition printout2005 Frankfurt Book Fair: Author Han Kang Introductory Booklet
English(English) DocumentFruits of Korean Fiction: Korean Short Stories and Novellas by Choe Jeong-hui
Spanish(Español) Exhibition printout2012 Guadalajara International Book Fair: Author Han Kang Introductory Booklet