ГЪМОСИНХУАBulgarian(български) Available
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2003 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
金鳌新话Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2009 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
本书由朝鲜王朝初期著名诗人与小说家金时习(一四三五—一四九三)创作,小说集《金鳌新话》共收五篇小说,属于古代传奇体小说中的烟粉灵怪故事。情节缠绵悱恻,风格哀婉艳丽,在小说史上具有重要地位。而且,跟中国明朝的《剪灯新话》关系密切,是比较文学研究的宝贵材料。 Source: http://product.dangdang.com/20869203.html
Истории, записанные на горе Золотая ЧерепахаRussian(Русский) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2011 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
Содерж.: Истории, записанные на горе Золотая Черепаха / Ким Сисып. История юного Чжоу / Квон Пхиль. Несчастная любовь красавицы Ун±н / неизвестный автор. О том, как растревожил сердце осенний ветер / неизвестный автор
Contos da Tartaruga DouradaPortuguese(Português) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2017 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
O conjunto dos Contos da Tartaruga Dourada, escrito no século 15, é considerado o ponto fundador da prosa coreana. Conectadas por ideias sobre o amor romântico, a interação entre o mundo dos vivos e o dos mortos e comentários sobre política e religião, as histórias forneceram um modelo de romance que seria usado em séculos por vir. O livro, recheado de referências aos clássicos chineses, combina a prosa às poesias e canções, a literatura fantástica à filosofia, a erudição à sensualidade. A qualidade lírica das frases e a descrição sensível dos eventos rendem ao conjunto a sofisticação de um romance. source: amazon.com
Histoires merveilleuses du mont GeumoFrench(Français) Funded by LTI Korea
Kim Siseup / 김시습 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
Kim Shi-seup (1435-1493) reste le modèle le plus représentatif de ces lettrés marginaux du Moyen Âge coréen, surnommés « gens du dehors ». Rebelles et individualistes, ces écrivains vivaient à l'écart des institutions, et la plupart de leurs oeuvres ont disparu. Pourtant, l'histoire a retenu le nom de ce moine vagabond pour ses textes, gorgés de culture classique philosophique, poétique ou religieuse, moyen d'épancher sa douleur dans les poèmes dont il parsème ses contes, et de prendre sa revanche, par le maniement de la satire, sur un pouvoir néoconfucéen qui l'ignore. Variés et très vivants, les cinq contes qui composent ce recueil sont imprégnés de fantastique, qu'il s'agisse d'un amour avec une femme fantôme, d'un dialogue pied à pied avec le dieu de la Mort, ou d'une fête savoureuse au Palais du Roi Dragon du fond des mers... Source : https://www.culture.leclerc/livre-u/litterature-u/lettres-essais-litteraires-u/essais-litteraires-u/histoires-merveilleuses-du-mont-gueumo--contes-anciens-9782849529553-pr
Tales of the strange by a Korean Confucian monk = Kŭmo sinhwa by Kim SisŭpEnglish(English) Available
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
One of the most important and celebrated works of premodern Korean prose fiction, Kŭmo sinhwa (New Tales of the Golden Turtle) is a collection of five tales of the strange artfully written in literary Chinese by Kim Sisŭp (1435–1493). Kim was a major intellectual and poet of the early Chosŏn dynasty (1392–1897), and this book is widely recognized as marking the beginning of classical fiction in Korea. The present volume features an extensive study of Kim and the Kŭmo sinhwa, followed by a copiously annotated, complete English translation of the tales from the oldest extant edition. The translation captures the vivaciousness of the original, while the annotations reveal the work’s complexity, unraveling the deep and diverse intertextual connections between the Kŭmo sinhwa and preceding works of Chinese and Korean literature and philosophy. The Kŭmo sinhwa can thus be read and appreciated as a hybrid work that is both distinctly Korean and Sino-centric East Asian. A translator’s introduction discusses this hybridity in detail, as well as the unusual life and tumultuous times of Kim Sisŭp; the Kŭmo sinhwa’s creation and its translation and transformation in early modern Japan and twentieth-century (especially North) Korea and beyond; and its characteristics as a work of dissent. Tales of the Strange by a Korean Confucian Monk will be welcomed by Korean and East Asian studies scholars and students, yet the body of the work—stories of strange affairs, fantastic realms, seductive ghosts, and majestic but eerie beings from the netherworld—will be enjoyed by academics and non-specialist readers alike. Source : https://uhpress.hawaii.edu/title/tales-of-the-strange-by-a-korean-confucian-monk-kumo-sinhwa-by-kim-sisup/
Vyprávění z hory KumoCzech(Český Jazyk)
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 1973 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
Новые рассказы, услышанные на горе Золотой ЧерепахиRussian(Русский)
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 1972 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
KIM NGAO TÂN THOAIVietnamese(Tiếng Việt) Funded by LTI Korea
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2004 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
Nội dung: cuốn sách gồm 5 bài 1. Vạn phúc tự hu bồ ký (Cuộc chơi hu bồ trong chùa Vạn phúc) 2. Lý sinh khuy tường truyện (Truyện lý sinh ngó trộm qua tường) 3. Tuý du phù bích đình ký (Say rượu tới chơi đình Phù Bích) 4. Nam viêm phù châu chí (Câu chuyện ở châu Viêm Phù Phương Nam) 5. Long cung phó yến lục (Truyện đi dự yến tiệc ở Long cung)
Nuevos cuentos del Monte GeumoSpanish(Español) Funded by LTI Korea Available
Kim Siseup et al / 김시습 / 2020 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > Joseon Dynasty
Lo sobrenatural, el inframundo, los sueños perturbadores y los fantasmas de seres amados habitan el fino entramado de las cinco historias de este libro estremecedor e inquietante. Nuevos cuentos del Monte Geumo data del siglo XV y es considerada uan de las primeras obras de ficción coreana que perfecciono las convenciones de la novela jeoni (fantasía), un genero de la literatura clásica de la China Tang. De manera magistral, el escritor coreano Kim Si\-seup combina en estos relatos el lirismo y la narrativa que poseen como telón de fondo las tradiciones orales transmitidas de generación en generación de su país. Nuevos cuentos del Monte Geumo es ya una de las obras emblemáticas de la literatura coreana y en donde el lector podrá sumergirse en un mundo imaginario tan desconcertante como entrañable, al poner relieve aquello que, afortunadamente, nos sigue conmoviendo a lo largo de los siglos. Source : https://www.amazon.co.uk/Nuevos-cuentos-Monte-Geumo-Spanish/dp/6078532758/ref=sr_1_1?dchild=1&qid=1628666990&refinements=p_27:Kim Si-Seup&s=books&sr=1-1
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