Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

69 results
  • Hefte für Ostasiatische Literatur (41. Der Junge)
    Hefte für Ostasiatische Literatur (41. Der Junge)

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2006 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Reportage > Misc.

  • Kong's Garden
    Kong's Garden
    English(English) Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    This "K-Fiction" Series represents the brightest of young imaginative voices in contemporary Korean fiction. Each issue consists of a wide range of outstanding contemporary Korean short stories that the editorial board of Asia carefully selects each season. These stories are then translated by professional Korean literature translators, all of whom take special care to faithfully convey the pieces' original tones and grace. We hope that, each and every season, these exceptional young Korean voices will delight and challenge all of you, our treasured readers both here and abroad.   Source:

  • séoul/port-au-prince
    French(Français) Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 et al / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Reportage > Misc.

  • 文藝 2016 秋
    文藝 2016 秋
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2016 / -

  • 一百个影子
    Chinese(简体) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2016 / -

  • One Hundred Shadows
    One Hundred Shadows
    English(English) E-Book

    Hwang Jungeun / 황정은 / 2016 / -

    An oblique, hard-edged novel tinged with offbeat fantasy, One Hundred Shadows is set in a slum electronics market in central Seoul – an area earmarked for demolition in a city better known for its shiny skyscrapers and slick pop videos. Here, the awkward, tentative relationship between Eungyo and Mujae, who both dropped out of formal education to work as repair-shop assistants, is made yet more uncertain by their economic circumstances, while their matter-of-fact discussion of a strange recent development – the shadows of the slum’s inhabitants have started to ‘rise’ – leaves the reader to make up their own mind as to the nature of this shape-shifting tale.   Hwang’s spare prose is illuminated by arresting images, quirky dialogue and moments of great lyricism, crafting a deeply affecting novel of perfectly calibrated emotional restraint. Known for her interest in social minorities, Hwang eschews the dreary realism usually employed for such issues, without her social criticism being any less keen. As well as an important contribution to contemporary working-class literature, One Hundred Shadows depicts the little-known underside of a society which can be viciously superficial, complicating the shiny, ultra-modern face which South Korea presents to the world.   Source:

  • 誰でもない
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2018 / -

    それが必要だった。すべてのものが消えてゆくこのときに。暗闇を水平線で分ける明かりのようなものが―喪失、暴力、孤独、格差、貧困…“今”をかろうじて生きる人々の切なく、まがまがしいまでの日常を、圧倒的な筆致で描いた8つの物語。いま最も期待される韓国文学の“新しい顔”ファン・ジョンウン、待望の初邦訳。   Source URL :

  • 野蛮なアリスさん
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2018 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    私はアリシア。女装ホームレスとして四つ角に立っている。ソウル郊外に建設される、大規模マンションを巡り加熱する人々の欲望―凶暴な母と年老いた父、そして沢山の食用犬と暮らす少年アリシアのたったひとりの戦い。数々の賞を総なめにする最前線の女性作家が強烈なイメージで描く怒りと敗北、無垢な祈りの物語。暴力の心臓を描く傑作!   Source URL :野蛮なアリスさん-ファン・ジョンウン/dp/4309207405

  • 文藝 2018 秋
    文藝 2018 秋
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Hwang Jungeun et al / 황정은 / 2018 / -

    【長篇一挙掲載】笙野頼子【小説】辻原登/松浦理英子/佐々木譲/藤代泉/藤田貴大/ミヤギフトシ他【新連載・短期集中連載】李龍徳/羽田圭介/橋本治/長野まゆみ Source :

  • 娘について
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kim Hye-jin et al / 김혜진 / 2019 / -

    私の育て方が悪かったんですよね   「普通」の幸せに背を向ける娘にいらだつ「私」。 ありのままの自分を認めてと訴える「娘」と、その「彼女」。 ひりひりするような三人の共同生活に、やがて、いくつかの事件が起こる。   韓国文学の新シリーズ「となりの国のものがたり」第2弾!!   Source URL :