Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

11 results
  • Ten Thousand Lives
    Ten Thousand Lives
    English(English) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Born in 1933 in a small village in Korea's North Cholla Province, Ko Un grew up in a Japanese-controlled land that was soon to experience the horrors of the Korean War. He became a Buddhist monk in 1952 and began writing in the late 1950s. This is his major, ongoing work which began during his imprisonment with a determination to describe every person he had ever met. Maninbo, as it is known in Korea is now in its 20th volume and he has plans for five more before its completion. Collected here is a selection from the first 10 volumes.

    French(Français) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2008 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Les poèmes de Ko Un sont de courts récits coréens parfois ramassés comme des épitaphes, et qui font songer au beau cimetière de Lee Rivers. Ce sont des tableaux coréens, ou plutôt, puisque ce sont des écrits, ils sont pareils à des ekphrasis qui nous montrent, gravées dans le poème, mille et mille vies. Dix mille vies... Il n'y manque que celle de Ko Un ? Mais elle y est : non seulement dans les réponses que son interlocuteur lui fait donner à la fin de ce livre, mais la voilà diffractée, multipliée, dans les mille portraits qui sont comme des autoportraits. Par exemple ceux de Oh Yoon, " graveur populaire chef de file du mouvement d'art populaire coréen des années 80 ", ou celle de Kang Man Gil, " historien de gauche qui milite pour la réparation du passé " À l'appel de ces noms inconnus de nous, des paysages et des faits étrangers perdent leur étrangeté les choses de la vie, de la lutte, de la mort, ne sont pas exotiques. Que Ko Un me permette d'évoquer, pour un lecteur privé ici de sa " photo ", sa mince silhouette athlétique, la jeunesse de son allure, l'énergie de son rire, l'intensité de son expressivité pareille à une vie phréatique qui gagne le dehors à sa cause.   Source:

  • Tiotusen fotspår och andra dikter
    Tiotusen fotspår och andra dikter
    Swedish(Svenska) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2005 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Tiotusen fotspår är ett ännu inte avslutat diktverk som den sydkoreanske poeten Ko Un började skapa på 1970-talet. Här finns lyriska porträtt bland vilka Inja Han och Carola Hermelin har gjort ett urval för denna samling. Även att antal kortare dikter finns med.   Source:

  • Diez mil vidas
    Diez mil vidas
    Spanish(Español) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Por primera vez en español se presenta una amplia muestra de la poesía coreana contemporánea. Un cuerpo poético íntimamente vinculado a la naturaleza, cuyo predominio temático con la soledad, la meditación, la contemplación de los misterios de lo cotidiano y del mundo. Sobre Ko Un (1933) ha escrito Antonio Colinas: “Con una gran originalidad y sabiduría, la plabra poética de Ko Un resume mensajes esenciales de la tradición oriental y nos proporciona hoy un saber y un sentir de todos y para todos.” Source:  

    Russian(Русский) Book Available

    Ko Un et al / 고은 / 2010 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Книга предназначена для широкого круга читателей

  • Dziesięć tysięcy istnień
    Dziesięć tysięcy istnień
    Polish(Polski) Book Available

    Ko Un et al / 고은 / 2012 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Najbardziej imponujacym dokonaniem Ko Una, poludniowokoreanskiego poety, powiesciopisarza i eseisty jest liczacy 30 tomów cykl epickich wierszy Maninbo (Dziesiec tysiecy istnien), oglaszany w latach 1986-2010. Ko Un kresli w nim portrety i opowiada o losach ludzi, których napotkal badz o których slyszal. Portrety te - róznorodne, dramatyczne, zabawne - pozwalaja zanurzyc sie w historii jego kraju, ale tez medytacji nad czlowieczym losem, nad mechanizmami namietnosci i marzen, nieszczesc i cierpien. Obcujemy tu zawsze z konkretna postacia: wyplatajacym slomiane maty Szesciopalcym, slepa Pul-lye obmacywana przez sasiadów, wielkim mnichem Uisangiem czy karczmarka imieniem Ok-son. Ich losy - opisywane z uwaga, poczuciem humoru, przede wszystkim jednak z buddyjskim wspólczuciem dla wszystkich cierpiacych istot - tworza swoisty poetycki kosmos, pozbawiony odpowiedników w swiatowej literaturze. Source:

    Turkish(Türkçe) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    On Bin Can, Çağdaş kore şiirinin en önemli temsilcilerinden KO UN'un on bin canlının hayatını şiirsel bir biçimde ele alma çabasıdır. Şari, çocukluğundan başlayarak yakın çervesinde görüp gözlemdeiklerinş; her sosyal çevreden insanın hayatı etrafındaki hakikatlerle bağdaştırarak evrensel bir temanın etrafında odaklanır: Var olma gereği. Bunu ele alırken, tarih olma şimdiki zamana taşıma gayretini gösterir. Source:

  • Vạn đời người
    Vạn đời người
    Vietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

  • Deset tisíc životů
    Deset tisíc životů
    Czech(Český Jazyk) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2013 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Básně současného korejského básníka. Ko Un (nar. 1933 v Koreji) je autor velice rozsáhlého básnického díla a jedinečná osobnost světové literatury. Tento nejznámější korejský básník současnosti mnoho let putoval po Koreji jako buddhistický žebravý mnich, poté bojoval za lidská práva, byl čtyřikrát vězněn. V posledních letech je považován za „prominentního básníka“ vzhledem k blízkému vztahu k nejvyšším politickým představitelům, i když mnozí jeho život považují za rozháraný. Tato sbírka je výběrem básní z prvních deseti dílů dosud neuzavřeného Ko Unova opusu magnum Maninbo (Záznamy deseti tisíců životů), které začal psát v roce 1985. Dnes má přes třicet dílů a autor v něm zaznamenává osoby, s nimiž se na své životní pouti turbulentním 20. stoletím setkal.   Source:íc-životů-Ko-Un/9788074360329

  • Maninbo
    English(English) Book Available

    KO UN / 고은 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Poetry > 21st century poetry

    Ko Un has long been a living legend in Korea, both as a poet and as a person. Allen Ginsberg once wrote, 'Ko Un is a magnificent poet, combination of Buddhist cognoscente, passionate political libertarian, and naturalist historian.' Maninbo (Ten Thousand Lives) is the title of a remarkable collection of poems by Ko Un, filling thirty volumes, a total of 4001 poems containing the names of 5600 people, which took 30 years to complete. Ko Un first conceived the idea while confined in a solitary cell upon his arrest in May 1980, the first volumes appeared in 1986, and the project was completed 25 years after publication began, in 2010. Unsure whether he might be executed or not, he found his mind filling with memories of the people he had met or heard of during his life. Finally, he made a vow that, if he were released from prison, he would write poems about each of them. In part this would be a means of rescuing from oblivion countless lives that would otherwise be lost, and also it would serve to offer a vision of the history of Korea as it has been lived by its entire population through the centuries. A selection from the first 10 volumes of Maninbo relating to Ko Un's village childhood was published in the US in 2006 by Green Integer under the title Ten Thousand Lives. This edition is a selection from volumes 11 to 20, with the last half of the book focused on the sufferings of the Korean people during the Korean War. Essentially narrative, each poem offers a brief glimpse of an individual's life. Some span an entire existence, some relate a brief moment. Some are celebrations of remarkable lives, others recall terrible events and inhuman beings. Some poems are humorous, others are dark commemorations of unthinkable incidents. They span the whole of Korean history, from earliest pre-history to the present time.   Source: