风之画员Chinese(简体) Available
Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
一个是女扮男妆的绝世美女,一个是遗世独立的旷代逸才。一个是身世凄凉的落寞君王,三个与时代风潮格格不入的人尘世邂逅,惺惺相惜,爱慕有加,上演了惊天动地的画苑故事。韩国历史悬疑小说的巅峰之作,出版以来畅销百万册,读者惊呼:“李正明为韩国小说挽回了自尊!” 父亲无辜遭到杀害,自幼被人收养,苦难也无法遮蔽润福的天才光芒,然而她的才华却不为当世所容,只有亦师亦友的弘道懂得欣赏和爱护。他们受国王之托追查十年前的连锁杀人事件,随着调查的深入,国王和润福的身世之谜也渐渐浮出水面,纵然两位天才在世人的嫉妒目光里比翼齐飞,萌生出感人至深的灵魂之爱,怎奈前尘注定今生,他们的爱终究还是有因无果,留给历史无尽的感慨。 Source: http://www.ecnbooks.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=286521
風之畫師Chinese(简体) Available
Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
十年前,圖畫署兩大畫師離奇驟逝,一位是金弘道的恩師姜守桓,一位是金的知己徐征,兩案的調查當時都被草草了結。 十年後,大畫師金弘道與天才徒弟申潤福奉王命尋找十年前一幅秘繪的「思悼世子畫」,結果發現姜守桓與徐征各留下了一幅神秘的無臉肖像,而徐征的稚齡獨女更從此下落不明。從而牽引出隱藏了十年的離奇謀殺案,以及兩人亦師亦友、亦情人亦對手的微妙感情。 Source : http://www.books.com.tw/products/0010588493
LA REGOLA DEL QUADROItalian(Italiano) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
風の絵師 1 (宮廷絵師への道)Japanese(日本語)
Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
舞台は18世紀、李氏朝鮮。ふたりの天才絵師が宮廷にいた。 ひとりは宮廷絵師の候補生たちを指導する図画署生徒庁教授のキム・ホンド。もうひとりは型破りな絵ばかり描く図画署の問題児シン・ユンボク。ふたりが師と弟子として、またライバルとして交流を深めていくなか、キム・ホンドにときの国王正祖から命令が下る。十年前に起きた未解決の絵師殺人事件の真相を解明せよ、と。それはシン・ユンボクの人生をも変える謎解きの始まりだった――。 絵画に隠された謎に迫るふたりをまちかまえる陰謀とは。韓国でベストセラーになり、ドラマ化された歴史美術ミステリが待望の刊行! Source: https://www.amazon.co.jp
風の絵師 2 (運命の絵画対決)Japanese(日本語)
Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
異なる境遇に生きるふたりの天才絵師。 最後の絵画対決がもたらす運命とは―― 十年前の絵師殺人事件の調査に努めるキム・ホンド。一方、御真影を破いた罪で宮廷を追われたシン・ユンボクは、富豪キム・ジョニョンのお抱え絵師として働きはじめ、惹かれ合った琴妓チョンヒャンとの再会を果たす。しかし、絵師殺人事件の恐るべき真相は、ふたりの天才絵師をいやおうなく対決へと導いていく。絵画に隠された謎に迫るふたりをまつ真実とは? 韓国でベストセラーになり、ドラマ化された歴史美術ミステリが、ついに感動のクライマックスを迎える! Source: https://www.amazon.co.jp
Lee Jung-myung et al / 이정명 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
Painter of the WindEnglish(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Lee Jung-Myung / 이정명 / 2023 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Historical > Biographical > Political > Social
Painter of the Wind is a masterful novel that was adapted into a popular, award winning South Korean TV series. This gem of a book also delights readers with a rare collection of thirty-four colour paintings, including Shin Yun-bok’s Portrait of a Beauty and Kim Hong-do’s Wrestling. Set in the late eighteenth century during the Joseon Dynasty, Painter of the Wind is the story of renowned Korean court painter Shin Yun-bok as recounted by his teacher, confidant and friend—genius court painter Kim Hong-do. When Yun-bok experienced difficulties fitting into the Royal Academy of Painting, constrained by its traditions, Hong-do, who discovered Yun-bok’s inherent talent for painting, shielded him and did his utmost to retain him in the royal academy. Both Hong-do and Yun-bok were later expelled from the royal academy. However, King Jeongjo issued them a secret order: uncover the truth behind the deaths of senior court painter Kang Su-hang—who had painted the portrait of King Jeongjo’s father, Prince Sado—and Hong-do’s colleague, court painter Seo Jing, who died while probing into Su-hang’s death. As the duo dived deeper into the murders, they uncovered dark and shocking secrets. And unbeknownst to them, a peculiar relationship had slowly developed between them. Source : https://harriettpress.com/product/painterofthewind/
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