Translated Books

We continually collect and provide bibliographic information on overseas publications of Korean literature (translated into over 48 languages).

45 results
  • At Least We Can Apologize
    At Least We Can Apologize
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2013 / -

    This story focuses on an agency whose only purpose is to offer apologies--for a fee--on behalf of its clients. This seemingly insignificant service leads us into an examination of sin, guilt, and the often irrational demands of society. A kaleidoscope of minor nuisances and major grievances, this novel heralds a new comic voice in Korean letters.   Source :

  • So Far, and Yet So Near
    So Far, and Yet So Near
    English(English) Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2014 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    Asia Publishers presents some of the very best modern Korean literature to readers worldwide through its new Korean literature series . We are proud and happy to offer it in the most authoritative translation by renowned translators of Korean literature. We hope that this series helps to build solid bridges between citizens of the world and Koreans through a rich in-depth understanding of Korea. After I saw that entry, I began to vaguely wonder if maybe Uncle hadn't abandoned the Pride in front of our house. That maybe, he was returning it. At that time, Grandmother was definitely living with us so maybe, just maybe... But that thought sometimes brought with it slightly more frightening thoughts and it wasn't just me, but Grandmother who thought them too. Whenever Grandmother saw the Pride she'd ask me, "Hey, hey. The car isn't dead, right?" And whenever Grandmother asked me this I'd tell her that the real problem was that it was still running too well. "Hey, hey. Make sure you take good care of it, okay? Make sure you keep it well fed until your uncle gets back." As she said this, she'd hand me a crumpled 10,000 won bill. I took the money from her and asked, "What about me? You'll give the car allowance but not your own grandson?"Grandmother never replied.   Source:

  • Kwon Sun-chan and Nice People
    Kwon Sun-chan and Nice People

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2015 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)

    SORA KIM-RUSSELL et al / 김소라 et al / 2016 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • Măcar ne pricepem la scuze
    Măcar ne pricepem la scuze
    Romanian(Română) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2017 / -

    Măcar ne pricepem la scuze (2009) spune povestea prieteniei legate între doi băieți într‑un loc improbabil: un ospiciu de nebuni. Trecerea bruscă de la universul închis și violent al ospiciului la lumea liberă le dă celor doi ideea unei afaceri bazate pe singurul lucru la care se pricep: să‑și asume vinile celorlalți și să se scuze în numele lor. Se ajunge astfel la o serie de situații grotești și absurde relatate de unul dintre ei, cu modul lui unic de a vedea lumea.     Source:

  • ヒョンナムオッパへ
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Cho Nam-ju et al / 조남주 et al / 2019 / -

    『82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン』の著者による表題作を収録! 「ヒョンナムオッパへ」の主人公は、ヒョンナムに恋をし、精神的に支配されながら、それが暴力であるということにも気づいていない。あとからそれに気づくという小説を書きたかった。 ――チョ・ナムジュ 嫁だからという理由で、妻だからという理由で、母だからという理由で、娘だからという理由で受けてよい苦痛はない。ただ女だからという理由だけで苦しめられてよい理由などない。 流さなくていい涙を流さなくてすむ世の中を夢見ている。 ――チェ・ウニョン #Me Too運動の火付け役ともなった『82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン』(チョ・ナムジュ著)が韓国で100万部以上の売り上げを突破し、大きな話題を呼んでいる。本書は韓国でその人気を受けて刊行された、若手実力派女性作家たちによる、初の書き下ろしフェミニズム小説集の邦訳である。 チョ・ナムジュによる表題作「ヒョンナムオッパへ」の主人公は、地方出身の女子。ソウルの大学に進学して、先輩のヒョンナムに恋をし、彼に守られて10年以上青春期を過ごすが、実際には何もかも彼に操作されていたと気づき……。『82年生まれ、キム・ジヨン』では、女性として生きる上で直面する様々な困難や疑問が提示されたが、本作では実際に行動を起こすところまで踏み込んでいる。 ほかに、母親との葛藤を抱えた女性の主人公が、弟の結婚を契機に母との関係、女性としての生き方に思いを巡らす「あなたの平和」、受験を控えた中学生の息子と小学生の娘の問題に悩む専業主婦の複雑な感情に光を当てた「更年」など、各篇に描かれている事例は、日本の各世代の女性たちの共感を呼ぶ。 また、韓国の男性社会の暴力性への違和感を、都市空間への違和感として象徴的に描いた「すべてを元の位置へ」や、ハードボイルドの男女の役割を入れ替えたサスペンス仕立ての「異邦人」、宇宙空間での出産をテーマに、女性のクローン人間と雌犬とロボットの心温まる交流を描いた「火星の子」など、フェミニズムへの多彩なアプローチを楽しめる。   Source :

  • AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    AZALEA (Journal of Korean Literature & Culture)
    English(English) Available

    Kim Kyung-uk et al / 김경욱 et al / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Periodical

  • 誰にでも親切な教会のお兄さんカン・ミノ
    Japanese(日本語) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Lee Kiho et al / 이기호 / 2020 / -

    ネット古書店でエゴサをしていたら、サイン入り自作が売りに出されていることに気づいた作家「イ・ギホ」。しかも他の作家の本より格安、酷評のコメント付きだった。悶々として眠れぬ彼は、出品者に直接会おうとはるばるでかけるのだが…。(「チェ・ミジンはどこへ」)。「あるべき正しい姿」と「現実の自分」のはざまで揺れ、引き裂かれるふつうの人々を、ユーモアと限りない愛情とともに描く傑作物語集。   Source:

  • Demons
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Kang hwa gil et al / 강화길 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century > Short Story

    Set in a small rural village, seemingly everyday events take on a macabre meaning. We follow Kim Miyoung, a relatively new villager and the local primary school teacher, as she is slowly overcome by anxiety, with her daughter at the vulnerable young age of three, a difficult group of schoolboys under her wing and her mother-in-law trying to drag her into house-of-cards village politics. To top it all, she finds herself plagued by the idea of 'son': folklore spirits out to make peoples lives miserable. As the village gathers for the annual meju-making day, amid all the hubbub, Miyoung loses sight of her daughter Mina. Despite her cries for help, no one joins her to look for Mina, everyone seems to be against her.  New from Strangers Press, the people who brought you Keshiki, comes their next exciting global collaboration Yeoyu new writing from Korea, a series of eight exquisitely designed chapbooks showcasing some of the best writers writing in Korean today, translated by a team of hugely talented expert translators from across the globe. The series features work from famous names such as Han Kang alongside relative newcomers to an English audience and was selected in collaboration with translation trailblazer and Man Booker International Prize winner, Deborah Smith.   Source :

  • Five Preludes & A Fugue
    Five Preludes & A Fugue
    English(English) Funded by LTI Korea Available

    Cheon Hee-rahn / 천희란 / 2019 / KDC구분 > literature > Korean Literature > Korean Fiction > 21st century

    A young woman delves into the circumstances of her mothers death ahead of her own marriage, interrogating a woman who witnessed her mothers death and would later come to play a crucial role in her life. An exploration of the human (in)capacity for (self-)deception and knowledge, the story offers a nuanced portrait of contemporary (Korean) social mores. As with all Cheons work to date this beautifully crafted story places women at its core, and explores form and genre (in this case epistolatory) while subtly weaving into the text a deep interrogation of social issues.  New from Strangers Press, the people who brought you Keshiki, comes their next exciting global collaboration Yeoyu new writing from Korea, a series of eight exquisitely designed chapbooks showcasing some of the best writers writing in Korean today, translated by a team of hugely talented expert translators from across the globe. The series features work from famous names such as Han Kang alongside relative newcomers to an English audience and was selected in collaboration with translation trailblazer and Man BookerInternational Prize winner, Deborah Smith   Source :